Summer in the city

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I know I did. Many thanks for the wonderful recipe ideas on Thursday – if you’re looking for simple picnic side dish ideas, you should definitely check out the comments. I ended up taking an extremely simple corn and bean salad (drain a can of corn and a can of beans, then mix together with salsa to taste and let chill overnight), which went over very well.

I’ve been trying to take more walks, since I know that definitely helps my mood. (Sadly, my old-style iPod Shuffle, Bake Neko, isn’t with this program and seems to have died. I’m trying one more resynch and charge before I scrounge up a new Shuffle or a Nano.) Although I don’t take my camera along every time I walk, I do like to take a few pictures now and again. Such was the case yesterday.

Isn’t this a gorgeous house? Even amongst the other lovely houses, its Mediterranean splendor is spectacularly out of place on East Lake of the Isles Parkway.

Remember this house? I particularly love that the flamingos wander throughout the summer.

This guy amused me no end – at the lake, on his cell phone, presumably on the internets with his MacBook… That MacBook must have some amazing screen for him to be able to see anything!

I’m sure it’s no coincidence that this drinking fountain is near the dog park.

I liked the colors, the strange cement chair (one of a pair), and the general air of genteel decline.

A lion drain from an old apartment building…

And the last oversized (about six feet tall) Adirondack in my environs – tragically, you must imagine how lavender it actually is, since even my photo tweaking couldn’t achieve the proper shade.

Um… apparently Chaos cannot be reached for comment today… Whoops!

31 thoughts on “Summer in the city”

  1. Good! Chaos is busy and May is not around. Have you thought of getting a dog? Walks are so much more fun with them.

    By the way, can you swim in the lake? Just wondering why the guy doesn’t have any clothes on 😉

  2. I’m with you on walking/exercise and mood. I hope you can get the ipod happenin – I got a nano for cheap via ebay that has been holding up.

  3. If you are going to have plastic pink flamingoes, you SHOULD have enough of a sense of humor to wander them.

    Ever told you about how the Wise Men reached the stable in Number Guy’s house as a kid?

  4. Love your take on the neighborhood. The flamingos are a hoot. I’d stop by often to see just what they’re up to. So if Chaos is so involved where’s May? 😉

  5. I tell people that I instructed my cats to point to God and that they are not really cleaning their buttholes, but doing an amazing trick. Im not sure if people buy it or not.

  6. It was a beautiful weekend to walk. I’ve forgotten how much variety you get around the city lake. Far more interesting than peering into people’s backyards.

    The new Nanos are amazing. small and flat. If yours is really dead…8 gb isn’t “give up tuna” expensive.

  7. So, did you go and introduce yourself? Heh. While Chris and I were sailing yesterday, we sailed by a party boat for a firefighter sponsored event.


    Walking/biking is a wonderful tonic. Keep it up, and keep the great pictures coming!

  8. Um – hello! That guy looks hot!! Why didn’t you just walk up and say “Hey are you on Ravelry?” Plus, he looks just like my brother which is sort of freaking me out…..

  9. Love the flamingos! I think that guys was there to work on his tan, not enjoy nature or even check out the ladies.

    BTW, I just love my new Shuffle for exercising! Its small size, light weight, and clip makes it much more convenient than my Nano (1st generation). I even think it sounds better!

  10. I have always loved that Mediterranean house on Isles. It really needs to be on a cliff top overlooking the sea. Great photos, and keep up the walking!

  11. Chaos is just doing his laundry. Your pictures are a lot of fun. I wonder what is up with all of the giant chairs though.

  12. After I left you some recipes last week, we ended up making the same corn/bean/tomato salad when we had company this weekend! I like your idea of using salsa. I’m going to have to try that next time …

  13. My husband and I both had old-style ipod mini’s (heavy duty metal cases) and they died within a couple weeks of each other, but they were almost four years old. He bought Puck’s newer mini off of him and Puck bought one of the video nano’s. The Teen and I still have our two year old Video iPods – we are truly a many-iPod family.

  14. That water fountain is perfect. They should all be designed like that.

    That chair looks pretty comfy for concrete! I’m really enjoying your neighborhood pictures.

    Oh, Chaos. Tsk.

  15. Poor Chaos! Hopefully he’ll never know is bath was public.

    I love that first house. I’m pretty sure I could do without my laptop for a day at the lake.

  16. I love that house by the lake. I always wonder what it looks like inside.

    oh and don’t let Chaos know about that picture… i dout he would be pleased.

  17. love the flamingos )they seem to have the popular vote going)
    too bad the guy with the cell phone and macbook doesn’t have the ability to disconnect from his electronics.

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