Late night linkity


  • We’re having a burst of unseasonably warm weather, which we’ve much appreciated. I think it was about 70F warmer this past Tuesday than the previous one! Of course, there’s still a decent chance we’ll have more winter.
  • Art Materials in Uptown Minneapolis doesn’t mess around:



Do, Make, Think, Learn


Gluten Free



Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Very good urban fantasy about a Londoner whose act of compassion slips him from his world down between the cracks to the dark and dangerous world of London Below.
Unbound (Ex Libris #3) by Jim C Hines. Pretty good continuation of this contemporary fantasy series – at least this one didn’t end on a near-cliffie like the previous book.
The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right Size by Julia Cameron. The book’s basic concept is using writing as a sort of mindfulness meditation to help you discover productive and unproductive patterns in your life, diet, etc. While I found the chapter on Morning Pages to be quite useful, as well as some tidbits from other chapters, overall I kept getting hung up on two things. First, the author isn’t a therapist, doctor, dietician, etc, although she did provide common sense advice: be more aware of what and why you eat, eat healthy things, add exercise to your life. Second, many parts of the book seemed triggery, from the perspective of someone who went through (successful) eating disorder treatment 25 years ago. When I realized that, I skimmed the rest, then put the book away.

“Basking. Go away, please.” -Chaos and Mayhem

6 thoughts on “Late night linkity”

  1. What a beautiful photo of Chaos and May.

    It is very sad news to hear of the passing of Terry Pratchett 🙁 I quite enjoyed Neverwhere. We’ve got the DVD of the TV series which was really enjoyable.
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