Ebook giveaway: Return to the Mountain (The Mountains #5) by PD Singer [CONTEST CLOSED]

Congrats to Lele, who won Family Man by Heidi Cullinan and Marie Sexton! Family Man is being released today by Samhain Publishing.

And since I hit publish instead of schedule yesterday… go enter the contest for Test Drive by LA Witt!

Many thanks to PD Singer for donating an ebook copy of her forthcoming m/m romance, Return to the Mountain (The Mountains #5), for a lucky commenter to win! Return to the Mountain will be released by Dreamspinner Press on March 22. Also on March 22, you’ll be able to download the free short, Cross the Mountain (The Mountains #3.2)!

Caddy Gary Richardson hungers for the lush life of the wealthy golfers he escorts around the course at Wapiti Creek. The contrast between his tiny trailer at the edge of a mountain town and the luxurious ski and golf resort is something he’s learned to live with but not like. Gary wants the fancy condo and late-model car not just for himself but for his childhood friend turned lover, Seth Morgan. He’d settle for security for the two of them, but even that seems out of reach.

Seth is content with Gary and enough spare cash for greens fees at municipal golf courses. Going pro is beyond his means, even if he plays well enough to win on the championship resort courses. Gary would do anything to fulfill Seth’s dreams, even things he’d rather keep to himself. When an unheard of opportunity knocks, Gary can answer or resign himself to living on tips from affluent tourists.

But Seth can’t live with that answer when it means his trust has been betrayed. He has to let go and hope the man he loves will find his way home.

Excerpt (scroll down and expand)

Allan Tengerdie tumbles down easy ski slopes so often that he doesn’t believe Mark McAvoy’s assurances that he’ll enjoy cross-country skiing. Allan didn’t come to a fancy ski resort to trudge on the flats, but if a soft-in-the-middle chef has a chance to keep up with his ski patrol lover, he really ought to try.

Allan and Mark have a great time on the trails, but it’s pleasure for which Allan pays dearly. How will Mark convince him to go again?

Excerpt (scroll down and expand)

Other Books

About PD

PD Singer lives in Colorado with her slightly bemused husband, two rowdy teenage boys, and thirty pounds of cats, all of whom approach carefully when she’s in a writing frenzy. She’s a big believer in research, first-hand if possible, so the reader can be quite certain PD has skied down a mountain face-first, been stepped on by rodeo horses, acquired a potato burn or two, and will never, ever, write a novel that includes sky-diving.

When not writing, playing her fiddle, or skiing, she can be found with a book in hand. Her husband blesses the advent of ebooks — they’re staving off the day the house collapses from the weight of the printed page.

You can follow her adventures on her blog and on Facebook.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, leave a comment stating that you are entering the contest. Contest closes 7 pm CDT, Thursday, March 21.
  • By entering the contest, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
  • If you haven’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesn’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only ritual dust bunny sacrifice will salvage your entry…
  • If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry – this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
  • Winners will be selected by random number.
  • You must leave a valid email address in the “Email” portion of the comment form.
  • Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from stumblingoverchaos.com!
  • If a winner doesn’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
  • If you win, please respect the author’s intellectual property and don’t make copies of the ebook for anyone else.
  • This contest is open worldwid

“I think I will expire from hunger by the time Mom bothers to feed me. Alas.” -Chaos

70 thoughts on “Ebook giveaway: Return to the Mountain (The Mountains #5) by PD Singer [CONTEST CLOSED]”

  1. Poor Chaos…. have you not learnt how to get into the kibble bag yourself yet? Or how to open a pouch of wet cat food… or if all else fails to nibble lightly on your human till she gets the point….
    A recent post from Kate..Random and stray thoughts….My Profile

  2. *waving hand* Me, me, pick me! Please count me in on this one.
    Poor Chaos, I hope he is still among the living.

  3. Been meaning to check out this series. Thanks for the chance to push me in that direction.

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