Walking around the neighborhood and a possible scandal

Whew, it’s been hot here in Minneapolis – 97F yesterday! When you consider we had highs of 45F only 10 or 12 days ago, I’m sure you’ll understand why we’re a bit stunned.

Anyway, here are an assortment of images from my neighborhood, taken over the past week. Most are Project Spectrum greens, but there are a few that just intrigued me.

A verdent mansion along East Lake of the Isles Parkway

Thomas Lowry Park, which is very small indeed.

Feet on a light post in the park

Mannequins – it freaked me out a little to get home from taking this picture and discover that Jeanne had just posted a picture of a mannequin from her neighborhood

A control box for stoplights (pretend it’s April, since I missed taking this picture last month!).

Green, green Gulf

Van parked outside the local hip hop shop

And the possible scandal – pictures of a black cat… but not Chaos. Meet Richard, who was out for a walk when I was:

He was really too busy to stop for pictures or witty commentary.

I’m off to enjoy a lovely (albeit warm) day off from work. Chaos is enjoying the air conditioning, which I finally turned on late yesterday, having had enough of his dead kitty on the tile floor impersonation. Have a wonderful Memorial Day for those in the US (and I think it’s a bank holiday in the UK?)!

28 thoughts on “Walking around the neighborhood and a possible scandal”

  1. My cat would never get into one of those harness things and allow me to walk her around the neighborhood. The cats name is Richard? I knew a family once whos children named their dog Michael.. and I always thought that was cute in a silly way.

  2. oh my, don’t show Chaos your screen – jealousy does not become him.
    My cats would wriggle out of one of those harness things in a heartbeat – great photos today.

  3. Richard may be cute, but, he is no substitute for the gorgeous Chaos.
    I tried the harness a few times on Pearl Phyllis, she would just role over and glare at me. it eventually became a fun chew toy.

  4. I have a mental image of the look Chaos whould give you as opened up the package with the harness and leash for him. I’m keeping that image with me all day today as I spend it with the in-laws. I’ll likely have the same look on my face.

    BTW – the invite to knit on the porch- GREAT idea. I’ll work on it.

  5. I wonder what makes some names ‘pet names’ and others not? I always give my cats human names, but not names I thought I might want to give a child. In my life, I’ve had Rosemary, Suzy (a dog), Callie, Charlotte, Aggie, and Harley. Simon was named by my sister – he was originally Annabelle (oops!). I like the name Annabelle for a pet, so that and Milo are on my ‘future pet names’ list.

    But Richard? Why does that seem odd for a pet? Because it does…..

  6. *gasp* A whole post with no Chaos? Does his publicity agent know about this?

    I love houses covered in ivy, though from what I understand they tend to lead to buggy probems.

  7. I feel your pain. I was wearing a fleece a week and a half ago. Today it’s going to be 90. It’s not that summer came as a complete surprise it’s just that it came on so suddenly. I was holding out on the a/c until June 1 but I threw in the (sweat soaked) towel yesterday. How many days until fall?

    Richard is an awesome name for a cat. I might name my new barncat Richard!

  8. I think Deb & I are sharing the same mental image of Chaos. It is funny that you ran into a black cat being walked in your neighborhood. In my 5 years of walking almost daily in my neighborhood I have never seen a cat out for a walk!

  9. Great pics, Chris — I especially love the ivy house and the light post feet.

    It’s hot hot hot here too — considering last weekend I pulled out Oliver’s winter coat, it’s a bit of a shock.

  10. My dog does that. She’ll lie, half in, half out of the bathroom as that’s the only room with tiled floor!

    Does Chaos know about Richard?

  11. Great pictures! I especially like the ivy covered house.

    I tried the harness and cat walking thing once and only once. 🙂 Wait ’til Chaos finds out you’ve been hanging around another black cat.

  12. I had to laugh at all the Richard-the-cat-name comments 🙂 an ex-coworker named her son Hector… which for me is a dog name… not a people name hahahaha.

    Gorgeous pictures, Chris!!!

    Cheers Eva

  13. It is indeed a Bank Holiday here in the UK – hooray!

    I think you’ve stolen all our warm weather though – it is freezing and raining here! I had to switch on the heating and go to bed with the the electric blanket on last night. It has rained on and off quite hard today and has been very cold. It is more March weather than almost June!

  14. PS I forgot to say how much I am enjoying the photos of Minneapolis. It is really fun to see where you live and what you see. I love the verdant mansion. The control box is really cool.

    Richard is very cute – I can’t quite seeing Chaos being that keen on walking on a leash though.

  15. Wow – that is a beautiful mansion! Thanks for the walking tour pictures of Minneapolis, I feel like I got my exercise already! 😉

  16. Hello Richard! Yikes – I bet Chaos is thinking ‘I hope nobody thinks that is me! The horror, the humiliation of being on a harness!’ Actually that looks like a very well-adjusted cat, didn’t even freak out at a stranger taking a picture of him!

  17. I’m lovin’ the Loki. I’m hatin’ the heat… *gasp*

    If you are looking for a coolish place to hide on Saturday night at 7pm, check out the Basilica in downtown Mpls… the Vampire will be singing there with the MN Boychoir for a 3-song Alumni Sing.

    No promise about the quality of the Alumni group, as many of them have left their singing lives long, long ago and they will have had less than an hour of practice together prior to the concert. But the concert is free, and the rest of the choir kicks choral booty (as you can tell from your sample song on the cd), and the Vampire’s family will be at a reunion, so he’ll have nobody to cheer him on… bring friends, it’ll be a cheap date!


  18. Lovely photos! My son has a harness like that for his cat, but he risks life and limb getting the beast into it. On the other hand, his girlfriend’s cat wants outside so bad, he’ll put up with anything. Hope it cools off for you soon!

  19. Great picrures, I love the ivy covered mansion, it reminds me of some the old farm houses back home in Ireland. Chaos is going to be very jealous.

  20. Great pictures!! Was Chaos ‘roaching’? Oreo has been doing that a lot lately but I think it’s due to weirdness, more than being due to the heat. 🙂

  21. I just love the photos in your neighborhood – especially the PS green ones 😉
    And the whole Richard on a leash thing cracked me up. My cats would never stand for that!

  22. napoleon’s going to get a leash soon… cuz he’s an indoor kitty just yearning to be outdoors.

    he’s ripped the screan door to shreads. silly kitty.

    he sends his best to chaos btw.

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