Congrats to Melanie M, who won More Than Anything by Shawn Lane!ΓΒ More Than Anything will be released by Amber Allure on October 30.
- Babes in Boyland is giving away m/m romances for Halloween, including some that aren’t released yet. Contest closes 11:59 pm CDT, October 31.
- Joder’s giving away a copy of The Hunter by Theresa Meyers. Comment by 11:59 pm, November 3, for your chance to win. US only.
- Blodeuedd’s giving away two copies of Sins of Angels by Linda Poetevin (print or ebook). Contest closes November 3. US & Canada only.
- Book Lovers Inc is giving away a copy of Sleeper’s Run by Henry Mosquera. Comment through November 5 to enter.
- New releases and more: (urban fantasy, genre benders, fantasy, science fiction), Literary Escapism (UF/PNR), and Book Lovers Inc (a bit of everything).
- Have you heard of the 2008 British miniseries, Lost in Austen?
- The official Center for Disease Control comic book guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse. Download the pdf.
- Read ultra-condensed (as in less than a single page) versions of Moby Dick, The Old Man and the Sea, and more! (via The Digital Reader)
- If you want an Android tablet for reading, but think the Kindle Fire sounds too locked into Amazon, check out the Kobo Vox.
- Rarely Dusty Books After Party: Kassa, Tam, Brita Addams.
Think, Do, Make, Learn
- What number human were you on the planet? I was (roughly) the 3,429,463,820th person alive on the planet when I was born, and the 77,402,259,003rd person to have lived since the beginning of human history.
- If you’re looking for some appropriate Halloween music, download Aquarium Drunkard’s 84 mb Halloween Mixtape.
- Dress your dog as a chia pet. (Thanks, Seanna!)
- Decorate with fake specimens-in-jars that are actually edible. (via CRAFT) (Plus the rest of Evil Mad Scientist’s Halloween Archive.)
- Brains-in-jars cupcakes. (via CRAFT)
- Spiders in jell-o. (via CRAFT)
So, The Kitchn’s gone a little crazy on recipe lists… which I can’t resist. Brace yourselves. π
- 10 hearty vegetarian soups. 20 broth-based soups. 10 creamy soups without cream in them. 5 hearty meatball soups. (Why, yes, it is soup week at The Kitchn – how did you guess?) 6 chowders. 25 healthy and tasty soups. 5 quick soups. Egg drop soup.
- 10 breakfasts using fall fruit. 10 prune recipes. 10 dips for fall fruit. 10 ways to eat fruit with dinner.
- 10 meaty pasta dishes. 10 vegan pasta dishes. 15 international pasta dishes. 12 salads and veggie side dishes to accompany pasta.
- 6 gluten-free (noodle-free) ways to use pasta sauces. Gluten-free conchiglie. (via The Kitchn)
- Pumpkin pie pop tarts. (via The Kitchn) Pumpkin cinnamon roll pancakes. (via The Kitchn) Pumpkin coffee cake. (via CRAFT) Bourbon pumpkin pie milkshakes. (via CRAFT)
- TARDIS tea pot. (via The Mary Sue)
Cool or Wha…?
- Disney Face Swap. (via The Mary Sue)
- Warning: If you follow the link and listen to this song (“Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows”), it will be stuck in your head forever. *waits for the whining from everyone who will ignore this warning*
- Hopefully you’ve already seen the not-no-new Simon’s Cat, in which Simon gets a kitten.
- A cat’s map of the bed. (Thanks, Jase!)
- Sort of lol, sort of sad – Hyperbole and a Half on depression.
- Top 50 autocorrects from Damn You Autocorrect’s first year: Part 1.
Teh Cute
- Kitten! Baby tigers! Kitten! Red panda parent and baby! Kitten! Baby tigers! Kitten! Baby oncilla! Happy black kitty! Cheetah and baby! Baby meerkats! Baby black leopard! Baby cougars! Fennec!
Reading Update
With a Kiss by Kim Dare. ebook. Excellent kinky paranormal m/m romance loosely based on Sleeping Beauty. A young man who’s being mentally, physically, and sexually abused by his boyfriend comes to the hospital every week for three years to read to a vampire in a mysterious coma. And then the vampires is awakened… This book shines in not trivializing the process of recovering from abuse.
