Listing to port or starboard

I’ve read a lot of knitting resolutions over the past few days, which got me thinking about what my knitting resolutions might be. Pumpkinmama’s list finally inspired me to stop thinking and start listing.

Top 5 for 2005
1. New technique
Tragically, I’m pretty sure I didn’t learn any new techniques in 2005. For 2006, I’d like to finally grasp knitting in ends (the video link is partway down the page) and learn Norwegian purling.

2. Favorite finished objects
The perfect purple Anne socks I knitted for Jeanne’s birthday

and the amazingly irregularly shaped felted tote bag I knitted for my sister-in-law’s birthday.

“Mmmm… button. Love biting buttons off of things…”

3. Favorite knitalong
I didn’t participate in a single knitalong in 2005. For 2006, I am part of Stashalong (January 1 – March 31).

4. Favorite shop
Actually, I don’t have a favorite shop at the moment. I’m fond of and WEBS, but try to avoid them. See #1 in the next list for why.

5. Favorite tools
My ReadUpon
My gadget bag

My circular needle case

Resolutions for 2006
1. Knit from stash.
Hence participating in Stashalong. I have a ridiculous amount of stash. I could knit entirely from stash for several years.

2. Find a new knitting group that meets weekly.
2005 saw the implosion of our weekly knitting group and I’ve missed that camaraderie. I have a blast knitting with Jeanne every other week, but have discovered that I need a weekly knitting group to stay grounded.

3. Go to at least one knitting retreat.
2005 was the first year since I started knitting that I haven’t gone to several knitting retreats and that was another thing I really missed. Anyone have suggestions?! I’m particularly interested in events in the Pacific Northwest, the Southwest (especially Sante Fe or Taos), or something on a train. I should also return to the Camp Miller Knitting Retreat, which was the first retreat I ever went to and which led to me meeting most of the knitting friends I now have.

4. Knit more.
In 2005, I completed the fewest knitting projects since I started knitting – 17. Of course, 17 is my lucky number, so maybe it was ok. 🙂

5. Start knitting for the community again. It’s the right thing to do.

ArtsyMama just tagged me and since the tag fits the list o’ five thing I have going here… Here’s my list of five weird things about myself:

1. I am phobic about garbage disposals, power lawnmowers, and power saws – basically anything with spinning sharp blades that could cut off fingers.

2. I have celiac disease and follow a gluten-free diet. I’m also lactose intolerant, but hey, at least I can take pills and still eat small amounts of dairy.

3. I’ve been divorced since 1991. Being divorced isn’t particularly weird, but people are always surprised to find this out.

4. I’ve done the internet dating thing off and on since 1999 – more off than on. During the memorable but emotionally exhausting summer of 1999, I went on about 25 coffee dates in a six week period.

5. Charles de Lint is my favorite author of all time. I think the weird thing here is that so few people seem to know about de Lint. Or maybe the weird thing is that I want to be a Crow Girl. 🙂 I recommend starting with Someplace To Be Flying if you’re interested in finding out more about de Lint. That link takes you to an excerpt from the beginning of the book, so you can check it out risk free.

I tag Pink Rocket, Mama_Tulip, Jeanne, Ana, Eileen, Theresa, Carrie K, Hickmama, Kellie N, and “me” from Bermuda. (Yeah, so that’s more than five. What’s your point??!)

The “rules” are to list five weird things about yourself, then tag five other people. The tag includes telling them about said tag in their comments.

If I missed tagging you and you really want to share some weirdness about yourself with the world, feel free! Drop me a note in comments and I’ll add you to the list above.

Welcome to 2006. May this year be better than the last.

21 thoughts on “Listing to port or starboard”

  1. I hadn’t even thought about knitting resolutions. Oh, I got one: start a blog already for heaven’s sake!!

    Five weird things about me:
    1. I once had a mohawk and am wearing it proudly in my driver’s learner permit photo.
    2. I have a tattoo on the back of my neck of a cat’s pawprint and the words “Twas brillig” from Jabberwocky, my favourite poem.
    3.I got married in a 1930’s movie theatre.Afterwards, we screened a movie and ate choc-tops.
    4. I prefer my own home made green tomato relish to any relish I’ve ever tasted.
    5. I am completely obsessed with cats and when out driving will stop in the middle of a conversation to say hello to a cat I see on the street.

