Tag Archives: Neck Crick Guy

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 232nd (The return of the return of Neck Crick Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Neck Crick Guy.

, the



with the


of the year on the


realized someone should be

instead of imprisoning him, as there were already


Well then! 🙂

“Why do you make me suffer so with these naughty boys, Mom?!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 95th (The Return of Neck Crick Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! It’s been a long, long time since I featured Neck Crick Guy – shall we see what he’s been up to? If you’re curious, here’s what his original stock photo looks like.



wanted to have a

on the

, but since they were


as part of agreeing to


!), there wasn’t much they could do about it. But alas, a

and the

in such an

kept them from the


Alas indeed…

“There can’t really be an infinite number of naughty boys, can there?!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the Sixth (Neck Crick Guy)

Let’s start off with a bit of bait and switch, shall we? (But wait, you’re thinking… What?)

See the guy in front? Nope, he’s not the focus on this post. However, he leads us here…

…to that guy in the background. Whatever shall we call him? How about Neck Crick Guy, or NCG for short? Works for me. (And hey, you’re stuck with it!) I know NCG is sort of hard to see in this next cover, but he does have a lovely tattoo now.

Oh, so you’d like to see that tattoo a little more clearly? Can do… but you’ll have to hold that thought for a few more pictures, ‘k?

Run, NCG! Run! Run! That guy has a mutant flashlight saber and things do not look good!

O noes, NCG! What happened to your head?! Did the mean man with the mutant flashlight saber carve off part of your skull?!

I’m sure the nice naked lady will make you all better.

Or maybe this nice naked lady will make you all better…

Fine. Be that way. Maybe this nice naked boy will it make you all better.

Ok, now you can get another glimpse of that shoulder tattoo… Wait! Who stuck a sword through your head, NCG?!

I guess those nice naked bois weren’t so nice, huh? How about a nice dressed lady for a change?

Anyway. What is it with vampires, bloody faces, and an attack of blond hair growth? It’s not the first time we’ve seen this phenomenon – remember when it happened to poor Candy Cane Guy?

Be careful out there, kids. This cover modeling stuff is

and obviously not for the faint of heart.

Keeping that in mind, I’ve saved the most dangerous aspect of cover modeling and vampirism for last. Brace yourselves…

Yeah, I have no idea WTF, either.

“O noes, Mom! Will that poor man’s neck be stuck like that forever?! Wait, what do you mean my face may freeze like this?!” -Mayhem