I Just Play One on TV by AL Turner. ebook. Excellent m/m romance about two actors in a suspenseful science fiction tv show with a lot of “subtext” between their characters. One actor is out, although it doesn’t seem to be public knowledge, while the other is deeply closeted and in denial… Let’s just say I spent the last part of the book crying.
Across the East River Bridge by Kate McMurray. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m romance about two academic rivals with an unfortunate chemistry who work together to solve the cold case mystery of two men murdered together in late 19th century Brooklyn.
Guarding Morgan (Sanctuary #1) by RJ Scott. ebook. Very good m/m romantic suspense about a guy being kept in an FBI safe house so he can testify about a shooting he witnessed. When the safe house is compromised, he ends up in the care of an intriguing agent for a special organization dedicated to keeping witnesses alive… Definitely looking forward to the next book in this series!
Private Eye (Liaisons #1) by SE Culpepper. ebook. Very good m/m romantic suspense about a PI who gets involved in the case of a missing teenager when he’s contacted by a cop who’s a friend of the family. Too bad the extremely hot cop is straight…
Just Desserts (Petit Morts #14) by Josh Lanyon. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance about a guy confined to a wheelchair after his drunken cousin crashed their car. Unfortunately, this story didn’t provide any additional insight into Chance and his own journey.
Loose Change (Petit Morts #15) by Sean Kennedy. ebook short. Very good short m/m paranormal focused entirely on Chance, set up as a series of brief scenes.
Media Naranja (Petit Morts #16) by Clare London & Jordan Castillo Price. ebook short. Very good short paranormal m/m romance about a young man who accompanies his dying grandmother and her friend to a tropical resort.
Immortal Coil (Petit Morts #17) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook short. Excellent short paranormal m/m romance about a high school teacher and former coach whose life changed dramatically several years ago. When he wanders into a small street carnival, he doesn’t know that it’s about to change again. (This story is also the culmination of Chance’s story arc.) I loved this quote: “If everything were anything,” Chance said softly, “the barriers would break down, and we’d all lose ourselves to chaos. And then there would be no cotton candy.”
Independence by Clare London. free ebook short. Steamy, kinky short m/m scene between an established D/s couple.
Learning To Walk (City Hospital #3) by Drew Zachary. ebook. Sweet m/m romance about a guy, seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, who develops feelings for his physical therapist. Since there’s not much conflict in this one, I think it’d be a good read to help recover from an angst-fest book.
Cycle-pathic by Stefan Seabourne. free ebook short. Steamy short m/m scene between a bike courier and the lawyer whose car he dented… with a surprise ending.
Sugar on the Mountain (Mountain #8) by PD Singer. free ebook short. Cute short m/m scene between Allan and Mark in Allan’s catering kitchen.
Blood on the Mountain by India Harper. ebook. Good m/m romantic suspense about a security firm co-owner who goes to Rio to protect a client doing nonprofit work there. This ended with plenty of unanswered questions, although I fear the sequel might be m/f, featuring the other (female) co-owner of the security firm.
Gambling on Love by Jane Davitt. ebook. Good, slightly kinky m/m romance about two guys who fell in love with other in high school. When they were caught kissing in the locker room, one of them left town and didn’t return until 11 years later. He’s very different and he doesn’t want to stay… but the one who stayed doesn’t want to leave. While I’m a fan of Jane Davitt’s work (particularly that written with Alexa Snow), this book never fully came together for me – I couldn’t get invested in the characters or the story.
Missed out on GayRomLit, but still want part of the experience? Read on!
I came back from GayRomLit (GRL) with lots of swag – not only swag that I’d picked up for myself, but also swag I’d accumulated from people who didn’t have enough space in their luggage, or who didn’t want to deal with hassles in Customs. In fact, I came back with enough extra swag to have a GRL Swag Giveaway Contest!
Wanna see? Ok.
*sniff sniff sniff* -Mayhem
*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos
“Why are you giving away these great kitty beds and toys, Mom?!” -Mayhem
*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos
Um. Well. You can’t see if very well, huh? But you get the idea!
Contest Rules
- To enter, leave a comment below stating that you are entering the contest.
