Break out the brain bleach…

Something I actually saw in a store yesterday: an anatomically correct gummi heart. Ewwwww!

Does this lolcats picture look like anyone you know?! 😉

Guess how many emails Heather will have in her work inbox when she returns to work after more than a month of vacation and you could win one year subscriptions to One Story Magazine and Kaleidotrope. Leave your guesses by the morning of November 6 to participate.

Chappysmom is having her second annual “Show me your November calendar pages” contest! Leave a comment on the contest post by November 15 and include a link to your calendar post to possibly win a Chappysmom Knitting/Fiber calendar. Here’s the calendar that’s hanging in my kitchen:

And the calendar that’s on my desk:

And while we’re talking about calendars – why the heck don’t we just stay in Daylight Savings Time all year?! The kitties love springing ahead (“Woo-hoo! Mom fed us early!”), but they sure hate falling back (“Boo! Hisssss! Mom is starving us!”).

Reading Update
A Cat in the Manger: An Alice Nestleton Mystery by Lydia Adamson. I read this short mystery about an NYC actress and catsitter and liked it ok, but I only got partway through another Alice Nestleton mystery (A Cat on a Beach Blanket) before deciding I didn’t want to bother finishing it.
Nerds Like It Hot by Vicki Lewis Thompson. Another trashy nerds mystery – this one was better than the last one I read, but the library copy was saturated in men’s cologne (that seemed a bit odd to me, personally), so this wasn’t a pleasant read.
Duplicity Dogged the Dachsund by Blaize Clement. This is the second mystery featuring Sarasoata pet sitter Dixie Hemingway. These are very well-written and I’ll definitely continue reading this series. My one complaint about this book was heavy-handed foreshadowing – so much so that I became vaguely obsessed (thus distracted from the rest of the story) waiting for the followup.
Serenity: Those Left Behind by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, and Will Conrad. This short graphic novel is set between the tv series Firefly and the movie Serenity and although it’s only so-so, it does answer a question I had during the movie.
Devil May Cry by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This is the most recent Dark-Hunter novel. Mmmm…. Dark Hunters….
Divine Evil by Nora Roberts. This was the first non-J.D. Robb Nora Roberts’ book I’ve read. She can definitely write, but I do like the the J.D. Robb books a lot better (mmmm…. Roarke….). I’ll probably try reading some of her other stuff, however, since the extreme evilness portrayed in the book predisposed me to not like it.

Viewing Update
Once you get over the shock of me turning on the tv to watch anything… 😉
Firefly – I can’t believe I hadn’t seen this before! What an amazing show – really sad that there were only 14 episodes. 🙁
Serenity – But I’m definitely glad they resolved a number of open questions from Firefly in this film… even though I spent the last 10 or 15 minutes of the film crying. “I am a leaf on the wind…“*sniff*
Sweetland – Jeanne brought this over Wednesday night for our “Hiding from Trick-or-Treaters” gathering. The movie was based on Will Weaver’s short story “A Gravestone Made of Wheat,” which I read about 15 years ago and don’t remember at all. Anyway, the movie was set primarily in rural Minnesota in the 1920s, when Olaf, a Norwegian bachelor farmer, receives a German mail-order bride at a time when anti-German sentiment is high.

Chaotic Update
Lindy wanted to see more pictures of Chaos, since apparently last week was somewhat Mayhemish. Sorry, Lindy! Here Chaos enjoys a lovely felted catnip mouse from Paper Tiger, who also sent a mouse for May, tasty dark chocolate for me, and even gooey gluten-free brownies! Thanks, PT!

*bite bite bite bite bite* -Chaos

47 thoughts on “Break out the brain bleach…”

  1. he he, first comment! and with a good news too!!! YOU WON!!!
    Send me a mail with your adress so I can post the goodies 😉

    Hope your week has started well

  2. YES! I really have trouble with this time change. I’ve been awake for an hour trying desperately to get a little more sleep. Chaos sure is intent!

  3. Oh, I definitely thought of Chaos when I saw that picture! And little buddy Gandalf…

    Yeah, I’ve been told that I still have to feed the you know who’s one hour early. Their stomachs don’t do Standard Time.

  4. gnaw, gnaw, gnaw – yummy felted wool.

    Just started reading the Lucy Stone series by Leslie Meier. Set in Maine. You might want to give it a go.

  5. Eek, Chaos’ teeth look sharp!

    Have you heard the latest about Whedon and his new TV series? It looks intriguing but I’m surprised he and his writer is making another go with Fox, which has been bad about these type shows, IMO…

  6. How did you like Sweetland? I looked at it in the video store on Friday and will pick it up if it makes good viewing. The girls would like it because it has the actress who plays Eva/Rebecca on Grey’s Anatomy.

  7. “Ponder the moral implications of (strawberry-flavored) cannibalism…” Brain bleach, indeed.

    The boy cats in my home get their “clocks” reset a half-hour at a time. I’m with you. Let’s leave the time alone!

