Ebook Giveaway: The Blue Moon Cafe by Rick R. Reed [CONTEST CLOSED]

Many thanks to Rick R. Reed for donating an ebook copy of his gay werewolf chiller, The Blue Moon Cafe, for one lucky reader to win! (Kept me on the edge of my chair at times – eep!)

Someone – or something – is killing Seattle’s gay men.

A creature moves through the darkest night, lit only by the full moon, taking them, one by one, from the rain city’s gay gathering areas.

Someone – or something – is falling in love with Thad Matthews.

Against a backdrop of horror and fear, young Thad finds his first true love in the most unlikely of places – a new Italian restaurant called The Blue Moon Cafe. Sam is everything Thad has ever dreamed of in a man: compassionate, giving, handsome, and with brown eyes Thad feels he could sink into…and he can cook! But as the pair’s love begins to grow, so do the questions and uncertainties, the main one being: Why do Sam’s unexplained disappearances always coincide with the full moon?

Prepare yourself for a unique blend of horror and erotic romance with The Blue Moon Cafe, written by the author Unzipped magazine called, “the Stephen King of gay horror.” You’re guaranteed an unforgettable reading experience, one that skillfully blends the hottest romance with the most chilling terror…

Excerpt (scroll down)


About Rick R. Reed

In their October 2006 issue, Unzipped magazine said: “You could call him the Stephen King of gay horror.” And Dark Scribe magazine said: “Reed is an established brand – perhaps the most reliable contemporary author for thrillers that cross over between the gay fiction market and speculative fiction.” To date, Reed has twelve published novels to his credit, and his short fiction has appeared in more than 20 anthologies. His novel, Orientation, won the EPPIE Award for best LGBT novel of 2008. He lives in Seattle, WA.

You can learn more about Rick and his books at his website and his blog.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, leave a comment stating that you are entering the contest. Contest closes 7 pm CDT, Tuesday, June 1.
  • If you haven’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesn’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only ritual dust bunny sacrifice will salvage your entry…
  • If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry – this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
  • Winners will be selected by random number.
  • You must leave a valid email address in the “Email” portion of the comment form.
  • Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from stumblingoverchaos.com!
  • If a winner doesn’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
  • If you win, please respect the author’s intellectual property and don’t make copies of the ebook for anyone else.
  • This contest is open worldwide!

*happykittyboxserenityzone* -Chaos

48 thoughts on “Ebook Giveaway: The Blue Moon Cafe by Rick R. Reed [CONTEST CLOSED]”

  1. I will never understand the love for boxes cats have. Never. Ever. As I type this, Atticus is squeezed into a box just a skooch too small for him. And lovin’ it.
    .-= Brigitte´s last blog ..WIPs Gone Wild! =-.

  2. Ohhh. Horror usually scares me absolutely silly, but it’s gay horror. Be brave, orannia, be brave. OK, I’m in please 🙂

    Chaos – I would like to introduce you too a book. My favourite book EVER! It’s called My Cat Likes To Hide In Boxes (Eve Sutton). An example:

    ‘The cat from Spain flew an aeroplane.
    The cat from France likes to sing and dance.
    But my cat likes to hide in boxes.’
    .-= orannia´s last blog ..Loyalty =-.

  3. We’re not allowed to have boxes open in the house anymore. Shelli has this warped idea that they’re all litterboxes and should be peed in. The same goes for laundry baskets and open drawers. *sigh*
    .-= Melanie´s last blog ..Knitting Frustration =-.

  4. Please enter me in this contest. I have a nightlight and security blanket at the ready.

  5. Whoa, you had me so confused for a sec, had to go and do a lil research! A guy i went to school with is Rick Reed, who also happens to live in seattle (across the water from me), he is also very creative, lol, but not an author or gay as far as i knew. Had to go peek at the facebook link to see if they were one and the same person, nope, different person, lol! Always so funny to think how many things are similar but not the same!
    .-= turtle´s last blog ..TGIF =-.

  6. The smaller the box the quicker a cat will climb in. Jack tried to make a kleenex box home over the weekend…he was a little large for it.

  7. I’m entering the contest. Rick R Reed is an exceptional talent. I greatly enjoyed IM,and Orientation was once of the best gay books I’ve ever read. I’d love to see Rick’s take on werewolves!
    .-= Jay Bell´s last blog ..Conan is a Cock Tease =-.

  8. I’m joining in to enter. With all of the empty boxes in my house a cat would be in playland.

  9. ANother Book Giveaway – from the first time we chatted and I purchased my first Rick R. Reed book, I’ve found you to be nothing but kind, considerate and generous with your words.
    Whether I win or don’t is not the ultimate goal here (I already have a signed copy thank you very much that I purchased) but spreading the good word about a great guy who writes very interesting and real books is what I’m doing. Thank you!

  10. Chaos, man you do look like a demon cat in that box. 😉 lol

    This book sounds really good Chris, please throw my name in the hat. Thanks for hosting again. 🙂

  11. Count me in, please!

    My cats love boxes and bags. Cat-the-Second isn’t very smart, and she gets her head stuck in small boxes every now and then. You’d think she’d learn after the first couple of times.
    .-= Eyre´s last blog ..Only His Heart by Shawn Lane =-.

  12. Chaos is looking mighty relaxed there and must not have read Rick’s book first. Or there would’ve been hiding in the box going on instead. I would love to read this book since you have me very excited about it’s creepy factor. I love these kinds of stories so I’m hoping I win.

  13. Entering the contest

    And all cats love boxes… mine especially like to sleep on them

  14. I’m entering the contest. Rick R. Reed is my favorite author, bar none, and I shamefully haven’t read BMC yet.

    My cat has assorted boxes all over the house. Not a bit spoiled, not my baby girl.

  15. Hey,

    Thanks Rick for Donating a book for one of us to win. YAY!

    Love to read good authors and werewolves are a bonus incentive to leave a comment here 😉

    Not sure what the cat in the box has to do with it; should be a wolf… heehee.

    btw… “Stumbling Over Chaos” Great name! I normally stumble INTO it!


  16. This book is already on my TBR list (I LOVE werewolves).. so count me in!

  17. What is it about a cat in a box that just makes you smile? My dad used to have a cat at his printshop, Pica, and Pica made sure she sat on/in every box that came in or went out of the place. All of the customers knew their printing would come with a little Pica fur. The whole town mourned when she died, at age 21.
    .-= Rebekah´s last blog ..Border Stories =-.

  18. and yet another author I’ve never read, but heard lots about…added to the never ending TBR list!

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