Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the Fourteenth (The Candy Cane Guy Tank Top Edition)

As usual, Candy Cane Guy has been up to no good whatsoever since the last time we checked in on him.

he veered

and started to do some

work, ultimately ending up

. (Will he never learn that long hair isn’t a good look for him?! At least it wasn’t blond this time…)

Alas, things didn’t work out, so our unhappy

went out and found himself a

. Only,

was he ever in for a

as one of

until he and the other cowboy decided that they wanted to be

together and rode off into the sunset, leaving Christie behind.


Please note that this post was completely and totally not approved by Miss Doreen.

“What? I wasn’t doing anything. Really. Nothing to see here. Move along.” -Chaos

41 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the Fourteenth (The Candy Cane Guy Tank Top Edition)”

  1. Glad to hear Candy Cane guy got a HEA ending with his guy.

    Chaos, are you sure there’s nothing to see there? You’re looking a bit too innocent! 😀

  2. Chaos, I don’t believe you for a second…you have the same expression that Willow does when she’s up to epic naughtiness. Carry on.

    Oh Candy Cane guy, if only I could believe you’d remain faithful to the cowboy, but I fear that sooner or later, you’ll be off checking out other men…and possibly a few women. It’s the tragic life of a cover model, I suppose.

    Miss Doreen, I do hope to see more Cowboy Menage warnings in the future. It’s a valuable PSA.

  3. I’d like to see Candy Cane guy today. How old are those pictures? Is he kicking himself he sold the rights for $500 and now he’s quasi-famous? What’s his name? Where does he live? Could I get his phone number please? Just askin’.

  4. If I remember correctly from the stock photo site, these were from 2006 or 2007, so he’s still a young ‘un. Maybe I should run a contest to reward the first person who can tell us what he’s doing now… Hmm.

  5. Guinifer: I’ll have to check it out – thanks!

    Val: Oh yeah. And I still have enough photos for 2-3 more posts… not counting any new ones I find. O_o

  6. Poor CCG, he needs to settle down and find himself. Preferably while covering that one roving nipple. I think it’s staring at me.

  7. Tell me the cover dude is paying his way through med school with all the photo fees he’s earning?!

    Chaos has The Look that means No Good Will Come From This.
    .-= Debby´s last blog ..Shine Jacket =-.

  8. I’m a little slow. I was halfway through looking at the covers when I realized there was a story. This was too funny. (But I do like his body though.)

  9. OK….I know publishers re-use photos, but having the same photo used for the same author’s books! What were they thinking!

    And Chaos – you are just too adorable for words in that photo 🙂
    .-= orannia´s last blog ..Keeping Up =-.

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