Tag Archives: Tristram La Roche

Linkity leaves you in the lurch as SOC prepares for reduced services during vacation

Congrats to Juliana, who won Vessel (Cutting Cords #2) by Mickie B. Ashling! Vessel is being released by Dreamspinner Press today.

Congrats to Paula, who won Marked Yours and Together Bound (Sentries 1-2) by Elizabeth Noble! Together Bound will be released October 10 by Dreamspinner Press.

Congrats to SusieQ, who won RSVP (Pushing the Envelope #2) by Kim Dare! RSVP will be released by Amber Allure on October 9.

Brace yourselves. This is the last linkity post until October 28, as I’m heading out on vacation in a couple days.

Several contests each week will appear automagically. I’ll announce contest winners. I may or may not post some pictures from vacation. You’ll just have to stay tuned to see what happens. Or doesn’t. 🙂




Do, Think, Make, Learn


  • So, The Kitchn pretty much went nuts with recipe lists this week. Brace yourselves.

4 sweet potato-centric meals

5 Asian-style pumpkin recipes

5 savory fall apple recipes

5 non-cabbage slaw recipes (plus runner bean coleslaw)

8 recipes for cabbage

8 recipes for beet and radish greens

40 recipes for fall vegetables

15 recipes for fall vegetables

4 more recipes for fall vegetables




Cool or Wha…?



  • Both Chaos and May love to play fetch. Sadly, May’s special gift is always dropping the fetch toy just out of reach…

Teh Cute

Reading Update
Song of Oestend by Marie Sexton. ebook. Excellent kinky scifi m/m romance with cowboys. Weirdly, I’m not a big fan of scifi and even less of a fan of cowboy books, but this just completely worked for me. It’s about an artist who takes a job as a bookkeeper for a ranch on the other side of the world so he can get away from his past at the university. He finds himself unprepared for his new life, but he slowly finds his way and makes his place at the ranch as he befriends the reclusive foreman.
Once a Marine by Cat Grant. ebook ARC. Very good m/m romance about a waiter who’s always been really attracted to Marines, although it’s never turned out well for him. But when an extremely handsome guy (obviously a Marine) sits in his section, he’s drawn to the guy despite himself. There’s more to both of them than what meets the eye – will either of them be able to overcome their previous bad experiences to find love this time?
Mummy Dearest (The XOXO Files #1) by Josh Lanyon. ebook. Very good m/m romantic suspense about a professor of archeology who visits a dime museum in Wyoming to study its mummy, only to find that there’s a reality/documentary show there filming the same mummy. I was a bit disappointed that the main characters felt awfully familiar from other Lanyon books I’ve read.
Whitetail Rock by Anne Tenino. free ebook short. Very good short kinky m/m romance about a defensively snarky grad student who meets a hunky motorcycle cop when he’s home from school for the summer. It features this laugh-out-loud funny quote:

“Sam. I’ve got news for you. Not every childhood trauma can be healed by finding the right penis.”

Sam looked devastated. He opened and closed his mouth, eyes wide, then suddenly slumped back against the railing, unable to support himself anymore. “You mean,” his voice was barely a whisper. “All those romance novels lied?”

On This Day… (Stand Alone Short Stories #2) by Kim Dare. ebook short. Sweet and steamy short m/m romance about a dom who arrives home from work to discover his sub has things set up for an anniversary celebration… but he’s not sure what anniversary it is they’re to be celebrating.
Coming Out Wolf by Julia Talbot. ebook short. Very good short paranormal m/m romance about a werewolf who’s decided that he wants his roommate (also a werewolf) as his mate… but his roommate doesn’t seem to be aware of him sexually.
Sucks & Blows by Storm Grant. ebook short, ARC. Punny short m/m paranormal story about a perpetually horny dentist who, in order to convey his sense of humor, mentions on his business cards that he does vampires, too. He doesn’t expect an actual vampire to show up in his office…
The Little Death by Andrea Speed. ebook. Good noir-styled m/m romantic suspense about a hard-boiled PI who’s hired by a “homme fatale” to find his missing twin brother… but nothing’s really adding up in the case, except the bodies. I suspect the references to classic noir detective stories will be obvious to those more familiar with the genre – I thought I was doing well to catch a Maltese Falcon reference!
Fixed by Tristram La Roche. ebook. Ok m/m romance about a guy who’d been living in the south of France with his boyfriend until the economy went bad and he lost everything – home, business, money, and boyfriend. He moves back to Yorkshire in reduced circumstances and isn’t particularly pleased to run into a guy he recognizes from his school days…

“Must. Not. Fall. Asleep…” -Mayhem

Linkity from sweltering Minneapolis

Congrats to Alex W, who won Equilibrium by Meredith Shayne! Equilibrium was released by Dreamspinner Press on June 24.

Congrats to Wendy, who won Blind Pass (Blue Line Hockey #4) by Stephani Hecht! Blind Pass is being released by eXtasy Books today.

No post on Monday, as it’s a holiday in the US. I haven’t decided if I’ll do the Misadventures on Tuesday or not. Probably not, because there are already three contests scheduled for next week. 🙂




Think, Do, Learn, Make




Cool or Wha…?


  • Back hair art… (Thanks?!, Bron!) (Best not to imagine what those photos would look like when viewed using Hairrrr…)


  • Furry mice only have tails for about two minutes around here.

Teh Cute

Reading Update
Static by LA Witt. ebook. Excellent m/m romance about a guy who doesn’t realize his girlfriend is a shifter (able to shift between female and male) until after her extremely religious parents force her to have a gender freezing chip inserted, which leaves her stuck in her male form. This book really got me thinking on the complexity of gender.
In the Shadow of a Hero by Anna Mayle. ebook. Excellent m/m romantic suspense about a guy who’s been on the street for a long time, as something of a vigilante, and a cop who starts to see the depth of the man behind the grime and bruises. This was complex and involving and will stay in my head for quite a while…
Convincing Leopold (Convincing #2) by Ava March. ebook. Very good historical m/m romance following up with Arthur and Leopold three months into their relationship, as failure to communicate is causing some problems. Far from frustrating me, that failure to communicate made everything feel very realistic – not a Big Misunderstanding, but the slow accumulation of stuff from everyday life.
Handcuffs & Pretty Things (Rawlings Men #8) by Kim Dare. ebook short. Good short kinky m/m romance about one of the Rawlings cousins who is not a cop. This needed to be longer!
Bourbon Street Blues (Scotty Bradley Mysteries #1) by Greg Herren. Good gay mystery about about an unrepentantly slutty personal trainer and go-go dancer who inadvertently comes across some information that someone’s willing to kill to retrieve.
Bear Like Me by Jonathan Cohen. ebook. Pretty good humorous gay fiction about a writer, fired from a trendy gay magazine, who decides to go undercover into the gay bear culture in order to gather material for a book. While the humor of this book just didn’t quite work for me, I believe it will for other readers – particularly those more familiar with real-life bear culture.
Let’s Get Familiar by Amylea Lyn. ebook short. Cute short paranormal m/m romance about a guy without any magical ability who’s feeling lonely because his witch mother and sisters keep scaring away his boyfriends. Then he rescues a giant black tomcat from a storm and tells it all his problems…
On My Knees by Tristram La Roche. ebook. So-so short m/m romance about a guy who, after a row with his wife, realizes he’s gay while talking with a guy he met at the gym. While I really liked the first-person narrator’s voice, the story was all over the place. Insta-love was the final straw.

“I do not have forehead ridges! Mom, what did you do to my fur?! I thought you were just scritching my head!” -Mayhem