Category Archives: Linkity linkity link

Linkity would like to live in less interesting times

Mayhem did not agree to be photographed.

Is Harry sleepy or crabby? Hmm.

Intense Polly is intense!

Linkity appreciates a week with only one set of deadly stairs!

The Lady Miss Princess Mayhem has advanced kidney disease, but is doing well so far!

Polly sees a bird!

Harry – yawning or yelling?!

Linkity is aghast

The Lady Miss Princess Mayhem deliberately not making eye contact.

Intense Polly!

Harry blep.

Linkity is trying not to succumb to despair

Mayhem and Harry on my lap.

Harry, whose newest hobby is stealing the screw covers off the trim in the bathroom. My newest hobby is gluing down screw covers.

Polly, feeling a bit sassy and annoyed. It’s tough being her!

First real linkity of 2025

Mayhem, feeling a bit crowded by Harry.

Sleepy Harry on the cat tree.

Polly, very focused.

Last linkity of 2024

Harry and Mayhem on my lap.

Polly upside-side down cake!

Nice side-eye from Harry.

Linkity from the land of snow and ice

Harry, looking sinister.

Polly, looking serious.

Socks I knit for myself ages ago, but just wove in the ends this week. The yarn is from Tall Pine Yarn and the color is better in the link! My phone camera hates fluorescent colors.

Linkity still in shock that it’s December already

New releases: Smart Bitches (romance, queer romance), Book Riot (YA, best out this week)

Linkity from Smart Bitches.

On Edmund and the Turkish delight.

“Ok what next” (the looming edition).

On Harris tweed.

Knitting is the perfect stim.

Scientists built a tiny DNA ‘hand’ that grabs viruses to stop infections“.

Hot cocoa marshmallow sandwich cookies.

Nice MCM.

Decent late MCM, but there’s a living area that desperately needs a railing.

Extremely funky late MCM.

Time capsule late MCM with all the worst bits of the era remaining.

Lovely little houseboat.

I can’t even imagine what this would cost in the Bay area.

Cool, if a bit too ornate for me.

Really nice late Victorian, but the new owner is going to have to refinish all the floors before moving in.

Is it just me, or does this house seem to be having some sort of identity crisis?

Has the most oversized bedroom and a funky tropical bathroom that doesn’t really go with the rest of the place.

I like the house, but the attached bar and restaurant – not so much.

Over the top.

Off the grid earthship.

Don’t think I’ve seen a fish tank like that before. There’s probably a reason for that.

No partially submerged bedrooms for me, thanks.

Converted church comes with its own cemetery.



Not the worst we’ve seen.

Perhaps not.

Snuggling siblings. (Love the air of faint menace Harry’s managing there.)

What does Polly see outside?!

Harry on the couch, wearing his skully bow tie.


Linkity guesses it’s MCM Week here

Harry cares deeply about all our silly problems.

Polly, asleep on my arm.

Linkity’s not sure there’s much to give thanks for in the US right now

No post next week, due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. Be well, everyone!

Harry and his skully bow tie.

Polly and her Ears of Annoyance.