Tag Archives: paige shelton

Brief linkity of brevity

Reading Update
The Left-Handed Booksellers of LondonThe Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix. Very good urban fantasy about a young woman who goes to London for art school, but things get very, very weird before she even attends a class.
Slouch Witch (The Lazy Girl's Guide to Magic, #1)Slouch Witch, Star Witch, Spirit Witch, Sparkle Witch (The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Magic 1-4) by Helen Harper. The first one was the best – unfortunately, in each subsequent book, Ivy seemed more and more like a caricature than a character.
Crimes Against Magic (Hellequin Chronicles, #1)Crimes Against Magic, Born of Hatred, Infamous Reign, With Silent Screams, Prison of Hope (Hellequin Chronicles 1-4) by Steve McHugh. Pretty good series about a private investigator/sorceror who woke up tabula rasa a decade ago. Will his slowly returning memory save him from his forgotten past?
The Stolen Letter: A Scottish Bookshop MysteryThe Stolen Letter (Scottish Bookshop Mystery 5) by Paige Shelton. Note to self – don’t bother continuing this series.
Justice Calling (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress, #1)Justice Calling, Murder of Crows, Pack of Lies, Hunting Season, Heartache, Thicker than Blood, Magic to the Bone, Dungeon Crawl, River of No Return (Twenty-Sided Sorceress 1-9) by Annie Bellet. Good series about a sorceress who runs a comic book shop in a small Idaho town with an awful lot of shifters in it. She’s trying to lay low and escape the notice of her evil ex (a sorcerer)…

*ignoring me with great focus* -Mayhem

(Mayhem definitely misses Chaos, but I just can’t go there in these photo captions.)

Lackluster linkity titles abundantly abound


Think, Do, Learn, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Typewriter: A Celebration of the Ultimate Writing Machine by Paul Robert & Peter Weil. Really interesting look at the early days of the typewriter, focusing on the amazing number of typewriter-related patents granted and the equally amazing number of typewriter companies that went bankrupt.
Soft Summer Blood (DI Liam McClusky #4) by Peter Helton. Cranky about how the book ended. And if this is how the series ends… Hmph.
Known Devil (Occult Crimes Unit Investigation #3) by Justin Gustainis. Ok paranormal thriller about a cop and his vampire partner trying to figure out what’s happening with a vampire mobster gang war.
The Eidolon by Libby McGugan. Good scifi suspense about research scientist whose project is suddenly and inexplicably shut down, right before he’s approached by a very mysterious figure with a job offer that seems too good to be true.
The Cracked Spine, Of Books and Bagpipes, A Christmas Tartan, and Lost Books and Old Bones (Scottish Bookshop Mysteries 1, 2, 2.5, & 3) by Paige Shelton. Pretty good mystery series about an American archivist who moves to Edinburgh to work in a very unusual bookstore. I’m having a bit of trouble suspending my disbelief at the amateur sleuth angle in this series and am concerned about spraining an eyeball from all the eye rolling I’ve been doing.

“I’ve been looking and looking, but I just don’t see this ‘typewriter case’ you keep mentioning, Mom. It’s a mystery, I guess.” -Mayhem

In which linkity is surprised by fall’s abrupt arrival


Do, Make, Learn, Think


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty




Teh Cute

Reading Update
The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist’s Guide for the 21st Century by Richard Polt. Excellent look at typewriter history, pluses and minuses of various vintage typewriters you might be interested in, and the place of typewriters in today’s world. At times, the revolution/insurgency metaphor was a bit wearying, but it ultimately didn’t detract from how interesting and useful I found this book to be. Be warned, however, that this book might make you crave your own typewriter – I bought two during the two weeks I was reading it…
To Helvetica and Back (Dangerous Type #1) by Paige Shelton. Good cozyish mystery set in a typewriter repair/book restoration/print shop in a fictitious Utah ski town modeled after Park City.
Bookman Dead Style (Dangerous Type #2) by Paige Shelton. Good continuation of this mystery series about a typewriter repair/book restoration/print shop in a fictitious Utah ski town.
Comic Sans Murder (Dangerous Type #3) by Paige Shelton. Another good addition to this series – this is the most recent book in the series. Hopefully it continues for at least a few more books.
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. I rate poetry based on how much it speaks to me – how much I can relate to it…
Rainstone Fall (Chris Honeysett #3) by Peter Helton. Ok mystery about an artist/private investigator in Bath. I’ve read a lot of mysteries in a very short time and they’re blurring together, but I think this one was first person and I just couldn’t relate to the POV character (even though his name was also Chris, lol).
Falling More Slowly, Four Below, and A Good Way To Go (Detective Inspector Liam McClusky 1-3) by Peter Helton. Pretty good mystery series about a hot mess of a DI who’s new to Bristol. I must say, the author makes Bristol sound like hell on earth. O.O

“I don’t have any idea what typewriter case you’re talking about, Mom.” -Mayhem