Chaotic exercise?!

Thank you all so much for your support! I conveyed your well wishes to my SIL last night and she thanks you all. Her doctor thinks that her leg is “just” deeply bruised and might take up to six weeks to get back to normal. Still, better than the alternatives! My SIL is already hoping we can go up to the cabin this coming weekend, although they won’t be stopping at that Dairy Queen again…

Last week, I moved my exercise bike away from the windows so the windows could be replaced. Chaos became very interested in the bike in its new location…

“Let me just check out the controls.”
“Very intuitive. But those pedals look awfully far away…”
“Hmm, I’m really not seeing how this pedal thing is going to work.”
“Maybe if I take a quick bath, I’ll figure something out.”
“Oh, to heck with it. I don’t want to overdevelop my thighs anyway.”

38 thoughts on “Chaotic exercise?!”

  1. Ooh, I get to be first! Thoughts and prayers to SIL from us. So glad it’s not broken. Don’t you just hate minivan drivers? (Just kidding, I am one.) Tell Chaos it is most undignified to exercise in any fashion. Keep those pictures coming!

  2. 1) I’m just getting caught up after the 4th (eek!)

    2) I just read about your SIL. We have a word around these parts for people like the van driver – jackass. I hope she continues to heal well. 🙁

    3) The last bib may be my favorite!

    4) As usual, Chaos is a charmer.

  3. How did the windows go?

    Poor SIL… I suppose it’s good there wasn’t a break, but torn muscles & tendons are actually more painful over the long run, so I have a lot of sympathy for her plight. I will send her as much good healing energy as I can muster!

    Do you have AC? Does this upcoming weather suck, or what? Gah!!!

  4. LOL! It’s good see that Chaos is thinking about his figure. 🙂 Glad to hear that your SIL’s leg doesn’t have any other damage. I think I would stay clear of that Dairy Queen too.

  5. Geez, hope the SIL’s leg heals quickly. Yes, I am a minivan driver, but I know you really have to look carefully in all directions before backing up because the thing drives like a tank. Glad the leg isn’t broken, but man, it must still hurt like heck.

    Cute Chaos picts as usual!

  6. Deeply bruised… Ha! More like bruised all the friggin’ way through, the poor thing! Thank god nothing’s broken! We just don’t heal like we used to…

    I want to know how you catch Chaos NOT sleeping. I swear my cats don’t do anything cute while I’m around unless they’re sleeping in particularly cute positions. Even now, as I’m playing hooky, the three of them are passed out on the bed.

  7. Guys don’t have fat thighs problems. Chaos probably wants an exercise machine to help him with his abs and or biceps.

    Lots of healing thoughts for your SIL. I keep thinking that there would be some trauma over the fact that she may have seen this person back into her – nighmarish!

  8. Come on Chaos – let’s see some stretching reps between the seat and the handlebars at least!

    Six weeks – ouch! 🙁

  9. Ha! I used to get the biggest kick out of my kitty boys on the treadmill! (they would sniff around while it was off, of course!) 🙂

  10. Cats are so funny, I’m glad your SIL isn’t broken, well her leg that is. Hopefully that means a quicker healing time for her.

    I received the blanket today, thank you so much. Now I just have to keep my promise to Chaos that a cute black kitty will get it!

  11. Glad its good news for the SIL. Having had a really bad bone bruise (from a fall on a jetty) she shouldn’t be surprised if it takes longer than 6 weeks to get back to normal.

    Do you have a tread mill that Chaos could try? You could run it real slow and have a cat toy attached on the tread somewhere. That way he could practice the stalk and POUNCE move.

  12. Harley spends more time on my exercise bike than I do, although I’ve never seen her examine it the way Chaos is — she just crouches on the seat!

    And your poor SIL – I just keep thinking how scary it would be to see a minivan backing up at you!

  13. Sorry to hear about your SIL, I hope she is feeling better. People are sometimes so careless and in such a hurry,I’m glad she’s ok. I am LOL at Chaos I can just see him going head first of that bike thro your new windows if he can figure out how to turn it on.

  14. You know he’s thinking that if you would just jump from counter to windowsill to sofa, etc without ever touching the floor like he does, you wouldn’t need this silly thing! He’s also checking out the safety of this contraption as that is his job as head cat in charge of all the universe. I’d love to spend a day in his head just to figure out what he’s got going on in that brain of his.

  15. Yeah, they’re all into the exploring and sniffing things out…but the doing? Not so much. Atticus would just look at it as something else to lean his head against. Mae? Couldn’t care less, after all you can’t sleep on it?!

  16. I have missed you and the daily dose of Chaos photos! I hope all is well with your SIL and that you are enjoying your summer in the Minneapple!

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