Tag Archives: American Schokolade

Liminal linkity

Congrats to Melanie M, who won Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander!

Congrats to Tawnie and Chava, who won Mine by Mary Calmes! Mine will be released by Dreamspinner Press on March 5.

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Cool or Wha…?



  • If you’ve always wanted to be a crazy cat lady or guy and simply didn’t have enough cats, there’s hope!

Teh Cute

Reading Update
Taking These Chances by Karuso Tendo. free online. Very good paranormal m/m romantic suspense about a college student who helps get psychic predators off the streets… and then one’s after him.
Out of Orbit by American Schokolade. free online. Very good m/m romance about a high school senior who has a crush on his best friend, although it takes him a while (and a lot of angst) to realize it. This story had plenty of over-the-top moments (satellites and spies and baseball memorabilia, oh my!), but it pretty much worked anyway. I got sniffly more than once.
When Love Walked In by Charlie Cochet. ebook short. Very good short historical m/m romance set in 1934 about a private detective who helps out a homeless man he finds sleeping in the stairwell.
Of Sweaters and Heartache by LyingOutLoud. free online. Very good short m/m romance about a guy who unexpectedly runs into the ex who left him to take a job in France and doesn’t react well. I got a bit sniffly reading this one.
Just Friends by Natasha5. free online. Very good m/m romance about two high school seniors who have been best friends since they were small. Now love professed but not returned and a girlfriend are coming between them…
Johnny Was (Just Friends #2) by Natasha5. free online. Although the description says there’s more than one story here, there isn’t. The extremely short story is just a scene that takes place 11 years after Just Friends.
Love, Coffee, and a Giant Problem by aggybird. free online. Very good fairy tale m/m romance based on Jack and the Beanstalk… but it’s not complete and was last updated in 2009. Woe!
The Grave Watchers by Missouri Dalton. ebook. Good m/m urban fantasy with a hint of romance about a Grave Watcher, who helps protect the dead from the living, and his ancient Egyptian feline sidekick as they track down an evil they’ve not seen before.
Educating Alex by Ardveche. free online. Very sweet m/m romance about a college student who advertises for a roommate after he breaks up with his boyfriend and is surprised when a straight guy he knows from school wants to move in. Too many exclamation points!!
Creative Employment by Noel Blue. free online. Good m/m romance about a newly hired manager who knows he shouldn’t, but hooks up with the irresistible straight, confused, engaged IT guy anyway.
In Theory by Sirivinda. free online. Good m/m romance about a straight guy who keeps running into this strangely intriguing guy everywhere he goes… and then wakes up to find himself hungover in the guy’s bed. The ending really felt like it was HFN – I’d definitely like to read a bit more about these two.
One Dead Drag Queen (Tom & Scott #8) by Mark Richard Zubro. Good gay mystery in which Tom is injured when a family planning clinic he volunteers at is bombed. The beginning of the story was from Scott’s POV (a first!) and the last half was from Tom’s. I understand why it was done that way, but I would’ve preferred sticking with Scott for the whole thing.
Loose Snow by Julia Talbot. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about two guys who work together for a forestry service and were briefly together. And then one of them nearly dies in an avalanche…

“What if I go to sleep and when I wake up, all my furry mice are gone?!?!” -Mayhem