Killing you with the cute

Aw, thank you all so much for the kind words about my refined raglan and yesterday’s self portraits! *blush* Today? Today, even though I am working from home a second time this week because of a little snow, I am brain dead (mocha me, baby!), so I will try to distract you with a whole lot of cuteness – additional entries for La’s contest. Yesterday, I picked up a Daft Catâ„¢ catnip toy made by the Scrub Your Butt Soap Company of Rochester, Minnesota – isn’t that about the best soap company name ever?! You briefly warm this toy up in the microwave – according to the website, “Kitty will love the warmth and the smell of catnip will fill the air!” I couldn’t smell it, but Chaos and May sure could.

“I must rub this toy over my entire body and then hug it!” -M

“Mmmmmm…. nippy.” -M

“Well, not nippy as in chilly, because it’s really quite warm and nice…” -M

“Maybe just a little nap…” -M

Chaos got in on the Daft Catâ„¢ action, too – he’s taking a little break in this picture:

And simply because May’s paws haven’t been featured before on the blog, while Chaos’ have – here are May’s cute fuzzy little paws, first the fronts and then the backs:

47 thoughts on “Killing you with the cute”

  1. Aw, cute little kitty paws! The guys would go bananas if I brought home something like that! I don’t think I’d make it through the door. 😀

    We’re getting the storm later today. Good times.

  2. Chris- That’s the second time I have seen blog pictures of the Kitty toes-
    my secret is out- I adore the toes!

    Kitten-Chow will be showing his tootsies on my blog-
    in all their black and white glory.

  3. Too cute- love kitty paws, probably my favorite cat “part.”

    Both my cats completely ignore catnip. Maybe they’re too old?

  4. luv all the photos for the kitty contest – such wonderful paws.
    What a great idea, and a great gift for the kids. they look like they’re in La-la land :-0

  5. ack! I’m being smothered by the cute! Oh, I wish our cats would do cute things too, but they’re both above that sort of behavior and far too serious.

    Thanks for those size comparison in-your-arms photos the other day. I was wondering about their proportions, since I know Chaos is a bit of a bruiser. My Pete is about May’s size.

  6. Aaaaaaaa! *thud*

    Meow-choo wants you to know he would order the daftcat but he doesn’t have a credit card. He blames the catstaff for this glaring oversight.

  7. I have to try and find the picture of Misery rolling around in about an ounce of catnip. He was practically foaming at the mouth and his eyes were as big as saucers.

    *thunk* That’s the sound of me hitting the floor from the cuteness. 😉

  8. I do believe the proper title for those kitty nip pics is


    Ok…gotta see if I can catch The Meezer’s paws since you and Wendy are showing them off, too….

  9. Don’t ya just love it when they use their cute fuzzy paws to rub the catnip toy all over their face? Soooo cute!! 🙂

  10. I just love cats with catnip, they crack me up how they hold on to it and rub it on their cheeks.

    Those are cute toys, I should order some for my mom’s kitties. But I’d better wait till she returns from Florida.

  11. Great entries for the kitty feet contest! That first picture of May is simply adorable — ‘daft cat’ *giggle* that sounds about right for a warm catnip treat ;o)

  12. Those are great pics of ecstatic cats! I once had a cat (Vivien) that got off on bleach (not straight! but if I used it on the bathroom floor).

  13. May napping on her cat toy looks so sweet! Even if she’s a) not napping and b) not so sweet. She looks it.

    You look great in And that’s one way to illustrate the diff in the sizes Chaos & Mayhem……

  14. OOOOOHHHHHH! I gotta get that pillow for Felix. It heats up? He’s gonna love it!

    You know, Felix never bothered my yarn. Then we got the dog. SHE loves yarn (grrr). And somehow, this got the cat started. The other day I came home, and caught the two of them playing TUG-O-WAR, with a skein of silk! AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!

    You don’t want a dog, do you?

  15. She loves her kitty pillow. This is funny to me today. Maybe it is because I am tired and have spent most of my day looking at animail picture on the internet.

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