Ahhh… Friday.

Wendy has started giving away books after she reads them – if you send her an email before noon EDT, April 1, you could be selected to receive her copy of Past Reason Hated by Peter Robinson.

Lorette is celebrating her third blogiversary! Leave a comment about your favorite knitting trick or gadget and you could win some sock yarn. Comments must be left by midnight, April 1.

Reading Update
Innocent in Death by J.D. Robb. The latest Eve Dallas/Roarke (mmm…. Roarke…) mystery is good, but pretty standard fare. I swear, didn’t Born in Death just come out?!!
The Return of Jonah Gray by Heather Cochran. I was expecting this chicklit tale of Sasha, an IRS auditor, to be pretty standard fare, too. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it had a bit more substance than I expected.

Life Update
Some things I’m looking forward to over the next few days – as part of their World Tour of the US, Peeve and Mr Peeve are coming to Minneapolis tomorrow and they’re staying at Casa de Chaos y Mayhem! Now, if I can just remember to bring along my camera… 😉 Hopefully the flood watch we have going through Saturday night remains just a watch…

Also, next Wednesday, the Yarn Harlot will be speaking in St Paul and signing copies of her new book. Rumor has it that there are 400 knitters who’ve reserved spots, with a waiting list. Should be very crazy indeed!

I’ve had a rough week at work and things will continue on in that fashion at least through the early part of next week. So imagine how finding this in my mailbox yesterday afternoon cheered me up:

“I don’t remember being in the mailbox, but I know I always cheer Mom up!” -M

*snort* “Yeah, that’s what she meant, May… not.” -C

Hmm. I didn’t mean for you to have to imagine quite that much. Let’s try again, shall we?

*sniff sniff* “I will allow you to accept this gift.” -C

Gee, thanks, Chaos. Anyway, Imbrium and I exchanged mix cds – the mix she sent me arrived yesterday, along with two gorgeous skeins of Interlacements Tiny Toes sock yarn in Midnight Blues! (Yes, there’s purple in there – it just didn’t photograph well.) Thank you so much, Imbrium!! Hey, I can’t get to your blog… 🙁

Have a great weekend, everyone!

39 thoughts on “Ahhh… Friday.”

  1. Lucky you, that’s some great stuff there!

    Can you imagine stuffing kitties in mailboxes?!

    I hope next week gets better for you! (((Hugs))) for the weekend.


  2. Sorry to hear that it’s been such a rough week at work for you. That bites the big one. I hope things settle down soon…

    I don’t think I’ve seen another blogger who gets as many cool packages as you on such a regular basis. 😉

  3. Chris- Even if I’m positively suicidal, a surprise in the mailbox always makes me happy.

    (positively suicidal? Is that an oxymoron?)

    Chill with the black fluffies this weekend.

  4. Hooray! Almost the weekend. Hope the work stuff gets sorted out quickly – I am also having a dreadful time with a deluge of stuff that has to be done asap but is mind numbing.

    Have fun with Peeve!

  5. Enjoy the weekend! Hope the flood waters stay back.

    Nice yarn. Good thing for you that you have kitties to inspect all incoming packages for hazardous materials. 🙂

  6. Great yarn! Your kitty inspection team seems quite thorough! Have a great weekend, and prepare your sock knitting for meeting the Harlot!

  7. Have fun seeing Steph’s talk! Its such a headtrip to be surrounded by so many knitters 🙂

    (PS, I have no idea why the one rpm pops! 🙂 I’m a baaaaad knitter.) 🙂

  8. I’m so excited to Harlot on Wednesday! I really need me some funny too.

    Have a good weekend – I don’t think we’ll need arks – but small fishing boats might be necessary 😉

  9. Y’all gonna cook on the barbie? We have a friend who was here for 3 years from Melbourne. He went back (so sad for us) and took with him his signif other and their little baby (more sadness!).

  10. Hope your work settles down! It’s almost over for the week, anyway.
    Nice blue yarn!
    Hey, I’m having a contest too, check out my latest post if you get the chance, it’s for free yarn!

  11. You have those two so spoiled! You pull out a camera and they instantly think it’s to take pictures of them. 😉

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Isn’t it great how simple things like yarn can always cheer you up? I hope that you have a restful weekend, and that next week isn’t too bad at work!

  13. Great pics – and fun to almost see the Peeves.

    Blogger has betrayed me; during the last few weeks I’ve been working during every waking moment (approx. 20 hrs per day) and have only been able to squeeze in blog-reading as cued by my Bloglines feed – which for some reason didn’t show you as having written anything for the last couple weeks. I didn’t have the available brainpower to consciously note this and find it suspicious until today, when Bloglines spontaneously ‘disappeared’ a good number of Salon articles I was looking forward to.

    I apologize for my neglect, and will try to do better in the future.

    Are you going to be there at the Harlot talk? If so, we’ll see you there – the Pirate and Vampire and moiself, all together at the same time, and I won’t even be attached to a keyboard (although that probably means I’ll have to give up my four hours of sleep…)

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