Linkity is still longing for green growing things

Blurry Mayhem blep!

Harry on the chaise. looking out the window.

Polly on the new heart-shaped catnip toy.

3 thoughts on “Linkity is still longing for green growing things”

  1. Heh. When my mom died and I had to deal with Wells Fargo to deal with her account, the bank manager (20-something) was unable to deposit a check because he couldn’t read cursive. He had to have a teller come do it.

    I wonder what city the “bitchen” is in. DH lived in a 6th floor walk-up in Manhattan that had the shower next to the kitchen sink. But at least the toilet was in its own little closet.

  2. As one who is stair-challenged, I think the stairs you post are 1, a hoot, and B, murderous. Aren’t there building codes in some of those places? In Mpls I think you must have a railing if there are >2 steps.

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