Tag Archives: linkity

In which linkity perhaps overcompensates for missing a few weeks…

Mayhem turned sweet 16 on May 27th!

Polly has a lot to tell me!

Mayhem looking out the window.

I got a Dyson fan/air purifier recently and the siblings found it puzzling.

You can almost see the question marks floating around Harry’s head!

Linkity is so ready for a long weekend

Mayhem in the midst of shaking her ears off of her head, apparently.

Harry sees a BIRD!

Polly is so stressed…

Linkity hail

Polly has been enjoying watching BIRDS out the windows.

Harry also enjoys looking out the windows at BIRDS.

But nobody’s letting spring get in the way of napping.

Thunderbolt and linkity, very very frightening!

Mayhem in her role of sock quality control.

Harry is so handsome! 😉

Polly thinking some deep thoughts, apparently.

Linkity can see spring is nearly here!

Mayhem drowsing in a rare bit of sunshine.

Polly loves her some sparkleballs!

Harry looking very winsome.

Lot going on in this one. Harry looking much less winsome (perhaps even sinister), with Polly sticking out her tongue in the background.

Spring is late laments linkity

“What?!” -Polly

Harry focused on me, Mayhem focused on an imaginary bug, probably.

Cats and socks and linkity, oh my!

Socks for my SIL’s birthday. Some sort of Regia with the DK Flatiron pattern.

MORE socks for my SIL’s birthday, plus Harry (not for her birthday). This was Opal with a R1: Knit, R2: K1, P1 pattern.

Not dead! Polly was purring away. 🙂

*thlurp* -Mayhem

Linkity’s just watching the snow fly by

Mayhem looking very action-packed!

Poor sleepy Harry…

One of Polly’s attempts to sit like a people.

Linkity longs for spring

Mayhem focused on something, looking very action-packed!

Snuggling siblings!

Linkity’s gotta whole lotta “WHA…?” going on

Reading Update
Every War Has Two Losers: William Stafford on Peace and War by William Stafford. This is probably best for fans of Stafford’s poetry. Until I read this, I had no idea the US had camps for conscientious objectors during World War II. Strangely, that was never mentioned in history class…

Polly sitting like a people.

*blep* -Harry

Sometimes Mayhem and Harry can just quietly co-exist, no squishing involved!