In which Mayhem notices that her legs are missing

If you don’t live in the north country, brace yourselves before you go over to Knitnzu for Lisa’s contest. Big chunks of ice slid off a roof onto her car (no one was hurt! whew) and did a shocking amount of damage. Guess what the estimate will be and you could win a $25 Spunky Eclectic gift certificate or some superwash wool. Leave your guesses and commiseration by 5 pm EST, February 20.

If you’re a cat owner living in the US, you can win a one-year supply of organic soybean-based kitty litter over at moderncat. Drawing will be held February 23.

Tell the Largehearted Boy what book you’re carrying around in your pocket these days (or wish you could get to fit into your pocket to carry around), and you could win some books from Harper Perennial’s new Olive Reader series (specifically designed to fit into pockets). The completely non-paranormal contest closes sometime in the evening of February 18.

If you sign up to follow scrapbook mystery author Joanna Campbell Slan’s Twitter feed, you’ll be entered in a contest to win a big box of mysteries from her shelves.

Brainylady Alison has a nifty tutorial on making a hollow book to hide your special secret stuff.

Definitely not Mayhem – there would be more ends. Anyone who has a cat knows how true this one is!

Not sure if your pet needs to go to the vet or not? This resource might help you decide.

If you use Facebook, you should read a bit more about their new terms of service.

25 Things Meme: The Evil Edition.

Reading Update
Star Quality by Lori Foster, Lucy Monroe, and Dianne Castell. The title of this fluffy/steamy paranormal romance collection set in “Delicious, Ohio” is more than a bit puzzling, since the stories are all about the magic of a blue moon… Not worth exerting any effort to read, although I did giggle over this exchange: “Does everybody around here drive like a lunatic?” “It’s in all Midwest genes.”
Out of Sight (The Men of T-FLAC: The Wrights, Book 5) by Cherry Adair. I swear, the book was about 100 pages too long for the amount of material. I definitely like the T-FLAC books with a paranormal element better than those without (guess which this is).
Edge of Fear (The Men of T-FLAC: The Edge Brothers, Book 9) by Cherry Adair. More anti-terrorist wizards! Woot. And the right number of pages for the amount of story. Bonus.
Visions of Heat (Psy-Changelings, Book 2) by Nalini Singh. This series is definitely growing on me. Telepaths and hunky wereleopards and werejaguars. Yum.
Dark Warrior Unleashed (The Talions, Book 1) by Alexis Morgan. Ancient Vikings who need to absorb human energy to survive – while that sounds rather vampirish, it doesn’t read like it. An intriguing start to this new series set in Seattle.
Demon’s Hunger by Eve Silver. Demons and succubi and sorcerers, oh my! The sequel to Demon’s Kiss is an intense and involving read that kept me guessing until the end. Definitely a recommended series.
Wild & Hexy (The Hex Series, Book 2) by Vicki Lewis Thompson. Fun’n’fluffy’n’sexy paranormal romance about magical matchmakers (and a lake monster and a dragon and a very clever dancing black cat) in Big Knob, Indiana. (The next book in the series will be Casual Hex…)

“I think there’s evil magic afoot around here! Someone stole my legs and I am not pleased at all.” -Mayhem

33 thoughts on “In which Mayhem notices that her legs are missing”

  1. I think I’m the only person in blogland who isn’t on FaceBook, it just doesn’t make any sense to me. I’m not allowed another online addiction anyway- between the blog, Ravelry & Twitter, I’m pretty much full. lol.

  2. Thanks for the shoutout! I got sucked into facebook recently, but I don’t do much in there. Now I will do less. Yikes. Chaos is funny w/ his opposable thumb! The kid used to blame our old dog for lots of things, but I’d tell him that she doesn’t have opposable thumbs and therefore could not have done x or y or z. Chaos is probably clever enough to figure out those catches that you have to press down to open the drawer all the way. Maybe two of them? And the ikea set up looks great! Are the knit books hiding in those white magazine holders or drawers or are they elsewhere? (I’m trying to sort and organize knit mags…sigh…)

  3. I just had flashbacks to when our van was hit – right in front of our house.

    Which reminds me: I am not going down the basement stairs today, no way, no how. If we need something that is in the basement, Number Guy can go get it or one of us can drive to the store to buy another one of whatever it is. I’m not having ankle flashbacks today.

  4. Heh, I knew EXACTLY what LOLCat you were referring too! So Gandalf…actually my sister’s dog did that once with my yarn.

    Aw, now she can’t escape the smooch-monster! *smooch smooch smooch*

  5. Thanks for sharing the word about my “Box of Books” contest, Chris. That box is HUGE–and I hope it can go to a good home.

  6. Holy cow, I’ve never seen auto damage from ice like that before! I did get beaned by an icicle last winter, and it was painful.

    That book project is very neat!

  7. I think Mayhem is meditating on the joys of chewing addi turbos.

    I had no idea that to an evil dinosaur I taste like chicken. I do know that my “meat” is unfortunately well-marbled.

  8. I’ve made a hollow book a couple of times before, and I think the next time I make one I’m going to take off the cover before I start. It was a little difficult to keep the pages in position, but if you cut the cover from the binding tape that would make part of it easier.

    I am not on Facebook. I feel like there are enough networks that I’m on (like LinkedIn) without adding one that seems mostly like a time suck.

  9. Mayhem, my big sister sits like that all the time. She likes to pretend she is a meatloaf, but she does not like it when I try to see if she has a nice ketchup glaze on the top. Then I find out that her arms are not really missing and she smacks me in the head and hisses and runs away on her legs (which are also not missing).

  10. Good links! I thought about Mayhem when I saw that LOLcats.

    I’m not on Facebook but I’ve been reading about the changes. I don’t need another thing I can’t keep up with. 🙂

  11. Oh, I dunno about that Vet Direct. I checked my cats’ symptoms (both of whom got clean bills of health from the vets for said symptoms) and was told contact vet immediately!!! If I didn’t know they were OK, I’d be panicking; not a good state if it’s 4 AM and I’m checking…

    I’m on Facebook, but I never visit. *sigh*

  12. I always tell the pets without legs that they are now the doorstops!

    I’m on Facebook, but I never use it. I know all the characters from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer have pages.

  13. The scariest part of the Facebook article is that at the end you can log in to Facebook to post a comment there or something like that. Facebook is the new (unprofitable) Evil Empire. I had an acct. for about 2 weeks and when I closed it it said I could come back whenever I wanted and just relog in so I know they keep your data in perpetuity.

  14. Just this weekend my sister asked why I wasn’t on facebook…. didn’t have the heart (guts) to tell her I have enought internet time bitten off with the blog 😉

  15. Poor May! I hope she found her legs!

    I’d comment on the Facebook thing, but they’ve been working on it since then and it’s not as scary as it used to be now. Herein lies the dangers of not keeping up with your blog feed… you get too far behind for proper commenting!

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