Da fang

Stephania, like many of us, fell in love with Lizard Ridge but really can’t justify the expense of all that Kureyon. So she’s asking for Lizard Ridge squares, which she will assemble into a blanket and send to Afghans for Afghans, with everyone’s name attached. If there are enough squares for a second Lizard Ridge, each person sending a sqaure will be entered in a drawing to win that Lizard Ridge.

Kristi of Red Dog Knits is pregnant with boy triplets and is on bed rest. Some of her friends have organized a Virtual Baby Shower (with prizes for participating knitters)! More details can be found in this post.

To quote the Scout, “Dayum!” – I won Cindy’s contest! Really, I want all this luck energy to head to Chaos, please!

Reading Update: After You’d Gone by Maggie O’Farrell. Wow. This book was intense and excellent. It built from a point in time, then went back in the past with various people to build the story to the present. Someone recommended this to me, perhaps on a blog, and I wish I remembered who so I could say thank you.

Chaos really appreciated all the birthday wishes and probably wishes he lived with any one of you as I squirt his 3x/day antibiotics down his throat. Vacation? Um, yeah, now it’s going to be hanging out at home and caring for my kitties, not going to Colorado and New Mexico… Any local knitters doing anything interesting next week??

I was actually going to have a picture of my Regia Silk socks for you, all 1.5 of them. But alas…. So! I shall continue to distract you with cute cat pictures! (Hey, it’s worked so far…..)

“It’s very exhausting being this beautiful.”

“Oh no! Boss, da fang, da fang!!”

“Ok, I’ll let you wash me if you won’t eat me… and if I can have that spiffy red mouse back…”

52 thoughts on “Da fang”

  1. Sorry about your case of vacation-interruptus.
    Chaos is turning into a great big brother cat there.
    Despite having been an only kitty for three years!

  2. Oh no Chris – no vacation at all?? I guess that means you’ll have time to participate in the Twin Cities Shop Hop after all – then you can come visit me!! Or perhaps a weekday dye session is in order!!

  3. Bummer about the vacation plans – but hey, staying at home with the kitties, knitting, sleeping in and doing NUTHIN’ at all is pretty sweet too!

    Glad to see that Chaos is looking a better! Hope it was nothing he could pass on to his little sister?

  4. Oh 🙁 I had really hoped it would work out for your vacation too! 🙁 Deb’s suggestion sounds great!

    More paw and whisker wishes to Chaos (and mousie wishes for May – she might need them when he gets to feeling better soon ;o)

  5. OH…I’m soooo sorry about the vacation plans – but I agree, an entire week of no schedule but keeping up with Chaos’ meds, knitting, playing with whatever furbaby wants to play, maybe hitting a yarn shop or two during the DAYTIME! WOW. Sign me up! That’s my idea of fun. (Hope you didn’t lose a ton on advance reservation fees?) THAT would be the bummer!

  6. Oh man, the big vacation killer. That stinks.
    How’s Chaos feeling today? He looks a little better….how long will you have to be shoving those meds down his throat?

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Chaos. How did I miss it? What did May get for him? Or is she allowed to go shopping by herself? Thanks for the well wishes. Crud is in the chest now, YUCK!

  8. Chaos lurves his little sister!
    the holiday will now be quality time with your babies, you’d only worry if you went away,
    so relax and enjoy time at home.
    You can sleep in
    spend all day in your pj’s if you want to.
    hugs to Chaos and May

  9. That sucks about the vacation. I have to admit though, sleeping in, playing with kitties and knitting sounds pretty good right now.

    Cute pictures of Chaos and May. they look like they’re doing well.

  10. That sucks that you can’t go west………but, I totally understand, and would definitely do the same thing. Stay home and nurse a sick kitty boy……..((((((hugs))))))

  11. Sick kid keeps you home for vacation; it’s an old story but one that doesn’t get any better with the retelling. So sorry. I don’t suppose there is any hope of rescheduling it? Maybe next year…

    You’ll just have to make it up to yourself in the yarn shops. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  12. Thanks for publicizing about Lizard Ridge.

    Sorry your kitty is so sick. They are both awfully cute though.

    As for your vacation – aren’t you going to be home now during the Treasure Hunt?

  13. That picture of kitten Chaos is so cute; happy birthday, and hope he feels better very soon.

    Sorry about your vacation plans. I gather that you’re still taking time off, so here’s to lots of relaxation and knitting fun. : )

  14. Happy Belated Birthday, Chaos! I’m pretty sure that where ever you went, they’d be feeding you the antibiotics 3x a day. Better stick with Mom.

    Too bad about not being able to get away for your vacation, but it’ll be nice for Chaos to have his mommy home to take care of him all week. Plus a whole week home! That sounds heavenly.

  15. I’m so sorry about your vacation – does this mean you’ll have extra funds to buy yarn instead, or have the vet bills been too extreme?

    Chaos and Mayhem are absolutely adorable together – Chaos is turning into a doting big brother, and Mayhem obviously adores him!

  16. maybe it just wasn’t meant to be… and you can plan next yrs travels to include the festival in estes park, co. hope chaos continues to get better.

  17. I’m sorry you won’t be able to go on vacation, but totally understand the need to be home with the sick kitty. It looks like they are getting along famously now, eh?

  18. It’s too bad about your vacation, but I’d do exactly the same thing. Besides, hanging out at home with the cats and knitting and reading sounds pretty great!

  19. Ummm, Midwest Masters is this weekend, I’m gonna try to sneak into the dinner tonight…. Wanna crash it with me??

    Maybe you can bring the cats to the hotel? Nobody needs to know…. Tell the hotel people that you really need them for one of the classes….(Funky Fair Isle for Cats, yes, I’m sure that’s what brochure said….)

  20. Get well soon Chaos!

    As for something to do next week, there is a very cool farm tour weekend going on at Hollyhock Farm Alpacas in Becker MN Oct 7 and 8. Teresa has spinning fleeces, commercially spun alpaca yarn and handknitted (of alpaca, of course) items for sale and the alpacas are about as cute as can be. The website is http://www.hollyhockalpacas.com/.

  21. a belated happy birthday to chaos. how’s he doing now? the poor guy has had such a rough month! and to see he’s still so loving to may.

    a kitty with that big a heart shouldn’t be under the weather. *big hugs* chaos!

  22. Give belated birthday hugs to chaos! Hope he’s feeling better. It’s been said that dogs are smarter than cats. Well, I’ve never seen a dog find his owner or look forward to medicine when they’re sick, but cats seem to know. They hide out when they don’t want it or sit at the ready when they really need it!

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