Tag Archives: Here Let Me Give You the Heimlich Maneuver Guys

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 245th (The return of the HLMGYTHMG)

Congrats to Jamie, who won Redemption (Diversion #5) by Eden Winters! Redemption was released by Rocky Ridge Books on August 8.

Whoops! Forgot to schedule this before I hit publish, so hey – early Misadventure. 🙂

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with the Here, Let Me Give You the Heimlich Maneuver Guys (HLMGYTHMG).

through the constant turmoil of

, but

after his

(via a

) with

and the

made him decide he was finally ready for some


Whew! 🙂

“No! You can’t pet my tummy because naughty boys again!!!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 190th (Here, Let Me Give You the Heimlich Maneuver Guys [HLMGYTHMG])

Congrats to Jane(PS), who won Beyond Reckless (2nd ed) by Ava March!

Congrats to Shellirie, who won Base Over Apex (Kinky Cupid #2) by Kim Dare!

Congrats to Antonia, who won Floodgates by Mary Calmes! Floodgates was released by Dreamspinner Press on March 3.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Here, Let Me Give You the Heimlich Maneuver Guys (HLMGYTHMG). Such a thoughtful young man, no? 😉

skipped out on

because they heard a rumor that

was going to

more time and beg him, “

” because

(no, not

like Poseidon’s last gift) compelled him to do so, but instead the Prodigal Brother had gone

and was



The end! Fortunately. 🙂

“Oh, look, more naughty boys. I’ll just be over here, ignoring them and cleaning my butt.” -Mayhem