Leave your comments by 7 pm CST, Monday, November 7.CONTEST CLOSED. - By entering the contest, youΓ’β¬β’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
- Cats not included in prize.
- If you havenΓ’β¬β’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesnΓ’β¬β’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only luck and counterintuitive espionage will salvage your entryΓ’β¬Β¦
- If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry Γ’β¬β this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
- Winner will be selected by random number.
- You must leave a valid email address in the Γ’β¬ΕEmailΓ’β¬Β portion of the comment form.
- Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from!
- If a winner doesnΓ’β¬β’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
- This contest is US only, due to shipping costs. Sorry. π
This is the second great review I’ve seen for that AL Turner book. However, since you’ve just enticed me to buy the Kim Dare story, I may have to hold back to give my purse time to recover π
A recent post from Jenre..Review: When I Fall by Belinda McBride
I’m not very happy about Amazon buying The Book Depository. I can already see them imposing gazillion restrictions for us international readers like they are already doing with Kindle (I can buy the gadget, but I can’t buy 99% of the books). And I can’t see them ever being as friendly as TBD staff always was (Example: when TBD started, my friends and I wrote them and told them our country wasn’t on the list. It took them TWO DAYS to correct that). Say no to Amazon, lol.
Awww, Chris, so many good books, so little time (and money)…
We were pretty stoked to read the Honda story this week…Rhonda is a 1990 Accord, and she’s got 290K on her. It would be excellent if we could get another 700K miles out of her:)
You got me to add the AL Turner story on my to-read list.
Tote! Please count me in on the giveaway!
A recent post from Alex W…404: Review Not Found
Obviously kitties can have fun with anything at any time. I need to come back and explore the many good food links you have in this post!
A recent post from margene..Reasons To Finish a Pair of Socks
I was soo bummed I couldn’t make it to gayromlit fest – silly grad school taking up all my time, and a wedding in Hawaii that is killing all my spare pennies! sign me up for some swag! Looking forward to next years events in new mexico, i’ve never been there
I don’t need the swag but just wanted to mention that Simon’s cat video is hysterical! It is exactly how our house was (and still is) when we got our kitten. Our older cat still hisses like that every day when the younger one pisses her off. I loved the kitten trying to get onto the couch!
And of course Mayhem doesn’t want you to give away her beautiful bare chested men kitty bed. Can you blame her?
A recent post from jayhjay..Review: Dark Soul #1 by Aleksandr Voinov
Chris- Giraffe sex. There’s something to muse over this weekend.
A recent post from Lorraine..The Rhinebeck Experience
What a wonderful goodie package (even tho the pusses are not included!) Please count me in!
I thought May had a bubble wrap bed…lol
The swag all looks good. Please sign me up.
Awesome. I think that everyone could have giraffe sex. Especially because the ladies don’t have to do anything with their own urine.
Also I am 4,107,552,040th person alive on Earth
78,490,095,797th person to have lived since history began. W00t!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..a weekend in the kitchen
I own Lost in Austen, it gets queued up with all the other Austen movies when I am having my Austen-a-thon’s!
Great linkities today. I think I will be busy grabbing recipes for a while.
A recent post from Cheryl S…FO: Radiance Shawl
I love pink fluffy unicorns π
Lol, on the sex comics
A recent post from blodeuedd..Interview and Contest: Anita Clenney with Embrace the Highland Warrior
Yummy soup recipes! Ganked several of those for future experiments meals.
Jenre and Alex, I’ll second (third? fourth?) the rec for the A.L. Turner book. π
The comments on the traffic ticket had me seriously LOLing.
strike-through doesn’t work? π
Looks like a great swag pack π Count me in, please.
Linkity! So many tabs open, so little time.
A recent post from cursingmama..What Happens On Friday Night
Love the Simon’s cat and Dalek links. Drat no cats included?
A recent post from mrspao..50% forgiven
Melting from the cute here π
Great linkity as always, plus plenty of great sounding books added to the TBB list. Wait, that’s not so great. Hmm…
Must say that Amazon buying The Book Depository has me worried. I do almost all of my paper book purchases at BD because of free international shipping. If Amazon changes that I just might cry.
