In which I give you all an assignment

Congrats to Jody, who won the copy of FU! And congrats to Sayuri, who lucked out when Mia decided to donate a second copy! (Thank you, Mia!)

  • I have a very important assignment for all of you.
  • They need your help coming up with questions for Frankie, Soba, and Bob.
  • Brigitte’s kitties have already contributed some excellent questions. (Thank you, Malcolm, Gandalf, Atticus, and Mae!)
  • Please leave your question ideas in the comments and one of the kitties is sure to get back to you to express their appreciation. 🙂
  • Last week both Lily and Eyre had posts about some of their favorite songs.
  • I love music, so I always love posts like that.
  • My favorite songs definitely change over time, but here are a few that have staying power:

This Year” – The Mountain Goats (Kris! They’re going to be in Perth!!)

“Lovecraft in Brooklyn” – The Mountain Goats (alas, I couldn’t find a decent version for linking)

Coffee” – Aesop Rock ft. John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats (the video’s a little mini zombie movie…)

Transistor Radio” – Cloud Cult (or most of Feel Good Ghosts: Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes)

For What It’s Worth” – Placebo

Kingdom of Rust” – Doves

“I’m serious about the no more photos, Mo…. zzzzzzzzzz….” -Chaos

30 thoughts on “In which I give you all an assignment”

  1. Soba, have you made any alliances with either Basement or Ceiling Cat in support of your Manifesto?

    Bob, you’re so laid back. Any tips for maintaining my boyish cool in a female dominated household?

    I still miss Roy. Care to share an amusing anecdote about the Old Man?
    .-= Karen B.´s last blog ..Change can be good. No, really. =-.

  2. I asked the kitties if they had any questions for the other blog kitties but Ms. Kitty looked angry that I bothered her & went right back to sleep. Captain Jack took the opportunity to tell me that his favorite toy was under the cabinet again. *sigh* Apparently neither one of my cats will be taking up journalism anytime soon.

  3. Great videos, I loved Coffee and For What It’s Worth.

    I tried to wake up Kitty so she could ask some questions but all I got was a mean look out of one eye and the nothing. 😀

  4. Hummmm.. I will have to do some research – as it is I only have puppies at home to seek advice from. Will have to investigate!

    Ohhhhh did Chaos get into the catnip again…

  5. Where does Aunt Purl buy your catnip? Does she have an inside line to a reputable source or does she just buy in bulk off the web like our mom does? (sorry, Chris)

    Any helpful tips on how to shed extra black cat hair on mom’s nice white dress-up blouse when she’s running late for an important event?
    .-= trek´s last blog ..Swift stepply =-.

  6. This year is one of my favorites as well. Its like a mantra when the going gets tough. As for questions… I don’t know…

    Siren thinks they should ask if the lady ignors them for the knitting and the internet. (she thinks that I do)
    Grimlock doesn’t have much to say other than to remind me that the food dish could be fuller.
    .-= ikisti´s last blog ..A hat in One Day. =-.

  7. I’ll think of interview questions and see if I can come up with anything, but right now I’m drawing a blank. Unless, of course, Chaos wants to know how to get pesky parents with cameras out of one’s face…

    Congrats to the winners!
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Week 7: Grace Hammer =-.

  8. Chaos, you look so regal all stretched out. We can almost hear you snoring all the way over here.
    Perhaps May should ask how the other kitties deal with their house-mates snoring and squabbles over lap rights.

  9. Saru-chan wants to ask, “When I am sleeping, I try to aim my butt at their faces to show them the love. They seem to object to this behavior, so how do I get them to be more caring about my feelings and stop rejecting my loving butting attention?”
    .-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..too stupid to sleep =-.

  10. Ellie and Zoie would like to know what types of fiber they like best – E & Z prefer wool to alpaca. The girls would also like to know if Frankie, Soba, & Bob like it when the human has visitors. E & Z, for the most part, do not but Z is willing to make concessions for the humans that give good tummy rubs.
    .-= CatieP´s last blog ..Blocking =-.

  11. My cat, Ashes, wants to know where they go when their mommy goes out of town. She also wants to know which one is in charge while their mommy is at work.

  12. Abner would like you to ask: Do you have any suggestions on how to get my mom to quit spending so much money on yarn and buys us more biscuits and soccer balls?

    Django: Is it true that pets that live in California are all famous?

    Basil: Don’t eat me.

    Chaos and May, we look forward to your interview.
    .-= Rebekah´s last blog ..Jumping Django =-.

  13. Congrats Jody and Sayuri!

    Morrighan and Willow would like to know if they prefer sparkly mice or the non-vampiric kind.

    Angus would like to know if they have any tips for keeping humans in bed longer in the morning

    Herne, Merlin and Rowan are only interested in the heating duct, the couch and the laptop.

  14. I *am* going to make it through this year if it kills me. That is an unfortunately frequent refrain in my life…

    Must listen to Lovecraft in Brooklyn again now. I think my favorite off Heretic Pride is Autoclave. ‘Cause it’s about autoclaves. Sorta.
    .-= naomi´s last blog ..eye candy tuesday =-.

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