SoC presents – Cat Fight!

Between cats. Duh.

No cats were harmed in the making of this post. Well, other than a bit of fur flying. They had plenty to spare.

Thanks to everyone who weighed in yesterday on my neighbor woes! We’ll see how keeping them shut out of the bedroom works as a starting point, with kitty hovercrafts, offering her a white noise machine, or replacing my carpeting with more sound insulating flooring as alternatives.

35 thoughts on “SoC presents – Cat Fight!”

  1. Hee, now imagine little 11 lbs Gandalf wrestling with 20 lbs Atticus! Guess who wins?!!

    You really are going all out to accomodate her. Kitty hovercraft…want for me, never mind the cats! 😀

  2. How can you tell who is whom?

    I remember those days…now, CC rears up, growling, and smacks The Meezer on the nose. The Meezer is just one big kitten who wants to play rough, but CC won’t (can’t) allow it. So TM plays all hurt by the smack…

    I so miss the Blonde Bombshell’s stabilizing influence…she was the buffer between the other two’s vying for “Queen of the Roost” status.

    Um. I have one word for you? Townhouse.

  3. I refuse to believe that any cat other than a Maine Coon can make enough noise to disturb anyone. Yes, they do the occasional thundering through the house thing, but it’s no louder than any of the other noises that come with living in a communal building.

    My response would have been, “They’re cats.” Politely, of course, with an apologetic shrug.

  4. I guess as a last resort either you or your neighbor could change apartments. Although that seems like a drastic PITA. My kitties never get along. But the 18 year age difference usually results in the older girl just running away from the younger tyrant. Maybe you can pick up something from the afore-posted liquor store to placate your neighbor.

  5. You threw a treat between them, didn’t you? Or is your strategy to wear them out before 11pm so they’re too tired to run around the house? Good idea.

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