This one’s for Marina, who has been ever so patient

SRP Update
Ok, somehow I didn’t realize SRP ended on Thurday (August 31) and not on Labor Day. D’oh!
Repair To Her Grave by Sarah Graves, 291 pages. Yet another Home Repair Is Homicide Mystery. I might have finished them all now. Or maybe I have one left. Hmm.

Janelle of Eclectic Closet is having a reading-related contest. Leave a comment before September 15 to enter.

I won a contest! It was a surprise contest – apparently I made Valerie’s 100th comment, so she sent me a wonderfully thoughtful package – it’s almost eerie how well she knows me. Check out the purple and black tissue paper and the crazy cat lady card! 😉

A skein of lovely purple Sugar’n’Cream (although, since Valerie suggested it was for a dishcloth and not a bib, I now suspect she’s yet another of y’all on Chaos’ payroll) and some very cool pen bookmarks. Thank you, Valerie!

Ok, poor Marina has been reading for months, waiting for the answer to a question I posed back in January, when I posted this picture and asked if anyone could figure out what was going on here. The cats in question are Chaos’ mom Riley (black) and his brother Diablo (white), taken at my brother’s house last summer – and nope, my brother wasn’t trying to make pressed cats.

These naughty cats jumped between the screen and the glass on the breezeway. The first few times they did it, they were able to push out the screen and escape the house. However, in this picture, they have just discovered that my brother cat-proofed the screens from outside with blocks of wood. These cats are very trapped.

Here’s the the little wooden ledge that my brother had to build to keep the cats from jumping down between the screens:

Sorry you had to suffer through so much purple for that, Marina!

I’m not sure Chaos remembers he has family…

“Just feed me, dammit, and be quick about it! The service in this place is abysmal.”

38 thoughts on “This one’s for Marina, who has been ever so patient”

  1. Heh.. come to think of it I have some varigated Sugar n’ Cream in my stash too!! We could keep this blog in Chaotic Cat Bib pictures for at least the next year.. heeheehee!!

  2. I’m never the first commenter on your blog. Ever. LOL.

    Is purple your favourite colour??? 😉

    I’m laughing at the trapped cats — the expressions on their faces, particularly the look in their eyes — are priceless. For some reason the picture reminds me of a picture my mom took of our old cat, Misery, who looked almost exactly like Chaos (I know, I’m repeating myself here). My mom walked into the kitchen and saw Misery sitting on the radiator where he usually did, and then she looked over at the cat food station and saw…Misery eating his dry food.

    She’d let in another Misery lookalike in by accident. And honestly, for a few minutes, she couldn’t tell which cat was Misery.

  3. cats will get into such crazy places. Once Libby climb into the duct work in the concrete floor, The fire dept. had to come out and cut a hole in the floor to get her out!

  4. Love the pic of the trapped cat. They get themselves into some of the funniest situations and then they look at you like “what are you looking at? I wanted to be trapped between the screen and the glass!”

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Despite all the purple, I’ll still read your blog because I know there’s a Fair Isle in you somewhere 😉

    Hey, what happened to his handknitted blankie?

  6. Hmm… glad to hear that your brother hasn’t got a flower pressing habit that has gotten out of hand 😉

    I can’t think how you could be construed as a crazy cat lady…

  7. Hee, that’s so funny! Mae used to do that as well, when she was a baby. ‘Til she got her head stuck, which was hysterical! Awww, poor little funny faces.

    Great swag, lucky girl!

  8. wow…our cats have us all whipped, don’t they? your brother BUILT a shelf so his cats wouldn’t keep getting stuck. So funny.

  9. Chaos comes from such an adventurous family!

    Our Thomas got stuck in the laundry shoot more than once. It was a cry-for-attention I think. After we had our daughter he took to jumping down the laundry shoot when the door was open (when he felt ignored). Fortunately for him, I’m terrible at keeping up with the laundry and he always had a couple feet of soft (dirty) laundry to land on. But he would cry and cry! My goodness. I’d have to go to the basement and pull out the clothes to lower him and get him out. Cats are pretty silly, but always seem to recover well….

  10. Great story! It’s funny how cats can be sometimes. When Jester was teeny, she once poked her head through one of these precut holes (for wires, etc) on a media unit…. and got stuck. Had to pull the drawer out and then tuck-in her ears to finally free her.

  11. Pressed cats! What a clever idea. They keep for so much longer that way.

    I don’t care what the OED has decided, duh is spelled duh. Not D’oh.

    Nice purple-y stuff!

  12. Oh wow – I didn’t know they were really that trapped in there — but you can see it in Diablo’s eyes (I did something really stupid, please get me out.. please? I won’t admit to this later!)

    Do Chaos and Diablo ever get to meet each other nowadays?

  13. I lust love reading about Chaos – probably because my cat Terry looks and acts as if he could be his long lost twin!
    The picture of the cats between the screen had me laughing SO hard!


  14. Great picture of the stuck cats 🙂
    Perhaps you could work up something similar to put Chaos in when he misbehaves – Sort of a “still life” for the lounge wall 😉 – You KNOW I’m only joking right?

  15. Our cats never do that on purpose, but when En Esch’s meowing gets on our nerves, my son puts him between the inner door and the storm door in *time out*. Not that it has worked yet.

  16. that pic of the Pressed Cats is too much! (THAT’s the shot that made the cap’n crunch squirt outta my nose, actually)

    i think they’d make good bookmarks. what a pair, those two…or bookends, if you could just get ’em to sit still…

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