Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 87th (TYSMIPHAG)

Congrats to jayhjay, who won On the List (Changing Plans #3) by L.A. Witt!ร‚ย On the List was released yesterday by Amber Allure.

Congrats to Jennifer, who won Song of Oestend by Marie Sexton!ร‚ย Song of Oestend will be released today by Total-E-Bound.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting a guy Jase named for me because I was stuck. So, here’s Thank You Sir, May I Please Have Another Guy (TYSMIPHAG) – a name that amuses me because it can have two very different meanings, depending on how you read the last word. ๐Ÿ™‚

was busy

when he finally remembered

he’d made under the

after being rescued from

, when he was emotionally vulnerable and still felt like

. He’d been so happy to be

, to feel his life starting to shift back in to

, that he hadn’t questioned the need for

, nor the claim that,

it happened, it was

…and they were now bound together as


*tilts head quizzically*

Huh. I wonder what the first two promises were…

“No more naughty boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” -Mayhem

24 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 87th (TYSMIPHAG)”

  1. I just watched a show on Space on furries, I can just see the wedding with one guy in costume. “I know pronounce you man and wolf.” LOL

    Well done. Those Siren covers are atrocious though. Bad Photoshop cutting.
    A recent post from Tam..Sunday SummaryMy Profile

  2. I had to laugh at the the last one (Man and Wolf). In addition to the fact that it is the millionth pic of him in that same leather jacket, I love the terrible photo shop that is supposed to make him look like he is resting his head on the other guys shoulder, when it is really just a flipped version of him leaning to the side that appears on 100 other covers!

    I must say they were particularly uncreative in this batch. most of them a virtually identical poses in addition to identical guy!

  3. I couldn’t get his initial stance out of my mind. Looks like he has gas or needs to pass a kidney stone. But I hear that being bound together as man and wolf takes care of everything–except those pesky pack politics, of course. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Go Mayhem go Mayhem go! Very naughty boy with a very naughty name!
    (I changed my emai, all should be well now…I hope.)

  5. The photoshopped tattoos look really good in Under the Skin, I think. Funny, how so many epubs gravitate toward the same few models. I guess they think a bare chest is all readers care about. Although that Carina cover focuses on his eyes.

  6. But… but… what was the third promise? (Or the first two promises for that matter.) ๐Ÿ˜‰ A couple of his poses do make him look like he has a bad pain in his side.

  7. I wonder why it’s necessary for TYSMIPHAG to grip his leather coat so tightly? And is that another Misadventures dude with TYSMIPHAG on The Third Promise cover? Hey….I wonder if The Third Promise was Love’s Unselfish Gift?
    A recent post from Ava March..One Down, Two to GoMy Profile

  8. ‘Thank You Sir, May I Please Have Another Guy (TYSMIPHAG)’ is a great name – congrats Jase!

    May – that’s telling Mum (although I’m hoping she has the ear plugs in that I sent her and keeps posting more naughty boys ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    A recent post from orannia..The Big ChillMy Profile

  9. Is it just me or does the bottom right of the PhotoShop tat include some like strange cupie/anime doll? Something is weird down there.

    Also, is my imagination playing tricks on me or is he both guys on the Love’s Unselfish Gift cover?
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..using up a CSAMy Profile

  10. Well May, you know when you lay on your back like that and we see that softest soft belly of yours….. We get distracted from those oh so hot naughty boys…. lol…

    Hugs and Waves honey… Wednesday is almost here… Which means Friday is almost here! Woohoo!
    A recent post from Cecile..Review: Maid for It by Lucy RodgersMy Profile

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