The Eternal Socks of Not-Quite-Eternity

Congrats to Faren, who won the copy of The Guardian by Mary Calmes!

Many thanks to JessaLu – I won a gorgeous skein of sock yarn in her blogiversary contest! And thank you, Nicole, as it looks like your referral led to this. 🙂

So apparently these were not quite the Eternal Socks of Eternity. 🙂

“Oh, what’s on the floor?” -Mayhem

“Hmm…” -Mayhem

“Mom hasn’t made one of these stripey kitty beds for ages!” -Mayhem

“Although I don’t understand why she didn’t make this kitty bed sparkly and pink! With feathers! Everything’s better with sparklies and feathers!” -Mayhem

“Woe. Woe. My life sucks.” -Mayhem

47 thoughts on “The Eternal Socks of Not-Quite-Eternity”

  1. Ah, the sleek form, the grace, such a shiney black coat… Oh, wait a minute. We’re supposed to be admiring the socks. Beep, Mayhem!

  2. Ohhhh I like the socks!!! I can barely sew a button or do a few stitches… So bowing down to you!!!!
    And yea… why no feathers or sparklies… a Princess needs those things Mom!!!
    Hope you are having a great day!

  3. I love the colors of those socks! One day, could you do a post with all of your handknit socks (the ones you have kept for yourself) arrayed and described? (Sort of like the post about your black shoes.) I think it would be very interesting!
    .-= Marsha´s last blog ..Busy =-.

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