If Mayhem had a superpower…

When I drove to work this morning at 6:15 am, it was -15°F, with a windchill of -30°F (-26.1°C and -34.4°C respectively). Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Just in case you missed it, Friday’s post contained links to a lot of contests. Here are a few more:

Wen is having a contest for Knit From Your Stash participants – take a picture of a “crime against yarn” that you committed, post it to your blog, and leave a comment with the link for Wen before February 9 at midnight PST. She has some lovely yarny prizes for you to win!

Julie’s having a two-part contest. For the first, leave a caption for a very cute picture of her cat, Mr. Mugatoo. For the second, guess how much Mr. Mugatoo weighed when he went to the vet Friday. Prizes include a skein of STR, Fred Flintstone colorway. She’ll take entries until February 8.

Limedragon reviewed various bookholders last week, with a particular eye to how well they would work for reading and knitting. Her summary with links is a valuable resource for knitting readers and reading knitters alike!

So, if Mayhem had a superpower (as the amazing Kitten Girl), it would be making everything into a dangerous toy.* I am sure many children also have this superpower.

Behold the seemingly innocuous knitting bag, perfect for a sock project…

“Mom, there are other kitties on this bag!!! Is there something you’ve been meaning to tell us?!” -M

Now somehow turned into a tourniquet around May’s middle!

“Well, if that doesn’t beat all…” -M

“Help! Help! I’m hit!” -M
“Melodramatic much, May?” -C

“Tell Mom I love her…” -M
“Sheesh, May, tell her yourself, since she’s standing right there taking pictures of you in your shame!” -C

*For the curious, Chaos’ superpower is meowing.

44 thoughts on “If Mayhem had a superpower…”

  1. LOL at the above commenter. “When Bags Attack.” *snort*

    It’s -30 here today too. It’s FREAKIN’ COLD. I sent Julia to school with just a small portion of her face exposed. And I’m dreading having to go and pick her up…it’s just too cold to be outside.

  2. Wow – that is COLD! Here, it was 39 degrees Saturday morning when I walked, and yesterday afternoon it was 91…. that’s a 52 degrees difference! We never know whether we’re coming or going out here :o)

  3. Tig to May – “Big deal – I can do that with the handles of those bags from Target and Cub too. You know the ones that say they are not toys for children or animals! Guess what – they really are!!”

  4. My boy cat, Ziggy has the super power of missing the cat door and headbutting the door to the utility room. He does this late at night and then lets out a “Mraooarr?”

    His brilliance is something we just can’t comprehend.

  5. My cats do that with grocery bags all the time, May. One of my kitties shares Chaos’ super power and she reminds us of it constantly 🙂

  6. Can Chaos speak? Like say actual words? Isis can. Isis freaked the heck out of my mom-in-law by saying, clear as day, ‘mama’ one time when they were watching her for us. And she says no, too.

    Yes. That’s my cat. Talking back to me. 😉

  7. hmmmm…… why do I think I want to move back to the midwest? It’s 65 here right now — that’s about normal for now, although it’s been a relatively cold winter for us, with a whole streak of days with highs around 40.

    And I never thought about meowing as a superpower….

  8. Poor little May! We’re cold, but not so cold as you! I think we’re up to a high of 10, but very windy. You all get that canadian cold dip thing!

  9. Isn’t it funny that when are animals are in peril (well non-life threatening peril) before we assist them we take their picture! I’ve had Basil hanging off something scared and I run for the camera instead of helping him. Sad, so sad. Although I know had she been in true peril she would have been helped first. And then a reenactment later for the photo shoot.

  10. Such talent! I can’t blame Chaos for his disdain, being an older sibling myself. The youngsters have to learn everything on their own the hard way.

  11. LOL…

    naps will turn any collar into a dangerous weapon… against himself. if it’s on him for longer than five minutes he gets his jaw stuck and freaks out….

    that and anything that can be knocked off a shelf becomes a projectile.

    cats! gotta love them…

    beware sylar though. it’s a good power to get your hands on…

  12. Hee. Lucy’s superpower is pestering me in the middle of tne night until I get up and give her what she wants. She does it in a quiet way though, so as not to really make me mad. Brat.

  13. Go May! You kick bag butt, and make sure that EVERYONE knows your in trouble. She’s good at the damsell is distress thing. Chaos, quick! Sound the Super Sonic Meow Alert!

  14. Oh too funny and poor May having her shame and humiliation seen not only by her Big Kitty Brother but also the world ;o) Did that bag end up with a hole in it later when she got her sneaky revenge?

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