Vacation, Day the nth

Yesterday, it was Deb’s turn to entertain me during my vacation. 😉 We dyed some wonderful yarn, but it’s drying, so you’ll have to wait until Monday to see it all pretty and nice. This will shock you – one of my skeins contained no black, purple, or pink!! I’ll wait while you collect yourselves.

Jeanne and I will be participating in the Yarn Crawl/Treasure Hunt going on at seven Twin Cities’ yarn stores this weekend. Wouldn’t it be great fun to win the $3000 grand prize?!

Reading Update
Sacred and Profane and Milk and Honey by Faye Kellerman. Books two and three in the Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus series. Although I’m enjoying this series, at times, I find I’m gritting my teeth at Peter’s attitude toward women in these books. Does this improve at all in future books?! He’s generally ok regarding his partner, Marge, but towards Rina – argh!
Naked in Death by J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts). This is the first Eve Dallas novel and I hugely enjoyed rereading it. If you aren’t familiar with this series, it’s a somewhat graphic mystery series set in the not-too-distant future, featuring NYPD lieutenant Eve Dallas and the ever-so-sexy Roarke, the richest man in the world (and then some). Roarke is way up there on my list of sexiest fictional male persons. *fans self*

Here’s a little photo essay of Chaos, May, and the black shoebox that I’ve been meaning to post for several weeks – from before Chaos’ butt was shaved.

“Nothing to see here, move along, move along.”
*hee hee* “May will never know I’m under here!”
“Hmm…. I wonder where the big kitty is?”
“Ha! I see your butt, big kitty!”
*fight fight fight bite bite bite*
“Run away!”

44 thoughts on “Vacation, Day the nth”

  1. I’m so happy to see that they have gotten used to each other. I hope Chaos grows that hair back quickly. 🙂

  2. The Treasure Hunt sound like fun. Nothing like that happens here but then again, I don’t know whether we have 7 yarn stores here! I guess if you count the one in KY. and surrounding counties, we might be able to come up with 7 😉

  3. Oooo, that treasure hunt does sound like a great time!
    Glad you’re having a great time on your vacation.

    They’re just too damn funny, those little guys…


  4. Peter is the exact reason why I stopped reading those books – no lie. You mentioned Uptown in your prior post – I LOVE Uptown – I lived and worked in St. Paul for a summer years ago when my sister was getting her PhD at U of Minnesota. I really have to head back again for a visit – 7 LYS????!!!! I thought I had it good…

  5. 7 yarn stores? And to think we’re thrilled to be getting our second!!! And yes, Peter has issues with strong women. Unfortunately for him, he is surrounded by them. It’s actually part of the reason I like the series . I do think his attitude changes some as the series progresses, although maybe I’ve just gotten used to it – it’s been ages since I read the first books.

  6. I’m so excited to be going on the yarn treasure hunt, too! I live in St. Paul, and have been skulking around your blog for awhile.

  7. *L* I love your kitty pictures. I used to have a black kitty, my daughter’s dog Simon was terrified of her. They would play and Mintz would come out of it with a Simon Slober spiked hairdo.

  8. I always thought of Peter as wanting to keep his loved ones safe, as would any decent husband/father. Now that you mention it, I see that perhaps he does go a bit too far in that direction. Luckily, the women in his life do what smart, strong women everywhere do: smile, nod, and continue to do exactly as they please. Although iirc his daughter tends to argue a bit first.

    Why didn’t these Knit Outs and LYS treasure hunts happen when I LIVED in Minneapolis? I can’t justify driving probably 300 miles and taking a whole day off from thingsthatneedtobedoneathome just because it would be fun and I *might* win $3,000 worth of knitting treasures. [/whine]

  9. What a cute black kitty tangle – it’s hard to see what’s what! 🙂 Your socks yesterday were wonderful – the waffle pattern really gave definition to a beautiful yarn, will have to look that up. I do hope Chaos is doing well, and glad your vacation sounds so fun!

  10. Ooooo, you make me want to have baby kitties again!

    Fiona was the tiniest little thing, and she would hide behind corners to scare the Big Kitties. She’s poke that teeny nose out to watch for them, and then POW, hop, hop, hop she’d come around the corner, legs straight, bouncing like a pogo stick. The Big Kitties would jump about 3 feet high and then afterwards would try to compose themselves in a dignified manner…. “I meant to do that, I knew you were there the whole time…”

  11. Great every time someone says run away I have to watch Monty Python.

    Love the cat picutres, too cute. Does Chaos still seem to be getting better?

  12. There’s just something about a pussy in a box that cracks me the hell up.

    Can’t wait to see your yarn! Did you do any you’re gonna call Mayhem? Oh wait, that would have black in it!

  13. Peter does get better over time, but he thinks one way and his wife a different way. Rina is a strong woman and doesn’t kowtow to him. Like all women, she knows how to think around him to get what needs to be done.

  14. No purple, black, or pink?! Are you feeling okay? 😉

    The Yarn Crawl/Treasure Hunt sounds like a lot of fun! Here’s hoping you win the $3000 grand prize.

  15. ROFL. The “Kitty Butt” and “Run Away!” photos are great. Who needs TV when you have live entertainment like that in your own home?

  16. Oh wow, a yarny treasure hunt! That is so cool!

    Chaos and Mayhem are about the most adorable duo I think I’ve ever seen – they’re obviously getting on brilliantly and that stupid vet that stressed you out doesn’t know what he was talking about!

  17. great photos of the “kids”
    Hope that shaved butt guy is all grown in SOON – can’t wait to see your yarn. It must be a gift for someone else… right?! har har

  18. The Three Kitten’s Yarn shop?! How sweet is that – now I want to know if there are really three kittens in the shop or that is just a cunning marketing ploy to draw cat owners in! I love the idea of a knitter’s treasure hunt – we don’t have enough yarn shops in Kent to do that 🙁

    Those two are too cute for words! How is Chaos doing?

  19. oh, i do love my fix of pics of Chaos and May! lol

    boxes are favorite toys here, too…endless hours of family fun. you can play in them, pounce into and out of them, sleep on them, hide your toys in them, scratch your claws on them (ah, cardboard, that perfect claw-scratchy surface!), ambush people/feet/other felines from within them…the possibilities are virtualy limitless.

  20. I can’t wait to see the yarn! I’m going to need an affadavit from Deb that you really dyed it without purple or black! Are you doing the Knit Out tomorrow?

  21. No black or purple or pink? Did you really dye it? lol.

    Great fun to win that prize!

    Oh, Mayhem. You’re not supposed to say Chaos has a big butt.

  22. chris…


    naps fell from a seven story window…

    the vet is cautiously optomisitc…

    read the blog for details.


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