Words clouded with dye

Saturday evening Jeanne and I did a bit more dyeing. Here’s our setup in Jeanne’s backyard:

Of course wine is critical to the process! Make sure to keep your wine out of the active dyeing area to minimize accidents (putting dye in wine, dyeing yarn with wine, etc).

Here I’m dyeing some yarn that will turn out to be shockingly purple – so shocking that I overdyed it with black Sunday night to tone it down a little! I have to remember to draft out color ideas before sitting down to dye yarn, because if I don’t – I can only remember that I like purple and black.

Yarn pictures later this week, after drying and detangling.

But the very best thing about the evening? Jeanne surprised me with a Stumbling Over Chaos word cloud t-shirt! I cannot even tell you how excited I was. I might even have bounced a bit (ok, ok, maybe more than a bit). Thank you, Jeanne – that was so sweet and unexpected!

Reading this is like reading really fun fridge magnet poetry. Some favorites include “thought time tongue totally tuna,” “SRM story stumbling text think,” “chaotic chris claws color,” and “favorite flamingos free fun.” I could go on – but I’ll spare you!

“Shh… Don’t distract me – I’m playing ‘dead kitty on the floor’ so Mom will leave the air on.”

Or maybe he’s dreaming of the lovely Halley as she dreams of him… Hmm…

42 thoughts on “Words clouded with dye”

  1. Chaos has really figured out what will work to get the air on, hasn’t he?

    Dyeing sounds like it was lots of fun- can’t wait to see the finished result!

  2. Can’t wait to see the yarn that you dyed. I love purple & black too! My word cloud didn’t get very good.. though I’ve seen some really cool ones.

  3. That dead kitty pose looks really familiar. We haven’t turned the air on yet and Lucy and Petey are melting. We’re just trying to get them acclimated to living in Florida :o)

    I love the T-shirt. What a neat idea.

  4. I am having a hard time imagining that any purple could be too considered too shocking…I need to see it. The brighter, the better!

  5. Poor, poor overheated Chaos. He can’t take off that fur coat, you know. What a tragic pose.

    Halley is pretty darn cute.

    Did you take a picture of the shocking purple before you overdyed it?

    Cool Word Cloud!

  6. Was it “Prince” purple? Very cool shirt – that Jeanne…what a pal!

    Is Chaos going to start internet dating now? Perhaps he should have a profile on e-harmony…..

  7. cute kitty love letter – can Chaos blush? ;o) Jeanne gave you an awesome gift! Those words are very ‘you’ (purple and black even make an appearance there!)

    I like seeing your dyeing setup!

  8. I can’t see what is wrong with purple and black myself 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve done.

    Chaos is so sweet and innocent looking today – but we know the truth!

  9. That shirt is extremely cool! I know what you mean about the dyeing…seems like everything I do has green/blue/brown or green/purple or purple/orange. There are other colors, I know, but you wouldn’t know that from my yarn!

  10. Wow, you look like you’re having so much fun with the dyeing! I’m on the verge of posting about all of my adventures … and it’s an adventure, right?? 🙂 I love that stenciling … do you read soule mama’s blog? Mostly fabric, but some great knitting also — and she’s done some really cool stenciling onto clothing. Must. Do. For. Kids. (What’s the use of having kids if you can’t push your handmade stuff onto them, right?)

  11. You forgot the worst potential accident of all — reaching for the wine and winding up with a big mouthful of dye instead. 🙂

    Great shirt!

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