Liminal/Subliminal linkity

Mayhem has seen some sh*t.

Polly on my lap, lounging against my reading pillow.

Harry spilling out of the kitty canoe.

3 thoughts on “Liminal/Subliminal linkity”

  1. I rather like the compound.

    Ah Utah again. That house is actually less than a mile from the first house I owned. I can’t imagine what it costs to maintain that thatch.

  2. YAY PUBLIC LIBRARIES!!! Also, that set of images with Gandalf and the One Ring are very funny. And the pictures of that definitely-knitting-not-crochet would have completely fooled me! I’m glad there were in-progress pictures included to prove it.

    I am very surprised by the fact that I kinda love that pink house. I’m not surprised about how much I love that NYC penthouse + cottage, though! Just lovely.

    That is a cute condo, but for an annual $12k HOA, they had better do all of my interior house cleaning, too.

    Huh. I hadn’t heard the term “earth ship” before.

    That MCM in Big Sur is lovely. Personally, though, I’d be more worried about landslides than the stove or the tub outdoors. (I know the area. It’s stunning. And the big roads in the area are constantly in danger of being taken out by landslides. I love to visit, but wouldn’t want to live there.)

    Not only is that weird shower/tub included in the “stairs that can kill you” genre, but it’s also in the “no way in hell would I want to clean that” genre. 😉

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