Ebook Giveaway: His Hero anthology [CONTEST CLOSED]

Congrats to MiaJ, who won Squeaky Clean by Kim Dare! Squeaky Clean is being released today by Resplendence Publishing.

Many thanks to Devon Rhodes for donating an ebook copy of the forthcoming His Hero anthology for a lucky commenter to win! His Hero will be released on January 16 by Total-E-Bound.

Uniform Desires by Simone Anderson
Patience and training have provided him with the tools he’ll need to fight for what he wants.

Home on leave, Cade Donovan isn’t looking for a hook-up, let alone love. Certainly not while he is out with his brothers. When Cade steps in to even the odds in a fight outside a bar, he is instantly drawn to the man being ganged up on. Acting on instinct, the Marine Corps sniper is drawn to the smaller man like a moth to a flame, refusing to give up until the man is his.

Being the younger brother of the school bully has made Jason Carlson’s life hell. During yet another retaliatory fight, a man comes to Jason’s aid just when he thinks his life and his luck have gone from bad to worse. Warned to stay away from his home, Jason accepts the invitation of his rescuer and soon realises that his life has been forever altered. He can have everything he desires, if he’s willing trust Cade with his heart.

When the reality of loving a man in uniform sets in, Jason must find the strength within himself to believe and know that love is worth fighting for.

A Ring and A Promise by Devon Rhodes
Careers in military service are never easy on relationships – even less so when both lovers are in different branches…and both are men.

Naval Academy graduation now under their belts, Cary Barrientos knows the reality of the upcoming separation from his roommate of the past four years. Owen is more to him than just his best friend – he is the one person Cary can see spending his life with.

Owen Marsh knew that when he became Cary’s lover, the day would come when he would have to walk away. Now that day has come, and he’s having a hard time convincing himself that it’s just sex between them. Even with DADT repealed, there is no way a Marine and a Navy flier can be together. He’s just being realistic not expecting more.

When Cary switches their Academy rings, hoping Owen won’t notice, he makes a vow – he will do whatever he has to do, including believing enough for the both of them, to make their unlikely relationship stand the test of time. But when his Marine is called up for duty overseas, can a piece of jewellery and a promise be enough to get them through?

Only Sam by Em Woods
When a restaurant goes up in flames, will a spark of love rise from the ashes for a chef and his hero?

When chef Dylan Brookes finds his restaurant engulfed in flames, all he can do is watch his dreams turn to ashes. Shock, hurt and disbelief leave Dylan vulnerable to both the man who wants to love him…and the one who wants to kill him.

Fire fighter Sam Carter has been frequenting the same small restaurant for a year, trying to work up the nerve to ask the chef out on a date. When Dylan’s Omni burns to the ground from foul play, Sam steps in to help.

Now the question is…will his efforts be too late?

Reader Advisory: This book contains minor scenes of violence

Zane’s Inferno by Sara York
Zane’s Inferno – when burning, hot lust ignites into raging love.

After being trapped in a fire, Zane Wilson is shocked by the heat directed his way by Nick Dubois, the fire department’s top paramedic. Nick comes on to Zane, kissing him in the bunkroom and surprising the hell out of him. The next day, Nick shows up at Zane’s house and the fireworks really begin. The sex is rough and hot, not at all like anything Zane has had before.

Their relationship began because of a fire then almost ends because of one. When Zane is trapped in a forest fire and almost killed, Nick moves in and doesn’t leave his side. But a jealous ex is setting up Nick…and gunning for Zane. Will they survive they survive the firestorm created by their relationship, or succumb to the flames?

In the Name of the Law by Sue Holston
Baltimore police detective Mitch Dawson is in love with his partner, Ivan Stanislav, but will fate intervene before Mitch can reveal the truth?

Mitchell Dawson is a detective with the Baltimore Police Department’s Vice unit. He’s hard-working, dedicated…and carrying around one big secret – he’s in love with his very straight, engaged-to-be-married partner, Ivan Stanislav. Then Ivan’s fiancee dumps him and too much alcohol leads to Mitch and Ivan sleeping together. The next morning, Mitch figures their friendship and partnership is over, but surprisingly Ivan doesn’t bring up their encounter. On the outside, life continues on for the duo. However that night changed everything for Mitch.

When Ivan is shot and nearly dies, Mitch realizes he has a choice – keep quiet and eventually watch Ivan fall in love and marry someone else, or tell Ivan the truth and reveal he’s been in love with his partner for years, hoping the other man might feel the same. Will Mitch risk it all for love?

Wings of Fire by Kit Sands
Angelico is Jamie’s idea of a perfect man, but can he avoid the hateful actions of a deranged bigot long enough to have his dreams come true?

Jamieson Peele moves to Austin, Texas, on the heels of a failed long-term relationship. Starting over isn’t easy – even less so once Jamie becomes the target of a hate crime. When he finally finds the man of his dreams, Jamie is willing to risk it all for a chance at love with the big Italian.

Fire fighter Salvatore Angelico’s life will never be the same after he pulls Jamie from the burning wreckage of a car accident. Angelico must decide to tear down his defences and have faith in love again.

Together, they must face old demons and new dangers if they hope to fly on wings of fire.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, leave a comment stating that you are entering the contest. Contest closes 7 pm CST, Tuesday, January 17.
  • By entering the contest, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
  • If you haven’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesn’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only ritual dust bunny sacrifice will salvage your entry…
  • If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry – this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
  • Winners will be selected by random number.
  • You must leave a valid email address in the “Email” portion of the comment form.
  • Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from stumblingoverchaos.com!
  • If a winner doesn’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
  • If you win, please respect the author’s intellectual property and don’t make copies of the ebook for anyone else.
  • This contest is open worldwide!

“What is the meaning of life?” -Chaos

78 thoughts on “Ebook Giveaway: His Hero anthology [CONTEST CLOSED]”

  1. I would want to enter the contest.

    I live in the UAE and I can not access the web site for the Total E Bound website as it is (i don’t know why) blocked…..

  2. Please count me in. I have been following the blog tour that included all the authors for His Hero anthology. Got to read lot’s of hot excerpts 🙂

  3. Please enter me in this contest. I followed along the blog hop and all the stories sound magnificent!

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