Tag Archives: Staring Contest Guys

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 204th (The return of the return of the Staring Contest Guys)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with the Staring Contest Guys.


or so),

wished he could wear


(and that fit less

) before making

that he suspected would be

someday, but he needed their

to stay free of the

some that would break



The end! Poor Mister Romance, huh?

“I don’t know why you even bother with those naughty boys, Mom, when I am so much cuter!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 76th (Profiles that Pass in the Night Guys)

Congrats to Lauren, who won Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton! Between Sinners and Saints was released on May 29 by Amber Allure.

Congrats to Melanie M, who won A.J.’s Angel by L.A. Witt! A.J.’s Angel is being released by Samhain Publishing today.

Happy fifth birthday, Mayhem!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting the Profiles that Pass in the Night Guys. If you remember the Staring Contest Guys, you might think these are the same guys. Nope. Similar, but not the same.



for dealing with the


, and


, who all were afraid of

, was to distract them using


, then show them pictures of

from the

before they started their

as part of


*blink blink*

“I can’t believe you had naughty boys on my birthday, Mom…” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 35th (The Return of the Staring Contest Guys)

If you read m/m romance, you should definitely join the M/M Romance Group on GoodReads. It’s a great source for reading recommendations, discussions, eye candy, author news, giveaways, and more. This week, the group is throwing a party (complete with hundreds of prizes) to celebrate its anniversary. If you decide to join and check it out this week, stop by this post and mention that I sent you. 😉

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’re revisiting the Staring Contest Guys, who are, unsurprisingly, still staring. First, let’s start with the original stock photo, titled “Rivalry.” Umm… I’m not thinking rivalry’s the reason they’re staring at each other like that…


Anyway. On to our story!


and shared their deepest, darkest, most

with each, speaking

and their

wish to twine around each other in

as they share

. I wonder if they ever blink?

I don’t see what the big deal is. I can stare better than any naughty boys, Mom!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 29th (Staring Contest Guys)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet the Staring Contest Guys.

were faced with a


about whether they should exact

against the

or whether they should deal with it

to man with “a bit of the old

“. (With apologies to A Clockwork Orange and those with delicate sensibilities for that last one…)

“…zzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

Alas, Mayhem could not be reached for a pithy quote about how naughty these boys were.