49 thoughts on “Vacation snapshots taken since the previous vacation snapshots post”

  1. Are May and Chaos talking to you yet?

    Great photos, especially those tress! I’m still laughing about that mannequin in the tighty whiteys wearing the Giants scarf :).

  2. Love the photos! They are…fantastically random *grin*

    So…Chaos & May speaking to you or are you getting the ‘YAH, you’re home…now go to Coventry’ treatment?
    A recent post from orannia..Almost HeavenMy Profile

  3. Welcome back (which is an odd thing to say, actually, since with the interweebz it seems like you weren’t really completely away and it’s not like I live next door or anything).

    Were the kittehs happy to see you or did they pee on your bed?

  4. Love the huge trees and the blue/green water. Gorgeous. Hope you had a fun time the last few days.

    I’m sure the kids are happy to have you home. Max is pleased to have Kristen to sleep on top of but Vanessa’s still not sure and hasn’t returned to my bed yet.
    A recent post from Tam..Reading UpdatesMy Profile

  5. I am somewhat tickled by the fact that there’s a Ben & Jerry’s at Haight & Ashbury. Hope you had a good time!

  6. Welcome home!!! The pictures are GORGEOUS. I can’t even imagine trees that big, but I’d love to see them in person. And the shot of the ocean is breathtaking! LOL at the Shoe Monster and yay for the Haight & Ashbury picture. 😀

    I’m glad your mom’s back, too, Chaos!

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