Misadventures in Stock Photography (Part the First)

While some book covers probably use original photographs taken specifically for that book, many use stock photographs. Stock photos get used over and over – to the point that you might have a sense of deja vu even when faced with a cover you’ve never seen before. Take a look at this first cover:

Nice candy cane. *ahem* But the smiley face in the next two variation of this photo? Puzzling. (And yup, the second guy back there does mean that this is an m/m title, which Hot for the Holidays is not.)

The hole in the jeans is a nice subtraction, isn’t it? And hey, in the next cover, the photo has been so cleverly disguised that you can’t even tell it’s the exact same cover…

…or maybe you can. πŸ˜‰ Do the candy cane and smiley face cover a tattoo or a mole or??? Does anyone have other examples of this particular shot used on other covers?

Many thanks to Sydney, who tracked down the original stock photo! To sum up, the jeans did have holes and thereÒ€ℒs no mole or tattoo being covered

Stop by my contest post or The Thrillionth Page by 10 am CST, December 6, to vote for the Softest Kitteh Evah on Our Street!

Yes, there’s been more taunting.

“My tummy is super soft, too, Oblio! Plus I have a bikini on my tummy, so there! (Oh, and Mom says if you click on my picture, you’ll almost be able to feel how soft my tummy is.)” -Mayhem

36 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography (Part the First)”

  1. I know exactly what you mean Chris .. there is one guy that’s on Cat Grant books (Strictly Business and Complication) and also on Bobby Michaels (rock, Papper, Scissors) he is every where..

    That’s why when a cover that stands out makes me look twice, I do like to give it a bump…

  2. That’s interesting about the covers. I’ve noticed same model being used on several books. Photoshop is good but…

    I do wonder what’s being covered up that couldn’t be Photoshoped out. Very Curious…

    *petting, rubbing…* yep, super-duper cashmere soft. πŸ™‚

  3. Chris- One of Alex’s friends has ear spacers and his septum pierced, and he hangs candy canes from his ears and slides one through the piercing.

    I wish we had kitty-soft-o-vision!

  4. Yikes, my double vision has progressed to triple vision. And yes, I have noticed multiple books with the same stock photos – it’s proliferative I swear…

    “May, it’s you – you are the softest kitteh of them all.” – Tori… πŸ˜‰

  5. That particular cover photo w/the candy cane has been a source of ammusement in our household. The fact that it was used previously…and with a smiley face instead is absoulutly hilarious.

  6. oh Mayhem – you’re the one, we all know it – so Oblio can just demure right now.

    those books covers are a hoot…. makes one wonder about the content, and how often it gets recycled too. (gee, she scratches her head, maybe that’s why it seems like I have read this one before!)

  7. Oh, those covers! Oh, no! I recognized it right away from Smart Ass.

    Okay, the kitty softness closeup….not bad. The tummy does look soft, I’ll admit. Per your earlier question, I suppose we should do three zones: tummy, back, and behind ears, and add the scores for each. Like the olympics!!

  8. Abdomen’s everywhere! Are bracelets and neckchains back in style for men?! no, no, no!

    May, have you asked what the prize is for winning? I’d get it all in writing before taking part in the contest. You might need an agent. I think you should try to get a pink velvet throne with rhinestone trim…

  9. Those are quite the covers! I’m very distressed by the candy cane — doesn’t seem quite hygienic, does it?

    Those chain necklaces, egads…

  10. I hope you plan on sharing any examples of this particular shot used on other covers that anyone might have with the rest of us.

    Love your bikini, Mayhem!

  11. I’m with Jeanne – I was expecting sock photos, too. πŸ˜‰

    And I really don’t think anyone licking that candy cane is going to be worried about how hygenic it is…

  12. I totally clicked on your photo May – but to no avail, I was not able to determine how soft you are – but don’t worry, I believe you πŸ™‚

  13. Hi Chris
    Awesome Post. I always thought cover photos were individual to each book but the same ones pop up. See Beth Kery’s Sweet Restraint & Jaid Black’s Prisoner Of Love. I saw the cover for Candy Houses by Shiloh Walker on another book but I can’t remember which one.I’d be happy if the cover matched the story. No wonder there’s so many headless torso covers. They don’t have to match the hair or eyes LOL.

  14. ***pet pet pet pet tummy pet pet pet pet tummy*** Oh Mayhem, I luv your soft pretty soft silky coat!!!

    And yea, I am with you on the covers!
    Hope you have a great night and a wonderful day tomorrow! My internet at work sucked today! I am hoping tomorrow is better!!!

    **pet pet pet**

  15. Hey Chris
    Found another one.
    Ellora’s Cave used the same girl for
    Coming In Last – Shiloh Walker &
    Tapestry Dreams by NJ Walter

  16. I’ve always loved that first cover. The others eh, they don’t do much for me. Not to mention the smileys seem out of place.

    My cat Socrates is one of those rub my tummy, I need flesh to sink my talons in. She’s also the 7 toed wonder. All paws 7 claws. (Hugs)Indigo

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