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Reading  Update
Posted To Death (Simon Kirby-Jones Mystery, Book 1) by Dean James. This was a delightful and slightly twisted version of the British village cozy mystery, because Simon is a gay vampire (he can be out in sunlight and doesn’t need to drink blood, as long as he takes his medication) and well-known historian (who secretly writes romances and mysteries under several pseudonyms). Definitely recommended if you enjoy mysteries with a bit of snark and a complicated cast of suspects. (Also, for the wary, I would give this book a no-pepper heat rating – a very safe read.)
The Dickens With Love by Josh Lanyon. ebook. Very well-done holiday-themed m/m romance about a disgraced book hunter reduced to working for shady and unpleasant clients, one of whom has charged him to secretively and preemptively purchase a newly discovered Dickens’ Christmas story before it goes to auction.
Carol of the Bellskis by Astrid Amara. ebook. Another very well-done holiday-themed m/m romance (Hanukkah this time) about a paralegal who breaks up with his boyfriend (also his boss) because his closeted boss is backing out of their vacation plans. The paralegal heads off on vacation to his aunt and uncle’s kosher B&B alone… and finds himself taking care of all the guests, with his aunt and uncle nowhere to be found.
Falling by Cassandra Gold. ebook short. I really enjoyed this m/m short about a guy who gets accidentally knocked down the stairs at his apartment building and is taken to the hospital by his sexy firefighter neighbor.
Force of Law by Jez Morrow. ebook. Good m/m romance about a mechanic who believes he’s being used by his ex’s billionaire cousin for revenge. For the first third of this, I wasn’t sure I was going to keep reading, because the power dynamics were making me really uncomfortable. Things turned around after that, fortunately.
Melting the Slopes by Ethan Day, William Maltese, and Jason Edding. ebook collection. No surprise that there was at least some skiing in each of these tales of m/m romance, based on the title, huh? Ethan Day’s humorous romance “Snow Ho” was my favorite of the three stories, followed by the romantic suspense of William Maltese’s “Bottom’s Up”.
Let It Snow! by Michael Barnette. ebook. Kinda meh m/m romance – it actually was mostly ok for a while (bit of awkward language, etc, but not too bad), but then the story basically stopped, jumped to the epilogue, and everything was tied up in a nice tidy bow. *blink blink*
The Sound of Cicadas by Tory Temple. ebook short. Decent m/m romance short about two guys who see each other for the first time in ten years at their high school reunion – will they be able to get past their hurt pride and misunderstandings?
The Chocolatier by Elizabeth Jewell. ebook. Sweet (sorry, couldn’t resist…) m/m romance about a guy who makes chocolates that are rumored to make people fall in love. So how comes he’s still single?
To Find and To Keep (Book 1) by Serena Yates. ebook. Well, I won’t be reading the second book… The writing in this m/m romance was awkward and stilted, and the two guys? Read more like chick lit heroines.
The Mask He Wears by Fae Sutherland & Marguerite Labbe. ebook. Ok m/m romance about a lawyer, who has a marriage of convenience, confessing his feelings for his male secretary and really making a mess of it.
Hearts Afire November by Pepper Espinoza & India Harper. ebook collection. Two ok m/m romances about firefighters. The first was about a firefighter who starts to hang out with a street musician whose firefighter father died in a fire. The second is about a firefighter/investigator who becomes involved with the insurance investigator assigned to a series of fires… the insurance investigator who’s a former arsonist. The ending of this one didn’t work so well for me – I thought someone was way too quick to forgive something pretty major.
Silver and Gold by Devon Rhodes. ebook short. Enjoyable holiday m/m romance about a guy in his 40s whose first love wants to get together with him, at the same time he meets a younger man he really clicks with.
Sutcliffe Cover by Ariel Tachna & Madeleine Urban. ebook. Ignore the cover, as there are no mustaches or cowboy hats in this enjoyable m/m romance about a guy who owns a stable and riding school and becomes friends with an accountant who starts taking lessons at the school. If you’re looking for an angst break, this might be it for you. (Is it just me, or does that face look photoshopped in?!)
The Elf and Shoemaker by M. L. Rhodes. ebook. Nicely done m/m fantasy romance about the owner of a new age shop who’s about to lose his business when help comes from a most unexpected source. (If you have a mysterious old mirror wrapped up and tucked away somewhere, I’d really recommend you get it out and hang it up!)
FU by Mia Watts. ebook. This one was for Kris’ m/m rut challenge. I generally don’t read multiple partner books because it just doesn’t make sense to me how it could ever work. In this steamy tale, Parker is mistakenly assigned to a male dorm at Fullerton University (FU f’s up) and things get… complicated while Housing tries to sort it out. Ultimately, things do get simple in the end (whew!), but along the way, part of the story does qualify this for Kris’ challenge. So, I confirmed for myself that, while it was a fun read (Mia always puts together a fun’n’steamy read), I’m still a prude when it comes to multiple partner books, especially in regards to the power dynamics. O_o (I received this book from the author because she’s nice like that.)
Matchmen, Ltd. by T. C. Blue. ebook. Good m/m romance about the employees of gay matchmaking agency, Matchmen, Ltd. The book is split into three parts, each of which follows a specific employee. Hmm. I guess, since one section in this book turned out to be multiple partner, it fulfills the m/m rut challenge, too, because I kept reading and didn’t skip it, as I am wont to do in such situations. (Damn, Kris says no. Hmph.)
Ryland’s Sacrifice by Kim Dare. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about a PhD student who desperately needs money for tuition and food, so allows himself to be “thrown” to a pride of werelions, with unexpected results. Although this might sound like a multiple partner book, it isn’t. (I received this book from the author because she’s nice like that, too.)
A mysterious book that I can’t talk about yet, but which was a darn good read. 🙂

