In which linkity perhaps overcompensates for missing a few weeks…

Mayhem turned sweet 16 on May 27th!

Polly has a lot to tell me!

Mayhem looking out the window.

I got a Dyson fan/air purifier recently and the siblings found it puzzling.

You can almost see the question marks floating around Harry’s head!

5 thoughts on “In which linkity perhaps overcompensates for missing a few weeks…”

  1. OMG, I love the Cinderella story you linked to! That is just so great, and it’s wonderful to have someone address how the prince wouldn’t even really be the draw for Cinderella. Just getting to be AT the ball and do what she wanted would be so special.

    I love the rainbow dragon quilt! And the mint-hoarding dragon! That last post-it is especially wonderful. 😀

    Wow. The CD dress doesn’t look comfortable at all. Maybe if you lined it… Hmm.

    That house (sorry, it’s a castle to me) near you is amazing. I admire the dedication of the couple who are living like it’s 1930, but eew. Give me a modern kitchen and bathroom at MINIMUM, please. And having a hot tub in the great room would be one way to avoid bugs! Though otherwise I’m not thrilled. The porch is where I would want to spend my time at that house.

    I want my mac and cheese to be actually mac and cheese. Not gummies, and not nail polish. Eeew.

    It’s always so fun watching cats try to puzzle out something new in the house. 😀
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  2. What is with the no handrails on the stairs. Someone’s going to have clean the wall as everyone is going to run their hands up it for balance (except for those that seem to float in midair for some reason). Love the house near you. Most of the others, not so much. I don’t do hot tubs so don’t see a need for one anywhere on the property, nevermind in the middle of the living space. Those AOL CDs! One is probably worth a mint right now. Folks use CDs for fishing lures in VA Beach area.
    String them together and the flashing of the silver looks like a school of fish and attracts spadefish (because that’s important to know when you live in Minnesota 🙂 )

  3. Happy Birthday Mayhem! You don’t look a day over 9.

    Hmmm. I wonder who owns that mansion in SLC with all the art. It’s a really eclectic collection… some LDS stuff, but also some really weird things. Maybe the owner of an antique store? I may have to see if any of my friends know. Maybe we should all pitch in and buy it.

  4. Pretty soon they’ll be selling COVID air sprays, for when you really, really, really have to use that truck stop restroom.

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