Tag Archives: Josep Cambras

Linkity wonders why there’s always one out-of-control linkity category



Think, Learn, Do, Make


Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Make Your Own Ideabook with Arne & Carlos: Create Handmade Art Journals and Bound Keepsakes to Store Inspiration and Memories by Arne Nerjordet & Carlos Zachrison. If you’re looking for a completely different take on art journals… Arne and Carlos make their own journals (involving a sewing machine) and collage pretty much everything into them.
The Complete Book of Bookbinding by Josep Cambras. Good indepth information on binding and repairing books, with an emphasis on using leather. Very traditional book structures.
Spell Blind (Justis Fearsson #1) by David B Coe. Good urban fantasy about a former cop turned PI whose magical abilities come with a price – a price that cost him his job as a cop.

“feedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedme” -Chaos

Chaos gets a little wild-eyed in the hour(s) before his dinner…