Coffeehouse “tapestry”

A few weeks ago, I tried out a small knitting group that met at Caffetto Cafe and Gallery in my neighborhood. They were nice enough, but, as Bookish Wendy noted so eloquently, the group was “not one I clicked with on a deeper level.”

However, I did snap some Project Spectrumesque photos of this very cool crocheted tapestry hanging on the wall of the coffeehouse:

“How come you never take me to see cool things like that? I’m going to sulk now.”

25 thoughts on “Coffeehouse “tapestry””

  1. I know what you mean about “clicking” with the group. I have a group I knit with regularly, but sometimes, it just isn’t the right fit.

  2. Oh Chaos, if you lived with me I would take you anywhere you wanted to go. Fishing? Every day, as long as you bait the hook. You just come on a my house, adn I’ll give you candy, I mean tuna!

  3. It’s tough to find a group of strangers to become friends with! I was very lucky when I met the Spiders ( Maybe you should create your own group!

  4. Chaos, I’m sure you would have climbed them ;o) It would have been better than tissue paper!

    Very cool colours – some orange in there for next month too!

  5. What a wild crocheted creation!

    I don’t feel like I’ve clicked with a knitting group either. Ah well, I always have all my bloggy friends.

  6. What kind of deeper level? Advanced knitting techniques or like religion and politics deep? Somehow, in my knitting group, the topic seems to always comes back around to sex. (Okay, I’ll take credit for that) but just saying, there are lots of level of deepness.

    Oh and btw, your cat reminds me of my late cat Sable. good memories. So glad I stumbled over chaos.

  7. i was VERY lucky to have found a great group of knit friends through the blogworld…
    Chaos looks like he’s missing SRM more than sulking about a wall hanging.

  8. The tapestry reminds me of ice cream. Mint chip and strawberry, with orange sherbert thrown in.
    I don’t think I clicked with my last knitting group over in Shelton, except for one woman, but she never came back. I’m hoping it’ll be different with the new SnB starting in the neighborhood.

  9. It is a cool tapestry. I had to look at it a couple of times to realize what was going on. It’s tough to find a group where you feel like you truly fit.

  10. Maybe we should investigate Skype and have a knit along 🙂
    The tapestry looks great – it also reminds me of icecream: Cornettos though (do you get those where you are?)

  11. Wow – the luxury of being able to say nyeh not clicking, won’t bother going…. Can’t do that around here! I’ve found that I just have to keep talking my way around the circle, and that the women who aren’t using the expensevos yarns are more likely to be my types. But not always.
    As for the bluey yarn being yours? Well that would be telling, wouldn’t it! 😉

  12. A coffeehouse with fiber is my kind of joint! 😉 Very cool crocheted tapestry. Thank you so much for that info about the Cucumberpatch site vs. their eBay store. I always thought that people auctioned stuff off cheaper on eBay, but I guess that’s not always true. Thanks for the tip! Take care, Chris! 🙂

  13. That tapestry is really neat. Have you ever seen art quilts? You’d probably like those too, especially Nancy Crow’s stuff or the works by the Gee’s Bend quilters.

    Man, sometimes groups just don’t work out. At least you tried!

  14. I wish I could click with knitting groups. I have a few people I knit with, but since my ears aren’t very good, it makes it hard to meet up with and have good conversations with new people. It’s a shame, cause I love knitting with people

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