Whole lotta linkity goin’ on

I’m going to experiment with this post and I’d like your opinions – is it easier to read linkity posts with or without bullets? Discuss. (And thank you for your input!)

  • J, Kaye’s giving away a $25 US Amazon gift certificate or up to $25 at the Book Depository in three separate contests: Canada, US, and outside the US/Canada. Read the rules carefully! Winners will be announced January 30 and are responsible for checking the blog to see if they’ve won.
  • If you sign up for the 2010 M/M Romance Challenge by January 31, you’ll be entered for a chance to win $15 ebook bucks from All Romance eBooks!
  • Author Marta Acosta has all sorts of fun blog sidebar badges, such as for the Naked David Boreanz Club, the Association for the Admiration of Edward Cullen, the Gerard Butler Is Hawt Society, and the Jacob Black Society for Werewolf Acceptance.
  • Do not click this link if you are easily offended by graphic ice sculpture. Please. I implore you. Yes, I took the featured photo, but you’ll notice I haven’t featured it on my blog. Consider the various book covers I have featured before you click, ok? (It is not a cat picture, if that helps.)
  • Although the experience of reading a physical book is different than that of reading an ebook, does it really matter to readers? (I gotta say that I’m liking reading ebooks more than physical books these days.)
  • TeleRead reports on the most pirated books of 2009The Kamasutra and Adobe Photoshop Secrets held the top spots. The only best-selling authors to make it into the top 25 were Dan Brown, Stephen King, Stephenie Meyer, and J. K. Rowling. None of Rowling’s books have even been released as ebooks, which instead of protecting them seems to be a lost revenue opportunity.
  • Even though I told Trek that I suck at guessing contests, I won not only her guessing contest of some months ago (dollar value of an unknown number of quarters that fit into a particular tea tin), but also Nicole’s recent contest (how many books she’d read by the end of the year). Hmm. Perhaps I don’t suck at guessing contests after all? (Thanks to Nicole and Trek!)
  • This DIY magnetized coffee cozy is very cool and very clever! Heck, I can see the potential for sticking my coffee to my car when I’m rummaging for my keys. (And, wait, I already have a coffee cozy from Caribou Coffee with a mysterious zipper pocket on it – this might actually make the pocket useful!)

Reading Update
Chicken Soup for the Soul, and All That Crap: A Tigers & Devils Short by Sean Kennedy. free ebook short. Very sweet short that takes place while Declan’s recuperating from his surgery.
Warrior’s Cross by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux. ebook. Very good m/m romantic suspense about about a waiter and the mysterious guy who sits in his section every Tuesday evening. I cried more than once while reading this. My only complaint is that I wanted just a little more substance (or maybe detail or maybe time) at the ending.
The One That Got Away (Second Edition) by Rhianne Aile and Madeleine Urban. ebook. Excellent m/m romance – I’d read the original version, but who could resist the new version with added scenes? (Although, sad to say, the second edition still has inconsistencies about David’s age – he fusses about how awful his 45th birthday was, but then is referred to as 42 for the rest of the book.) One of the differences I noticed was that Trace’s cat was now named Mabel instead of Gail and and she had an entire enjoyable subplot devoted to her. (Plus she’s a black kitty. Really, what’s not to like?)
Rules of Engagement by L. A. Witt. ebook. Very good m/m romance (that I had a hard time putting down) about a recently divorced guy who finds himself powerfully drawn to a guy he meets playing pool in a bar. Yes, I got sniffly, so you know there was some angst. I think my only complaint was the abruptness of the ending. I really liked this quote from one of the other characters: “If I knew how a lot of my relationships would have turned out, I never would have gotten involved in them…. And I would have missed out on some of the best times in my life.” (Of course, for me, I would also have missed out on some of the worst times in my life – you?)
Uncorked by Andrew Grey. ebook. This m/m romance is set several years after Bottled Up; Sam and Sean of Bottled Up play more of a peripheral role in this one. I’ll confess that while the beginning of this story didn’t really grab me, the middle did, but then I just wanted to smack heads together at the end. Make of that what you will. 🙂
Just Like Scrooge by Clare London. ebook short. Imagine The Christmas Carol redone (and redone well) as an m/m romance set in modern times.
In the Closet by Clare London. ebook short. Cute m/m romance about two feuding guys whose coworkers lock them in the cleaning closet to work out their differences… although maybe the coworkers didn’t expect the form that process would take…
Special Delivery by Cassandra Gold. ebook short. Sweet m/m romance short about a secretary and a delivery guy.
Fantasies: Independence Day by Cassandra Gold. ebook. Good m/m romance about a guy who’s finally had enough of his father running every aspect of his life, so he escapes to work as a waiter at a Hawaiian resort. (Total points for style on that one.)
Reunion by Vic Winter. ebook short. In this enjoyable m/m romance, the ostracized high school nerd returns for his ten-year reunion as a fit, handsome millionaire ready to shove his success in his former classmates’ faces.
Christmas for Gary by Vic Winter. ebook short. Gary’s spending some time with his very active grandmother and her friends, who are determined to find a boyfriend for him, no matter how much they embarrass him in the process.
A-Viking by Kiernan Kelly. ebook short. Ok time travel m/m romance about a Viking who mysteriously washes up on a contemporary Florida beach after his longboat capsizes.
Re-Ignition by A.R. Moler. ebook short. Good m/m romance about a former FBI agent who’s not doing so well after a career-ending injury, until he wakes up hungover, in bed with someone he doesn’t recognize.
When Work Is a Pleasure by Alix Blevins. ebook. While this m/m romance was well done, I had a problem (my very own problem and not necessarily that of the book) with how relatively easily a reporter dealt with his new boyfriend’s career as a pr0n star.
InDescent by K.Z. Snow. ebook. Another very good m/m romance that I had trouble with – this time, it was because of one of the main character being emotionally and physically involved with two other people. Not a menage (which I hate), but still – I kept getting stuck there. However! This was still a very cool story about a wizard/woodworker living in Milwaukee who notices that there’s suddenly an awful lot of paranormal activity in the city… (And really, what’s not to like about a story that has Baba Yaga’s hut in a Milwaukee city park?)

