Linkity for the last day of June

Serious Mayhem is serious!

Harry, skillfully hiding his shaved spots.

Polly, sleeping in a most unattractive and alarm position.

3 thoughts on “Linkity for the last day of June”

  1. Oh, Polly!

    The “inside doesn’t match the outside” house looks nice inside, but in the main bedroom, you apparently have to move the nightstand on the right of the bed in order to access the sunroom behind it. Oh, but wait! It appears that they have a very cleverly disguised door on the left of the bed in the corner. If you look closely, you can see the outline of the door and a glass doorknob. Hey, whatever works, I guess.

  2. Okay, so now I have to buy Ursula Vernon’s TOAD WORDS short story collection. I had been putting it off because of some unfounded thought that it was a more horror collection, but obviously that was plain wrong.

    I love that comment about wizard schools! Like, where are the regular subjects in them? Do wizards not need to learn about world history, just about wizard history? Do they not need to know how to read and write and do math? Makes no sense to me.

    I saw that Tiny Bookshop game! There’s another one I’m interested in (named Tiny Sticker Tale) where the gameplay is you putting stickers of things in the game world to solve puzzles. They both sound like a lot of fun!

    Thank you for the 90’s look posts! I have been annoyed at some “90’s retro” things that are 80’s instead, but I hadn’t been able to pinpoint why.

    That climate-change-victim-waiting-to-happen condo has a lot going on. Flooding. Hurricanes. Florida. And way too many mirrors.

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