Urban Trekking with feckless yarn

On Saturday, I trekked over to Nicollet Avenue, also known as “Eat Street,” to knit with Renee at Bad Waitress.

We had some tasty coffee and breakfast foods and caught up on things.

I was chastised by a staff member for trying to take pictures of some of the kitschy decor for y’all, so you’ll just have to image the stuffed hammerhead shark and other such gems!

I worked on my Trekking #78 sock. I didn’t pull my Trekking sock out during the walk because it was windy and the last thing this Trekking sock needs is to be exposed to wind… Can you guess why?!

Yes, there were some severe yarn vomit issues when I started the sock. About 1/5 of the skein came out while I was searching for the end! (I was even getting a pedicure at the time, so I could start my Trekking season out right. Ungrateful yarn.)

“Oooooooh, I shouldn’t have eaten that TRT… Look how bloated it made me!”

34 thoughts on “Urban Trekking with feckless yarn”

  1. Oh Chaos, you do look so undignified in that photo! Quick get yourself wrapped round a sock to detract from that image.

    My Trekking still hasn’t arrived yet! Trekking during a pedicure – that’s a fun idea.. hmm….

  2. Poor Chaos! It sounds like you had a fun Saturday, in spite of the spoil sports at Bad Waitress who wouldn’t let you take pictures.

  3. Yep, I had a similar yarn-vomit issue with my trekalong sock too. By the time I got around to frogging I just re-wound the whole ball to tidy it all up.

    PS: Chaos? Are you… pregnant?

  4. Pedicure and knitting thats what I need. Looks like you had a great day. Did Chaos get an extra set of eyes, he probably needs them to escape from the bibs!

  5. poor Chaos—do they have kitty gas-x?

    Oh, and thanks for the yarn vomit warning….I’ll be more careful when I start the next pair.

  6. Must… kiss…. kitty belly….

    I hate yarn vomit. Except, when it happens, I use it as an excuse to keep knitting until it’s all gone.

  7. What funny spots. I thought they were his paw pads for a minute… are they white fur patches or bald areas? They look like kitty boobs.

  8. Yarn vomit is annoying, but not so bad as kitty vomit, which tends to happen at least as often at my house. Luckily, Chaos isn’t in the “I think I’m going to puke” cat pose — just the “I need to digest” pose.

  9. Chaos looks like he enjoyed an entire 6-pack of TRTs. 🙂

    The new socks look great despite their vomitous beginnings. Also, Bad Waitress is a fantastic name for a cafe.

  10. My word – what else did you eat Chaos? Your belly is seriously huge, or was it the unfavorable eye of the camera, 10 lbs and so forth?

    I remember lots of yarn-untangling sessions in the craft store I worked in.. ugh… sadly I was good at it *crosses-fingers for jinx* – Now watch my next skein try the same trick on me! I hope it is acting tamer for you now!

  11. I’ve been too busy and PMSy to catch up with blogs lately, and I’m terribly sorry to have missed yours for almost a week. Bah!

    I can recommend a great alternative to blogger that imports well, or so I’m told. If you’re still looking. But you’re probably not because I’m LATE. Sorry.

    Chaos, has anyone mentioned that you have …well…nipular issues? Just saying, dude.

  12. I’m with trek & cyn cyn, his spots look like eyes. I thought he was canoodling with another cat at first.

    Yarn vomit? I thought it was a lace swatch.

  13. Oh, Chaos, you and me, we’re in the same situation. People just seem to post pics of us on their blogs that make us look even un-svelt-er than we are. It’s not us, sweetie, it’s them.

  14. Chaos! Have you tried slim fast??? hehehe
    How crappy about your yarn, hope you’re able to get it untangled! My dad is the king of untangling yarn! And the cool thing is HE OFFERS TO!

  15. That’s one of the poses where I tell Carmen to sit like a lady…. but I guess Chaos is just taking advantage of the fact that he’s a guy…

  16. Isn’t it weird to be chastised about taking pictures? I get that often… but I manage to take pics anyway! All for the blog fodder! 🙂

  17. Isis at 2 1/2 months is already quite round and glossy. You think if I start feeding her whatever Chaos is eating she’ll also become a Titan? lol

    I think it’s the glaring pinkness of his nipples that makes the picture so adorable…all he needs is the remote control.

  18. Ok, but is it just me, or does anyone else get a little nervous about eating in an establishment with a name like “Bad Waitress”? I’m just saying…..

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