“What? Why are you laughing at me?” -Chaos

29 thoughts on “Supercalifragilinkalicious”

  1. Thanks for the round up as always….

    I have checkout some of those link – and it’s surprising that in this day and age, there is still the misconception that ebooks are not a viable format of getting books out or some other silly reason why it cant compete with print…

    Like there should even be a reason…

    For your books – I have read a few… I did break down and read a few of those seasonal ones… Astrid books was one of the better ones…

    Lisabea Sarai – did a good one as well…

    Selena Yates – I actually read three books by her (she did a christmas one as well) – I had the same impression as yourself but I still read the second book… still not sure if I have recovered…

    I like sweet, but come on….

    I am adding the Morrow book to my list… and Kim Dare, I did like the last book I read – so I’ll give that a go as well…

    I passed on the Jewell book becasue of the chocolate body paint – hate covers like that…

    Do you know if Liquid Silver carried on with the Hearts Afire series – i did read about six of them… not bad, not great but I would recommend them…

    I really need to challenge myself to read those Lanyon books.. I did like that one though. I thought the little story he create around the extra book Dicken book was quite believable..

    I like that Rhodes book as well – she did a follow up with the main characters of this one making a fleeting appearance – I liked some of it – but it was too “drama-ish”, this one was better…

    .-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..Discussion Point: Series – When Do You Say Enough is Enough =-.

  2. Gosh someone’s been busy reading this week. It puts me to shame :).

    Out of those I’ve read, I pretty much agree with what you’ve said. All Serena Yates books are like being force fed syrup. Then again some people just love stuff like that.

    I must get around to reading Sutcliffe Cove.
    .-= Jenre´s last blog ..Comfort Zone =-.

  3. Do you read fanfic at all? I have, for the most part, lost a very good friend to fanfic, and that whole ‘world’ on the internet. It’s completely consumed her life and she’s not the same person I used to know. It’s been really strange.

  4. Oh wow… thanks for all the information! =)
    I love the kittie pics the most! Call me sucker for something that purrrsss… =)

    Hope all is well my friend! {{hugs to you}}

  5. What in god’s name did you feed that cat? Overdose of tuna or what? He (she?) looks totally stoned.

    I had to share that zombie link on Facebook. Too funny.

    I did get Falling yesterday or whenever I did that last shop. I enjoyed it as well.

    If you read Passion by ML Rhode it’s set in the same human world as Elf with the characters overlapping somewhat. I enjoyed it.

  6. It’s taking a long time to load the links from where I am currently nesting. Will have to revisit the exercise equipment add-ons when I get home, as the husband likes to work on his laptop while on the recumbent bike (although the son says if you can read while you’re exercising you’re not exercising right…).

    Mysterious book? Meanie.

    And poor Chaos.
    .-= wren´s last blog .. =-.

  7. Ooh, thanks for the linkies! 😀

    For me, the multiple partner thing is the same as erotica in general – if done well, I’m okay with it, but if not, I just laugh. The only difference is it’s harder (IMO) to do multiple partners well. The reasoning behind the choice usually falls flat to me.
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..WiP Strategy =-.

  8. The “addicted to technology” made me laugh, especially the question on the number of tabs I have open. I always have at least 6 tabs open on your link days.

    Sorry Chaos, but your picture made me LOL too!
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Surprise! It’s Snow! =-.

  9. Thanks for the interesting links. I loved the kitties.

    Looks like you had a great reading week. I’ve read a few of them and pretty agree with your thoughts.

  10. Have been reading all the links about ebooks and publishing today after having given lab meeting and frying my brain. Thanks for providing all the links!

    Chaos, my husband takes photos of me while I’m eating and sleeping, which always make me look stupid. What can we do to get your mom and Michael to be respectful photographers?

    Love the “commas save lives”!
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Things I’ve Got =-.

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