Furry distractions and Project Spectrum mix cd contest

Thanks so much to everyone for your words of comfort and support in the wake of the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge collapse. I, like many other Minnesotans, am still in shock over the whole thing. And as additional information comes out suggesting that this was preventable, I suspect our shock is going to turn to anger and outrage…

But I need to think about other things for a while, you know? To that end, I continue to listen to Harry Potter Book 5 (I’m moving up the library list for Book 7 at a shocking pace!) and frantically knitting my Serpentine socks, trying to finish both. I think I’m about to start the final ribbing on both cuffs of the Serpentines.

And guess what? It’s time to give away some Project Spectrum mix cds for August – September. The colors are orange-brown-purple, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, the mix is weighted toward purples. Some artists on the mix include Neko Case, the Moutain Goats, Greg Brown, Los Lobos, the Okra All-Stars, and the Vitamin String Quartet. I will give away copies of the mix to three randomly selected people who send email to my contest line by 6 pm CDT, Wednesday, August 8.

Chaos hops into his my chair each time I set down ipod and knitting to get up and use the facilities or get a drink of water.

“Maybe if I look cute and asleep, she won’t roust me out of my chair.” -Chaos

You can always hope, Chaos!

“Try the extremely cute upside-down-kitty pose, big kitty. It works for me.” -Mayhem

I hope you all have a good, safe weekend.

39 thoughts on “Furry distractions and Project Spectrum mix cd contest”

  1. It will be good for you all to get outraged…it’s unforgivable.
    I listen to the CD mix you made you gave to me at Estes all the time! You do good work;-)
    Hi May…hi Chaos!

  2. Oh, I hope you have a good, comfy and safe weekend too!

    Atticus sez – I know how you feel, buddy. My Mom does that to me all the time. I mean – they’re getting up, we’re just taking advantage of that. Why should WE have to move? Whatev.

  3. Anger is a motivator – that’s for sure.

    The kitty shots are too cute, and of course, all seats (but only the best ones) belong to them.
    We’re just staff to maintain their quality of life, ya’ know?
    Have a good weekend, Chris!

  4. Ah yes, we have chair thievery around here too – mostly Otis, but Cocoa will from time to time. And they too pull the “I’m so cute, don’t kick me out of my chair” look. Wonder where they all learn it?

  5. Yeah….my cat will misbehave so I’ll get up to try to stop him, and then he steals my chair.

    I hope the outrage fixes the rest of the bridges.

  6. I’m glad to hear that you are ok. What a scary scary thing.

    And I used to have a cat the same exact way. The SECOND I’d get up she’d move to my seat!!

  7. My cats invade my computer desk chair the instant my butt leaves it, especially in winter. “A warm place, just for me!” I have nver actually timed them, but it seems I only need to lose contact with the seat for about 1.5 seconds before it has been *liberated* by one of the furry fiends.

  8. Sometimes anger is a good thing. I just read in our paper that the governor has ordered an inspection of our older bridge because it’s similar to and much older than the I35W bridge.

    How dare you take over the chair from Chaos! 😉 Have a good weekend!

  9. Re: The picture of Ms. Mayhem.

    I LOVE it when they curl their back toes. giggle

    Your bridge isn’t the only piece of infrastructure in this country that needs work. We ALL need to get angry before more people get hurt.

  10. Its a horrendous thing, however maybe the one good thing to come of this will be an uprise of the states taking a harder look at their bridges and making sure they are safe. We’ve seen that already down here in St. Louis, yesterday they even closed one bridge that was scheduled to be closed later this year.

  11. Those cyoooooot catchen!

    Anger yes, but also, more money to maintain bridges and roads. In Charleston, the major bridges connecting Charleston to Mount Pleasant were rated 4 on the same safety scale… It was very publicly known, but they were still used because the only alternative was an additional hour detour. They were just able to be replaced (and demolished) before something bad happened, is all.

  12. Oh, I love the curled toes and inviting tummy! I think the tragedy in Minnesota is going to prompt a lot of investigations into faulty and defective bridges nationwide.

  13. Purple? Where are you going to get songs about purple? 😉

    How about that Gogol Bordello song about wearing purple? And I know what oranges you’re doing too 😉

  14. I will be so glad when the news casts go back to being 1/2 an hour and they give us some other news…
    Of course the anger is going to be very, very interesting.

    Have a great weekend & watch where you sit!

  15. I continue to be absolutely jealous of your ability to catch the ubber cute kitty poses…do you keep the camera with you at all times??? As soon as I reach for mine (usually on the cell phone, as it’s the closest thing) they move…

  16. Yup, we have chair thievery here also. Lucy’s favorite spot is the dining room chairs, and she leaves wads of orange hair all over them. I can’t tell you all the times we’ve had guests walk away with orange-cat-hair-butts.
    And yes, I had to immediately go to Itunes to listen to the Okra All-Stars. How can you not like a band named that?

  17. I was number 170something in the library queue for book 7 and one of the girls at SnB last night took pity on me and lent me book 7. Yay!

  18. My Joey does that all day while I’m trying to work (telecommuter so I’m home trying to get my seat back all the time). Cats are just strange creatures.

  19. My husband works for our state (though very low down on the power chain), and I asked him about our list of deficient bridges and if any have been repaired. We are not sure. If it isn’t a wakeup call to our state governments I don’t know what is. We must hold them to it or after the outrage has passed, they’ll forget about it again.

    I hope you have a peaceful weekend with the four-leggeds — aren’t they the most wonderful healing in times like these? Of course they take advantage, as in your chair….

  20. It’s obvious that the solution is to get yourself a chair exactly like Chaos’. I’ve been enjoying the mix CD you gave me at Estes very much.

  21. Ah yes, the “upside down cute kitty ” pose. I believe that is number 22 on the kitty poses list at our house. Personally I like the “upside down with 1 paw over my eyes” cute kitty pose.

  22. Glad you and your loved ones are doing well. So shocking and sad when needless tragedies occur. The Lenten Rose colorway was a good choice for that sock wasn’t it? This next pair I’m using Claudia’s Handpainted Yarn and going down to US1 needles. I understand from those who have started it’s a very stretchy pattern. Thanks for stopping by. Ruff Ruff (Mr.Puffy)

  23. Funny how fast cats can takeover a chair! It’s gotten to the point where I might have to start carrying my chair with me ;-0 ! How can we resist such cute furry faces?

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