My life sucks.” -Chaos

46 thoughts on “Whole lotta linkity goin’ on”

  1. Every snowfall in college, we’d end up with similar sculptures on the soccer field that ran through the center of campus. I do wonder now how the tour guides dealt with tours of prospective students and theie parents those days…
    .-= sprite´s last blog ..booking through thursday: gifts =-.

  2. I personally prefer bullets they are easier to read and follow.

    Love all the linkage, thanks! So much to find and do here.

    Ok now on to the ice sculptor…I LOVE IT! For some reason Chef’s song Salty Balls from South Park popped into head. No correlation, sort of… 😉

    .-= Donna-FantasyDreamer´s last blog ..Review: Shadowfae by Erica Hayes =-.

  3. Your link posts are taking me half of the day to get through 🙂 I can only imagine how much time it costs you to write them… Thanks for that! The itty bitty kitties were adorable and your Chaos is a cute pouter (is that a word?). You gave me again a few books to check out, I wonder if I ever will be reading m/f again… 🙂
    .-= ErotRomReader (Janna´s last blog ..Todays Man Candy & Reminder of My Giveaway of Cuffed and Dangerous =-.

  4. OH wow… I need another cup of coffee after all those links! Thanks honey for allll the heads up!

    Awww, Chaos, tell Aunti Ceal what is wrong?
    ***Pats his back… It is okay.***

    Hope you have a great day honey!

  5. Bullets!

    And congrats to Johanna, who seemed very happy to won the copy of Ice Cream on the Side! Thanks for running the contest, Chris!

  6. I don’t have a preference for bullets or non bullets.

    My old computer had the itty bitty kitty politcal committee as a background, which was super adorable. I can’t imagine how someone doesn’t die of the cute in that link!
    .-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..back to work! =-.

  7. Wow – thanks for all the linkage – do you ever sleep?!

    Love the kitty pics, especially the cereal box, and the wifi’s cracked me up!

    Hmmm…In the closet – I think that would satisfy my m/m AND new author challenges!!!

  8. 1. I like the bullets.
    2. I suspect that SciFy Guy does it much the same way that YOU bring together tons of information/links.
    3. Chaos: Consider this a challenge from Mom to find something NEW to conquer. I know you can do it, Little Man!
    .-= Marji´s last blog ..frustration, thy name is knitting =-.

  9. I like the bullets. My scientist brain would like subclasses of the links, but I realize that is a lot to ask of the blogger.

    Chaos, I think you are suffering from some winter blues. I would suggest hibernating, but my guess is that you would be unwilling to forgo dinner everyday.
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..FO: Glace Vest =-.

  10. I like the bullet points. 🙂

    I liked the Sean Kennedy short as well. Just cute.

    I’ll have to look into Warrior’s Cross, The One That Got Away and In the Closet. Thanks…I think! lol

  11. Tisk tisk Chaos, this is what you get for messing in Mom’s cupboards… Enjoy the good life man, and stay out of the cupboards!!

    Thanks so much for the link to Steph’s post at DIK Chris, I really appreciate it. 🙂

    The book being given away is an ARC of “Hold On Tight”. 😉

    And, wow! Thanks for all the linkety info, lots going on..

    I hope you are staying warm.

    .-= Lea´s last blog ..Stephanie Tyler And Her SEALs Have Landed – On The Beach At DIK! =-.

  12. Well, given my useage of bullets and numbering on my blog, I don’t think you really need to ask me which I prefer… 😉

    Tell Chaos to suck it up. If he’s going to get caught, he’s going to get stopped. He just needs to be sneakier. (I thought black cats were supposed to be like ninjas?)
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Driven to Distraction =-.

  13. I like the bullets but I don’t know if that’s because they’re easier to read or because I just like bullets. 🙂

    Aw so many cute kitty photos! And LOL at the passive-aggressive wifi!
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Ah, that’s better =-.

  14. I don’t have a preference for either.

    Message for Chaos – give up on the cupboards and find something else to open. The fridge is a good place to start.
    .-= Dotty´s last blog ..last & first =-.

  15. Yup the bullet points work for me… I love a sort of order in my pages, so that works…

    As for the books…

    Uncorked – I am feeling the same as you – I loved the two before and I will admit the I am a sucker for the candy kisses sort of character and plot – but that book was like three parts … and I really felt a little disappointed in it, especially after I enjoyed the other two so much…

    Warrios Cross – I am going to read. I have the L.A. Witt – need to dig that out…

    I find it so hard to get into re-issued books…Glad that one worked for you…

    .-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..January 07th – I Am A Thursday’s Child =-.

  16. dots I’m seeing dots – no, spots.. I meant spots… no, big hairy… omgosh that was funny. (great photo)
    And oh you poor dear Chaos.. sorry Mom spoiled all your fun this year.

  17. Crappity Crap girl, too many books to comment on but I mostly agree with you. So I’m going to cry in Warrior’s Cross. Eep. It’s been in my TBR forever.

  18. these lists are still dangerous.

    I always understood the difference in David’s age (The one that got away) to be thus: He is 42, his dad had heart attack at 45, he is getting closer to d-day (so to speak).

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