  8. Hehheh – I was particularly enabling today, you may not want to visit until your cc’s are safely put away.

    I KNOW about Firefly/Serenity! I gobbled up every episode and then watched them again. And the movie? SOB! i heart Joss Whedon!

    Smooches Chaos!

  9. Sure where was that gummi heart last week at the Halloween party at school when we needed to use fresh mozzarella cheese as the heart in the “reach in this bag and feel gross things that feel like body parts” game!!

  10. I *loved* Sweetland when I saw it earlier this fall. It will probably make my top ten (viewed) movies of the year a lot of really great films come out in the next eight weeks.

  11. Guys –

    She’s clearly onto “Plan Camera.” Abort – and let’s get a conference planned to come up with Plan B for taking over the world. I’ll bring tuna.

    – Cricket

  12. Aw, Chaos… so fierce!

    I’ll have to check out Sweetland next time I’m home visiting my parents — I think they would really be interested in it. My dad’s family is of the Norwegian farmer variety. My mom’s family is German, and they did have a lot of problems at that time in MN. In fact, an enraged mass descended upon their parsonage in the middle of the night and threatened them. Luckily my great-grandfather managed to calm them down, but it’s a very scary family tale.

  13. Oh dear, Archie Mchee’s strikes again. I want to get one of their Crazy Cat Lady figures… afterall, that’s how I’ll probably end my days. I agree with the time changes. Just pick a bloody time and stick with it. Aaack!

  14. Nasty candy! I once had a pink and grey life size gummi rat (a Christmas stocking gift), that I thought was as gross as gummi could be. Clearly, I was wrong.

    You go, Chaos! That mousie is dead.

  15. Ew.. gummy heart! I would however like to purchase the “Dashboard Monk” for my car though.. its very cute.
    I looooved Firefly and Serenity.. though I cried and cried when Wash died even though I read it ahead of time (!!!) in a forum post from someone who was too mean to use spoiler tags.

  16. I’m with you (and the little ones) about staying with daylight savings time. This going to work in the daylight is freaky after getting used to the darkness.

  17. Anne’s mice are the best!!! I’ve got two around here somewhere…. not surewhere the kitties have hidden them recently. They’ll resurface, just like the others, eventually.

  18. I went to high school with Willy Weaver — to me he will always be Willy. His older sister Judy was first chair trombone in the band and I was next. And Judy’s 12-grade English teacher was John Hassler (he left for Brainerd Community College before I got to 12th grade).

    I think that qualifies me for sainthood or something…

    You might want to read his first book, Red Earth, White Earth. Pretty good. When I read the sex scene I thought to myself, Hmmm, Willy, what have YOU been up to these past 15 years?)

  19. I am completely 100% with you on DST. (Also, I am not a morning person, so an extra hour of sunlight in the morning is completely wasted on me… I’d rather have it from 3:30 to 4:30!)

  20. Hey, your kitchen calendar is the one I’ve got hanging at work! November is not the best month in that one (which I think was Chappy’s Mom’s point last year).

  21. I love your desk calendar. That’s so cool!

    I fucking HATE daylight savings time. My kids were up at five this morning, goddammit, and that means I was too.

  22. That gummy heart is interesting, kind of gross, but kind of cool. We are so far east in our time zone that we really should be on Atlantic time with New Brunswick. At the depths of December, I think sundown is about 4:20. I’ll have to look into this!

  23. I hate DST so I say we stick with the time we’ve got now. Finally Hez comes in at a decent hour.

    That gummy heart is freaky! But Firefly and Chaos pix are good.

  24. You know what’s weird? I don’t even own a calendar. Not one. I think I gave up on them years ago, when I found I only remembered to buy one a few months before the year ended. 🙂

  25. I like eating gummy things as much as anyone, but that just seems wrong. No, I don’t think I’ll be buying one anytime soon.

    I’d rather eat a gummy mouse – I think Chaos would agree with that.

  26. I love gummy things but some things just shouldn’t be made to be eaten. I hate DSL so I’m much happier now. I can just see Chaos making a LOLhuman. 🙂 I’m going to have to get Firefly.

  27. So glad to hear you’re a fan of Firefly!

    FYI, Joss Whedon just announced plans for a new series starring Eliza Dushku (Faith from Buffy). It’s called Dollhouse, and Dushku plays a secret agent who can be imprinted with a different personality for each assignment.

    He’s got an order for seven episodes. It’s on Fox–the network that boneheadedly canceled Firefly. Let’s hope Fox doesn’t screw up this one, too.

  28. There are a few of the older Nora Roberts books that were amazingly evil. You might enjoy some of the new murder mysteries tho – I particularly enjoyed Northern Lights, Angels Fall and Blue Smoke.
    What I always wonder is how can she write so many books all at once in such totally different styles 🙂

  29. My dog has the same reaction to DLS! She gives me the sad eyes like I’m starving her to death.
    Love the LOLcat pic. It definately reminds me of Chaos. I’m sure he takes pics when you’re not around;)

  30. All three of our pets can tell time, and know that 7PM is dinnertime. They hate the fall time switch. I don’t much like it either time of the year, “they” should just leave the clock alone.

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