Ebook Giveaway: His Faithful Squire (Knight Errant #2) by KD Sarge [CONTEST CLOSED]

Many thanks to K.D. Sarge for donating an ebook copy of her forthcoming m/m scifi romance, His Faithful Squire (Knight Errant #2), for a lucky commenter to win! His Faithful Squire will be released by Turtleduck Press on August 1.

Former joy-boy Rafe Ballard likes living on the freighter Pendragon’s Dream. Under the watchful eye of Captain Eve Marcori, Marine veteran, no one beats him. He eats well, his life is rarely in danger, and – most important by far – he spends much of his days and all the glorious nights with his beloved Taro.

Energetic Taro, on the other hand, is eager to take on the galaxy without his sister the captain standing by. Rafe doesn’t mind – he’ll follow Taro anywhere. He’s learned enough to get a real job so he won’t be holding Taro back. Taro is beyond capable of keeping him safe. What could go wrong?

With a Marcori in the picture, lots.

Read the First Three Chapters

Also Available

About KD

KD Sarge writes for joy and hope, and works for a living. She has tried her hand at many endeavors, including Governess of the Children, Grand Director of the Drive-Through, and Dispatcher of the Tow Trucks. Currently KD labors appreciated but underpaid in the public school system.

Past accomplishments include surviving eight one-year-olds for eight hours alone (she lasted ten months), driving a twenty-foot truck from Ohio to Arizona by way of Oklahoma, and making a six-pack of tacos in twenty-three seconds.

Writing achievements include the Weightiest First Draft Ever, as well as nine other, much lighter, completed novels. She has four universes under construction, writes science fiction, fantasy, steampunk, smut (in many genres), and means to one day undertake a cosy mystery. A widow, KD lives in Arizona with three children, two of them furred and all of them demanding.

KD can be found on her web site, her blog, or on Twitter as @KDSarge. She also has a Facebook page.

KD considers Knight Errant the “gateway drug” to her work, so it’s available in ebook for an excellent price from Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, leave a comment stating that you are entering the contest. Contest closes 7 pm CDT, Monday, August 1.
  • By entering the contest, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
  • If you haven’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesn’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only ritual dust bunny sacrifice will salvage your entry…
  • If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry – this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
  • Winners will be selected by random number.
  • You must leave a valid email address in the “Email” portion of the comment form.
  • Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from stumblingoverchaos.com!
  • If a winner doesn’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
  • If you win, please respect the author’s intellectual property and don’t make copies of the ebook for anyone else.
  • This contest is open worldwide!

“Only eight hours until dinner! I can hardly wait!” -Chaos

53 thoughts on “Ebook Giveaway: His Faithful Squire (Knight Errant #2) by KD Sarge [CONTEST CLOSED]”

  1. Additional “Chaos-isms” for this picture:

    “Arrrgh” (in Pirate Voice)

    “Clean paw, clean paw, I’m going to have a clean, clean paw”

    “I may or may not be having a stroke, Mom”

  2. I’ve got the first one in my queue to read and would love to win this to read straight after the first one, so please count me in. Thanks

  3. Please count me in!

    Also, I swear that both Saru-chan and Victor live for their meals. You’d think that no one ever fed them ever! I imagine that Chaos is much the same. Never met a treat or food bowl that he didn’t like.
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..doggies!My Profile

  4. I just bought Knight Errant, haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard good things! Plz include me!

  5. I have Knight Errant 1 so I have to try for the sequel. Please count me in. Thanks.

  6. I’m entering the contest. KD Sarge is a new author for me. I need to check out her site and works.

  7. I don’t know why I haven’t entered this yet, but please count me in! Thank you for hosting this giveaway! :>

    Oh Chaos, you and I both. Dinner is perhaps the heaviest meal I eat. Yum. :9

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