What a long weird TrekAlong it’s been

I’m happy to hear that people are enjoying the “contest clearinghouse!” Remember, if you have a contest and would like me to mention it (because sometimes I get so behind in bloglines I don’t discover contests until they’re done), please send me an email (chris at this domain). Thanks!

Over the weekend, I finally finished my Trekking 78 socks, although my camera insists on making them more blue and less purple than they really are.

Can you spot the cat in this picture?!

“Hee hee – at last, they cannot see me! I am totally invisible, perfectly hidden!”

Last week I mentioned that TB was having a contest to show her pictures of the weird things we have displayed in our homes. This is what I sent:

“Um, Mom? I think he needs to be neutered…”

Currently, I store this in my closet, since Chaos would chew up the chopsticks… You can tell that he isn’t exactly sure what to think of it!! This is from a drink I had at a Japanese restaurant in Orlando when I was 17. I’ve lugged it around everywhere I’ve lived in the intervening 23 years. It’s the only memento I have of that time in my life. I suspect this little critter is modeled on a fertility diety or something, because of his, um, rather visible genitalia… Strangely, boyfriends that I’ve lived with have found him rather disturbing. Hee hee.

“The colorful chopsticks taste the best. Don’t knock it until you try it!”

40 thoughts on “What a long weird TrekAlong it’s been”

  1. Chris- I see that little dickens. Don’t you love it when cats shove themselves in places that are too small for them?
    As for your fertility god- men like to be the big guy on campus- and don’t appreciate competition.

  2. Love the Trekking socks. Their color shifts are just enough different that I love them.

    I’m back to more active blogging and commenting. To celebrate I’ve got a contest going — how many wips do I have. Come make a guess.

  3. I totally forgot – I have a coin with genitals on it! I think it’s from New Zealand. My dad gave it to me. He calls it the “Two-headed coin.” *snicker*

  4. That mug is straaaange. And I totally want one! LOl. It’s crap like this that makes me adore you so much. Glad to be back. I missed ya.

  5. I just listened to you on Public Radio…..great song, and I was smiling at the visual of you walking around with your head phones one, looking at people walking around with their head phones on……..

    The socks look great! And thanks for my goodies!!!!! Ben, Bella and Chester say thanks, too!

  6. OK – not only can I not spot Chaos, but I also can’t see the “rather visible genetalia” on the cup. I can, however, see the socks which are beautiful!

    I’m taking the class with you guys next week …

  7. Great socks, I do love that trekking! I’m back on the wagon with mine too in #101.

    PS: your genitalia deity vaguely disturbs me too, but I think its the expression on the face that weirds me out more than anything.

  8. Choas is a real kick! Miss Lulu does something similar: she’ll hide at the first loud noise of a truck or thunder. She scoots under the bed. But only her head and front are under, and her rear and tail are still out. Hee hee, I love to touch her tail to really give her a scare!
    Nice drink goblet. Disturbing? I’d make a planter out of it. I’m disturbing that way, I guess.

  9. Great socks! you finished them YAY!

    As for your strange drink container – he is a tanuki, or ‘raccoon dog’, a popular Japanese animal totem, and yes.. well.. endowed.. that is a common representation of them.. and very hard to understand for us Americans! There was a movie, Pom Poko, about them that Disney put out. Don’t let the ‘Disney’ part fool you though, the Tanuki (raccoon dogs) still have that weird feature.

  10. The socks are beautiful. Cats are like kids. You can buy them a ton of toys but they prefer boxes and other household objects. And sharing a chopstick or two with Chaos wouldn’t kill ya.

  11. The socks are beautiful. Cats are like kids. You can buy them a ton of toys but they prefer boxes and other household objects. And sharing a chopstick or two with Chaos wouldn’t kill ya. (Yes, he has put me on the payroll as one of his minions)

  12. Black cat, black box. That’s finally a good hiding place. My cats are all under the impression that is they can’t see you then you certainly won’t be able to locate them.

  13. Ok, so why DOES a camera always insist on turning purple knitting blue?? I find that to continually be true as well.

    Anyway…I like the socks. I should finish a pair of socks. That would be nice.

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