Those darn Christmas presents

Before I got sidetracked by that Christmas tag last night, I had some actual knitting progress to report. The sweater for Maranda’s baby still needs the ends woven in – I’m saving that for when I knit with Jeanne on Wednesday night. Sorry, Jeanne! I just can’t read and weave in ends – but I can usually talk and weave in ends. Not always, but usually. Sometimes the talking is restricted to cursing, but hey – it’s still talking. Right?

I also decided on the spur of the moment to knit my sister-in-law some felted mittens for Christmas. The present previously intended for Christmas will now be for her birthday in March. Unless, of course, the felted mittens don’t turn out.

Since knitting the mittens with some of the black or grey feltable yarn from my stash wouldn’t have been half as much fun as knitting the mittens with brand new yarn, I picked up some black and grey Lopi at the new knitting store in Coon Rapids, All About Yarn. If you want to be boggled, just check out this list of yarn stores in our Twin Cities metro area. Yup, you counted right – 27. How can a metropolitan area of 2 million people support 27 yarn stores, plus innumerable Michaels and Jo-Anns as well?? But I digress… no surprise.

Sunday morning I cast on the first mitten and made pretty good progress. Since I know you’re all wondering how to point out its ugliness in a tasteful fashion, yes, yes, the mitten should be much less ugly after it has been felted. The funky spiraling should smooth out a bit and be kind of interesting.

(The pattern is from a knitting class I took in 2001 – I learned how to knit on dpns in that class.) Anyway, by late afternoon I was tired of the mittens, so I started to make wine charms. These will be Christmas presents for my stepmom and for my brother and sister-in-law.

I’ve never done any beading before. Dang, those beaders are some patient people! I was cussing up a storm, and a tiny amount of blood was shed. (I’d like to claim that I’ve never shed blood while knitting, but alas… I have.) Blurry results of 2.5 hours hard labor below.

My crappy digital camera is driving me insane! Usually the only part of the photo that’s in focus is the upper left corner. Strangely, the upper left corner tends not to be where the auto focus was pointed. Any of you knit bloggers who have nice point-and-shoot digital cameras (with optical zoom) – I would love recommendations at this point.

Probably anyone reading this would love for me to get recommendations, too.

And here’s today’s gratuitous cat picture:

“This shoebox is great! Put that camera away. Can’t you see I’m waiting for you to walk by so I can sneak attack you?”

7 thoughts on “Those darn Christmas presents”

  1. I have vowed to knit no Christmas presents! Except for the stole for my mother in law, the scarf for my best friend, the socks for my other best friend…..hmmmm. It’s sad when you can’t even fool yourself any more.

    Chaos looks adorable under that box. When Meiko gets into one of her playful moods, she waits under the table for one of us to walk past, then jumps out and bops us on the back of the leg twice before running away again. I have no idea what gets into her little stripy grey head sometimes.

  2. I really like the wine glass charms! They look great; well worth the bloodshed.

    Um…for the seriously un-crafty…what does one do when they “felt” a mitten?

  3. That’s exactly how it happens, Kellie! My sister-in-law really loves the socks, scarf, slippers, and shawl I’ve knitted for her, so when I hear that she needs mittens, well…

    Do you think Meiko is playing tag, you’re it? And you’re supposed to be chasing her then?!

    mama_tulip – Thanks! To “felt” mittens (or bags or Kitty Pis or Fuzzy Feet or whatever), you do everything to said woolen object that you’re not supposed to do to wool. Toss it in the washing machine and wash it in scorching hot water, wring it, twist it, etc. You end up with a dense fabric that often doesn’t even look knitted anymore. It’s very, very warm. And much smaller than what you started with. 🙂

  4. ah… we the fools that think everyone wants something handcrafted for a present…

    here is the ashtray i tried to make you when i was four. it doesn’t hold ash cuz there is a hole in the bottom. or the bird house/feeder that i made when i was 10- birds can’t get inside


    chaos. you should so build a fort man… a huge fort with cat nip walls and stuff man… yea man…

  5. Please don’t encourage Chaos toward tool use! That would just be the end of sanity. Think about it – what if the Napster could make a little spear or pry bar or a saw?

  6. Smite thee down, Ana – we do not even think about the Cat Chaotic developing fire. It’s right up there with him developing anti-bungee technology on my list of fears.

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