So many links! It’s going to take me a while to go through them all. But the superhero socks with the little capes! I’m going through a comic phase right now and those look appealing, LOL. (Hopefully they make Marvel socks too.)
That picture of the United States of Scary Things cracks me up. I’m particularly enamored with the killer bees of Texas. And the invading Canadians! I know I shouldn’t be laughing but I totally am. xD
Also, please count me in for the swag giveaway! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to grab some swag. π
Hokey smokes, whatalotta links! Did you see that video from the jon stewart show about scientists? Just stopping in… don’t enter me in the swag contest… more for everybody else!
A recent post from lisa..dyeing with the half blood cort!
How cute that May and Chaos are all over the swag. I didn’t realize you took all that stuff with you, lol!
Adding a lot of books to my tbr list again… *sigh*
I kind of wish I had longer hair so I could try out the kitty braids. π
A recent post from Eyre..Rainbow Road
As usual, a great selection of links. You always give me a fix for my DW obsession for which I’m eternally grateful. I got excited about the Lanyon Petit Morts short (since I’m a quadriplegic & always looking for stories with disabled characters) and then became bummed that the issue wasn’t really addressed in a meaningful way.
Have a great weekend and thanks for the awesome giveaway that I’ll be crossing my fingers for in hopes of winning!
A recent post from Joder..Follow Friday……
I would love to win this package. Please count me in.
Mayhem, Naughty Boy sheets for your kitty bed? Have you crossed over to the dark side?
lol i dk if this is where i post for the swag but if it is plz count me chris!
I *still* think you need to get Chaos his own pet loungewear! π
Hmmmm…I’m decidedly uncomfortable with zombie muppets…
I’m pretty much in love with the TARDIS teapot.
I LOVE all your pics from NOLA!!!
A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Ta-DA! It’s Pumpkin Time!
Darn, I would love another cat, and I got my own swag, thanks. Now excuse me, I have a very busy afternoon, braiding my hair into kitty ears and making a flamethrower for the pumpkin.
A recent post from PD Singer..Saturday Snark with Marie Sexton and Friends
If I let him, Zinc (our black cat) would own my iPad. I just not enough of a cat person to let him claim it. Therefore, I have no issues taking the swag away from Kurious Kitties (TM). ;-D
Please count me in. I wanted to attend but couldn’t, hopefully next year.
Eek! The swag looks so awesome!! So many goodies! haa… I hope sometime in the future I get to go… First, I’m trying for Yaoi-con. lol…
I’d love to enter! ^w^/
Too many good recipes to go through at one time.
The increase in peanut butter prices is not good news for me.
I love the spider jello!
I like the idea of a whiteboard skin for a laptop.
Really, how you not follow a link to “Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows”? I’m not sure which is worse, having the song stuck in my head or having that guy’s face stuck in my brain. π
Poop-to-gold experiment??!! Seriously, what where they thinking?
A recent post from Sydney..RIP Zoe Ferret, 2002-2011
I’m so bad… can’t believe I’ve missed so many linkity Fridays. Shame on me!!
I’ve been reading a lot but not even one from your list this time. Added a couple to my wishlist.
Please enter me in the GRL giveaway. I was (still am) so bummed that I couldn’t make it.
I’ve missed Linkity! Loved the braided kitty ears!
I can’t believe the kittehs lay all over the swag – LOL!
A recent post from orannia..Books 2011: September Update
Oh so many goodies to read here! And I’d like to enter the GRL contest. Thanks!
Oh wow, I could spend all day following all these awesome links and not get any NaNoWriMo done!
I’d like to enter the GRL swag contest. I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to go.
Shame about the contest, am a bit outside the US π but cute kittie pics
Please count me in.
count me in please and thank you
That would have been fun. I’ll keep an eye out for next year. Count me in please.
“cats not included” LOL π
Me too please (I tried to think of something clever to say, but it’s 7.30am and my brain is cream cheese)
Zombie Swedish Chef muppet gave me nightmares. O.O
A recent post from KB/KT Grant..Available Now! Scandal in the Wind
what if a cat gets stuck in the wrapping, then do I get one?
that packing tape can get really sticky – ‘specially around fur . . .
Please count me in! Thanks!