In which I have some setbacks and an alarming realization

Jeanne has posted her pictures from Friday night! Head on over and check them out for a slightly different perspective on the evening – or if you’re morbidly curious what I look like when slightly tipsy and being menaced by the Bugman.

First, the minor setbacks of yesterday. I briefly left my Olympic knitting unattended and returned to find it partially off the needles. Hmm. A puzzle. I wonder how that happened. No culprit was in sight.


The sweater was easily returned to the needles. However, about 16 rows after changing to a new ball of yarn, I discovered that the extra skeins of yarn I ordered are nowhere near being the same dyelot as my originals. A dark and dramatic line was readily apparent. Argh. So I ripped back to where I’d added the new ball (losing about 2800 stitches in the process) and switched to one of my original skeins.

In the process of removing the sweater from the needles, I learned the source of a mysterious “drag” on the cable of my circular needle – some small nicks, similar to what one would expect from sharp little fangs. Hmm. A bit of work with some buffing emery boards took care of that.

But… Here it is, nearly Day 3 (I’m not even 48 hours into this) and… I’ve reached the armpits of the sweater. I’m about to start knitting the first sleeve. Oh oh. It appears that I’ve radically underestimated the time it would take me to knit this sweater.

29 thoughts on “In which I have some setbacks and an alarming realization”

  1. I wonder if Chaos saw anyone messing with your knitting?? I’m sure he’d tell you who did it…tee-hee. I love the way the flash made his eyes glow from inside his ‘secret hideout’.

  2. StrangeLittleMama – Yup, wearing some very thick and cushy handknit socks. Heck, if I had sick kids, I think I would be a wee bit grumpy!! 🙂

    Carole – Oh oh. I didn’t think of that…

    Mouse – I’m sure he would. That’s why this is just so puzzling… 😉

  3. Hey, don’t you have some other things to do? Like do the kids’ homework, scouts, arrange the Valentine’s day party at school, run to the supermarket multiple times because you forgot something, etc.

  4. Thanks for the link over to Jeanne’s pictures ;o)

    Sneaky Chaos! You are knitting so fast he is feeling jealous ;o) Too bad about the dye-lot though :o(

  5. Olympic sabotage–whose team is Chaos on? With the dye lot problem–I have heard some people say that you can alternate rows from each ball to get a better blend–although that would probably mean a ripping session, just a thought. Just passing through on Stashalong patrol–have a great week!

  6. You know… I’ve had similar ‘drag’ problems on some of my needles. What worked for me was rubbing the belly of the presumed offender until he bit me and ran from the room.

  7. Hmm – I’m feeling very optimistic about my projects too (at the moment) – so what do we do if we finish ahead of time? (This probably isn’t really going to happen for me – but there’s some sock yarn sitting here just _begging_ to be started…)

  8. So. Cute. How do you get him to stay still long enough to take such great photos??

    And I’m with Anne – my project is going so well I’m wondering whether I’ll finish early, and if so, I have this sock yarn just sitting there….

  9. Of course Olympic atheletes have setbacks — a bobble here, a wobble there — but the judges don’t alwys penalize them for it. Keep knitting!

    And sure, I hear the sock yarn whispering from the corner, because my sweater is zipping along too. That’s just asking for trouble, though…

  10. Chris,
    Wow, you will be finished with that sweater this week. I am “sure” Chaos didn’t have anything to do with your knitting problems but I bet that is what he told you.

  11. So what you’re saying is… when you finish your sweater I can mail you my shawl and you can work on that for about a week before sending it back. Right? Right? Help me out here Chaos…

  12. Thanks for the lovely bolero comments. And you are right, it’s the process. I never thought I would avoid finishing something so close to done to fulfill a knit along promise. Maybe I should just avoid knit alongs?

  13. Of course, I jumped straight over to k3tog to see you tipsy…. but only noticed your pretty purple socks!

    Sounds like you’ve had some trouble in the starting blocks, but you’ve still managed to knit A LOT!!!! My gosh- that’s some olympic knitting!!

  14. And here I was worried about finishing my hat too quickly…I’m being endlessly stymied by the Knitting, and you’re whizzing through it…maybe you’ll have to knit a pair of mittens, hmm? 🙂

  15. Oh yes we know all about the troubles with paws & teeth around unwatched knitting don’t we ……

    You’re doing so well with your sweater – you must knit like a demon ;0)

    Chaos just makes the most amazing faces. He really needs his own book you know!

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