Is it beer-thirty yet?

Or at least beer-thirty soon??

I’ve mentioned before that Lakefront Brewery’s New Grist beer is my favorite gluten-free beer. While I was in Toronto, I got Brigitte hooked on it, too, which would’ve been cruel if we hadn’t discovered that you could buy it from some of the larger LCBO stores (although not from The Beer Store).

Why is that? Well, strangely, New Grist isn’t considered a beer in Canada. The pictures below show the differences between the Canadian (left) and US (right) labels. In Canada, New Grist is “A crisp & refreshing alcoholic beverage” instead of “A crisp and refreshing session beer”.

Does anyone know how “beer” is defined in Canada? I spent a little time googling, but never did find the actual definition. (Thanks to Dotty, who discovered the reason!)

“I don’t know, Mom, it sure smells like that stinky stuff you like to drink but won’t share with us because you’re mean.” -Chaos

28 thoughts on “Is it beer-thirty yet?”

  1. LOL Chris;

    Sorry, this Canuck has no idea. However my son works at the Beer Store and I will ask him that question this evening.

    Chaos – you are right. It is stinky. 😛

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Mmmmm…beer… This has been a week for beer, that’s for sure.

    I still don’t know. I would think that the ingredients are probably what does it? What do I know. I’m just glad they make it!

    (Malcolm has discovered swirling leaves, LOL.)

  3. I am not a beer girl… But I will take a drink… Especially if I can make it over this weekend (baby girl 16 bday party tomorrow)… I deserve a very tall drink!!

    And you don’t share… Well, Kitty Grass would not be the only thing you find in your carpet if she did share Chaos… Sorry, I am with Mommy on this one!
    Have a great day Chris… or at least a great countdown till knock off time!

  4. Skipping the beer tonight & going straight for something a little bit more advanced.
    Do they taste the same? I remember being in Europe & there being different formulations for the exact same product; I was in love with the European version of Orange Fanta – which is totally different from the one here.

  5. Does Canada define other gluten-free malted beverages as beer? (Wait, can you get rice malt?)

    I think there might be bourbon o’clock here tonight, rather than beer…

  6. Heh. I don’t drink beer. I’m a hard lemonade kind of gal (though I used to be a margarita gal). One of my friends does a lot of brewing around here. I wonder if he has tried a gluten free beer. I’ll have to ask next time I see him.

  7. Chris- If it’s not sold at “The Beer Store”- it isn’t beer? Or maybe guys don’t like it, so they don’t consider it beer?

    Who knows?

  8. Chaos, you wouldn’t want that stuff – it IS stinky, afterall. Likely not at all like tuna juice or milk… but I vote that if mom gets a treat so should you and May!

  9. No idea on the Canadian definition of beer, but Germany (I think) has very strict rules about commercial beer-making. None of that honey/flowers/pixie dust in THEIR beers.

  10. Got me. I’d bet that there is some obscure law buried in the books that defines beer as having certain characteristics, and this one doesn’t fit that. But then, I might just be shooting from the hip and making that up. I’ve been known to do that.

  11. Well that is something I will have to research. I know it doesn’t matter what the beer is made of, I mean they make it from wheat, barley, corn, etc. Actually that poses an interesting observation, maybe it has to be the full grain which makes the mash, which in turn is processed with the hops, etc. and then brewed which makes it a beer. Maybe because there is no mash since it is a rice and sorghum extract it is not a beer. I know the mash is integral to the process to create beer.

    Can you tell I’ve toured the Anheuser Brewery A LOT!

    Chaos, its really tasty with cotton candy.

  12. At least Chaos didn’t knock it over and try to drink it up! Here’s to beer-thirty — it can’t get here fast enough for me!

    ~bella (and Pablo)

  13. my guess on the beer thing is thus: The Beer store is owned by the major breweries, they charge extra for the littler brewers to stock their product. While the LCBO considers it a niche market. Thus the beer is sold at the LCBO since it costs the brewer less….

  14. Nothing of substance to contribute to the “Is it or isn’t it beer” discussion, except to say, “Beer? I’m for it.”

    Now, how do other countries classify things like ginger beer or root beer which, strictly speaking, doesn’t fall in the hops and mash camp.

    Signed, Wondering in Chicago

    p.s. Beer? I’m for it.

  15. Since liquor is controlled by the govt, I checked there. “Beer or malt liquor” is used in formal documents. Malt liquor is made with malted barley. I suspect that your beer can’t be called beer because it isn’t barley based. The labelling also makes a difference as to how much taxes/duties are levied against it when the product is imported into Canada.

  16. I had to give up beer this year – it does horrible things to my…system. :o( But I wonder if gluten free would be okay? I’ll have to try it sometime!

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