Apparently, there can be no blobless pictures

I finished the not-so-red scarf this morning. I decided to take a few pre-blocking pictures and got out an old black velvet dress for a backdrop. Unfortunately, by the time I had the scarf laid out on the black velvet, I had company. (I intended to do a completely cat-free post today. Really, I did.)

“Hmm, what’s this on the living room floor?”
“Looks like sparkly red mouse’s larger, less red, less mousey relative.”
“Oh, very cushy.”
“You may proceed.”

The picture below is of the scarf after I soaked it in Orvus and water, scrunched it dry in a towel, and stretched it out on my blocking board. The blocking board is 48″ long and I had to curve the scarf to get it on there. Why is the image such a funny shape? Um, because until I was resizing the picture, I didn’t realize how messy my bedroom was… Whoops.

Here’s the scarf after blocking, back on the black velvet. It became amazingly drapey and the colors spiraled appealingly. I’m very happy with it! It’s just too bad the I could never get a good photo of the color, because it goes from scarlet to red to hot pink to fuschia to rusty orange to scarlet…

“Let me tell you what I think of this scarf. Back when I was a kitten…”

23 thoughts on “Apparently, there can be no blobless pictures”

  1. Nice new icon!

    The colours turned out nice in the scarf (even if they aren’t regular knitting fare, you mentioned) The pattern really enhanced the variegated reds and pinks!

    Black Chaos on black background! You could almost have gotten away with telling us we must be imagining seeing any cat whatsoever in those first few pics ;o) j/k

  2. I bow down before you, oh knitting queen – I admire anyone who actually goes to the extent of actually blocking something. The closest I’ve ever gotten to blocking is either laying a wet item out on a towel or (if I’m feeling really ambitious and I’m gifting the item onto some poor unsuspecting mother-to-be) ironing it a bit through a damp towel.

    Go ahead. Ask me what the heck I bought that lace-weight Schaeffer yarn for, if I’m so adverse to blocking. Or that pretty little ball of lace-weight Cherry Tree Hill that might end up… somewhere. Ahem.

    I like the colors, and I’m not adverse to the concept of stash as Decorative Furnishings. So there.

    Well, I think your scarf came out beautifully, it obviously was really worth it to go to the trouble. I think the lucky recipient will be thrilled!

    Not that I will be inspired to mend my wicked blockless ways, mind you…

  3. Didn’t Chaos tell you that your camera comes with a cat-tachment? (I know I can’t help it, bad jokes just issue forth)

    The scarf is really pretty and looks very cosy.

  4. I think cameras have a built in cat (and ferret) notifier to let them know when you’re going to take a picture. I really like that scarf! The colors worked well.

  5. Kudos for actually blocking the scarf. I finished a pretty red scarf over a month ago but never wear it because I’m too lazy to block it. The scarf looks lovely, and Chaos adds a little something extra. 🙂

  6. The scarf is gorgeous. I don’t think Chaos will ever let you get away without the ‘black blob’ appearing somewhere. I kinda think Chaos digs all this attention 😉

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