  2. You are evil, and I’m going to punish you by making this comment LOOOONG.

    ~ I understand knitting in ends; with some yarns it works great, and with others it slides out anyway and/or shows on the front. No idea about Norwegian purling. Am going to try to really figure out knitting backwards for intarsia. Would being able to do that make doing entrelac less dreary?

    ~ how do the socks feel? Pooling a bit odd, but I love the colors!

    ~ Love the button on the bag

    ~ LYS’s are my downfall, and the cause of stashes. I have so far avoided impulse web-buying of yarn. (good thing I’m sitting at a wood table right now, so that I can knock on it)

    ~ Where did you get your circular needle case?!? I must have one!!!
    (does that count as ‘stash’? as long as I don’t indulge in something similar to the Chris-like collecting of bags?)

    ~ The Pirate is enamored of the Crow Girls, and it certainly would be fun to be one of them. Although I am hypoglycemic, so I couldn’t have/eat tea in their manner. de Lint went through what I’d consider a bout of misogyny and had a dubious sort of struggle with the whole battering issue – but he seems to have settled down, and his more recent books are wonderful. “Someplace To Be Flying” was great.

    ~HA!! This last line is just to add to the length, to punish you for tagging me. (It’s not the tag per se that I mind, it’s that I don’t have anyone to tag – other than you and the bloggers I’ve met through you, so you’ve already got to them before I can…)

  3. Thanks so much for the heads up on the Stashalong, i just signed up.

    I want ot find a weekly knitting group too, to bad we don’t live closer 😉

    I learned to do Norwegian purling, and enjoyed it, but it is one of those skills that if I don’t use all the time I forget and have to relearn. 🙁

  4. Kellie – Ok, you have to get a blog because I really want to see a picture of that tattoo!

    Eileen – Hmm. :p
    Re: the circular needle case. Um, Jeanne got one somewhere in Wyoming on her honeymoon. I coveted it and ordered it from the same place (name forgotten). I have seen them at Village Wools in Albuquerque, but that was over a year ago. I haven’t ever tracked down a homepage for Happy Bags, alas.

    JustSewCrafty – You’re very welcome!

    Mama_Tulip – Re: title of the post – I was actually punning on the drunken gait so common to New Years celebrations. 😉

  5. Okay, first to “me” – attractively vindictive personality? I love it! I think I’m going to co-opt it, in fact.

    Now to Chris…. there are people who don’t love Charles de Lint? And who doesn’t want to be a Crow Girl?

    There’s a knitting retreat that used to meet in Fort Bragg but has since moved to Port Townsend in Washington state that I’ve been eyeing for years that looks good. It’s a great setting.

    Tagged, eh? Hmm. Must snap out of self pity to think of weird things about myself? Oh, I think I can do both, lol.

  6. Love the resolutions – I’m joining the stashalong, too. Found out about it right before the deadline . . . And then immediately ordered more yarn I KNEW I needed between now and March. As long as I ordered it before Jan 1st, it was still kosher.

    OK, I’ll be “IT” – sometime this week. I’ll let you know.

  7. Well, I should read the comments before commenting, huh? You already answered my question and then, just because you’re nice, you visited me and answered there as well. :o) Thanks…will be spending too much time chasing that one down tomorrow…

  8. I love your resolutions! I think there are a ton of us who have the “knitting from the stash” resolution!

    Your pictures of Chaos are great! I love the button eating one!!

  9. Darn…I missed signing up for the Stashalong. Perhaps my New Year’s resolution should be to stop putting off until tomorrow what I can do today. Oh well, I’ll be with you in spirit.

    The sock feel GREAT! The pooling is not as obvious in person as it is in the photo. They are one of my favorite birthday gifts ever.

  10. 1. It is probably healthy to be afraid of power tools with spinning or moving blades!

    3. I think because for many divorced people, the marraige and person are still a part of their vocabulary and consciousness.

    4. I do remember. I’ve been trying to recommend this to a friend who has mentioned i-dating but hasn’t followed through.

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