Hey baby, what’s your superpower? The SoC second blogiversary contest

My second blogiversary was November 22. It’s very hard to believe I’ve been at this for two years – especially when I look back at those first painful posts. I continue to be amazed by the myriad ways blogging has enriched my life; when I started blogging, it never occurred to me that the impacts of blogging would extend beyond the blogosphere into “reality.” Many thanks to all of you who read Stumbling Over Chaos and who have become such an integral part of my life.

To celebrate all of that, leave me a comment telling me what your superpower would be if you suddenly had one. Your superpower can be grandiose or mundane, simple or complicated, subject to change or immutable. To play, leave your superpower comments on this post by Tuesday, December 4, 6 pm CST. Somewhere between one and three winners will be chosen by random number – knitterly persons will receive knitterly prizes and non-knitterly persons will receive… non-knitterly prizes. 🙂

Over the weekend, while walking around Lake of the Isles, I decided that my superpower would be to have an invisible bubble surrounding me. Within that bubble, I would be able to control the weather. Think how fabulous that would be! I wouldn’t need to be alternately frozen and sweltering walking around Lake of the Isles at this time of year. I could go biking in shorts and a tank top in January! Humidity control. Permanent umbrella. Windbreak. Ahhhh…

“Do you like my superhero look? My superpower would totally be to open the closet and get the MGWT out.” -Mayhem

P.S. Comcast folks – I am unable to reply to your comments because of some sort of spam blocking… Sorry!

167 thoughts on “Hey baby, what’s your superpower? The SoC second blogiversary contest”

  1. My superpower would be *POOF* the ability to have enough money to comfortably retire from 32 years in social services with some treats, vacations and a car that doesn’t leak oil.

  2. congrats on the 2 years. your blog is quiet fun to read and I love the pictures of your kitties.

    As for a super powers… well that thought changes from time to time. Sometimes it’s very Jean Gray from X-men power, sometimes I just wont to be a time-lord like Dr. Who. Other times I think it would be fun to be strong/quick/kick-butt. If I could mix them all that would be the best.

  3. My superpower wish is to know the right thing to say to people all the time. Some humans already come close–wonder what their secret is?

    Enjoy you blog milestone!

  4. My superpower is to put on my pajamas and just say, “No,” to leaving the house and do just what I want to do (which usually involves knitting) for a whole day.

  5. Happy Blogiversary, Chris!
    My superpower would be the ability to slow down time…even just a little would be fine with me! Where is it going??!!!

  6. I want a superpower Time Remote, so I can pause time and temporarily rerun it, then fastforward back to the present. That would come in handy when I realize that I messed up a cable at the beginning of the sweater and am now casting off. Also when the mom-mobile needs to be too many places at once. Also when too much is happening loudly at the same time — I could “Pause”, take a deep breath (or escape), then let the madness resume when I was ready.
    Hmm. Yes. Sounds like a great idea.

  7. How did I miss this post? Sorry, I missed most of November…

    Happy Blogiversary! Let’s see…gosh, I want lots of superpowers- don’t you? Well, when I was a kid, I thought I’d like to be like Frosta, an obscure She-Ra character. I think she controlled snow and ice or something. Not that it’d do me much good, but at least I could wear sweaters more often! Oh, and I like the blue hair she had, too.

  8. First I have to tell you that my husbands super power is to lose things. Keys, phone, plates in the fridge, you get the idea. Frodo wouldn’t have had to go all the way to Mt. Doom if he was around. So it is very handy that my superpower is finding all the things he lost! I wouldn’t have looked for the ring, honest!

    As for a super power I wish I had, Peter Petrelli’s would be really cool, as someone else pointed out. He absorbs everyone else’s powers and uses them whenever he wants too.

    I have also always been drawn to healing, I played a healer in Gurps Supers and loved it! First I would heal my headaches and then the world! All right, that might be a little ambitious!

  9. Happy 2nd blogiversary!

    I was thinking about what I would most love to have for a super power and the first thing that came to mind was the ability to teleport(?) to anywhere in the world in an instant (and be able to take any number of people with me).
    It wouldn’t always have to be going very far away or anything, but I do love to travel and don’t get the chance to because airline tickets cost soooo much.
    I’d be the Traveling Girl (or some such other better and more interesting name).

    By the way-to Thursday–I have a She-ra coloring book yet from when I was a girl. Oh, I thought those characters were so fun to color. I’ll have to get that book out tonight and look at it! Ahhh, the wonderful memories! lol

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